
The adventures of Sophia de Leiden

Young Sophia de Leiden, crown princess to the empire of Leiden Shaft-field, known simply as "Leiden empire" or "Leiden" sets out with two of her cousins; Judith and Mathilda on the journey to university student life, acting as commoners while hiding their identity. What kind of adventures awaits them? What kind of mysteries and riddles awaits our little Sophia to solve?

little_petal_xo · História
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36 Chs

Chapter 18- Ghost ship finale

"We have to do as the headless ghost of Maylene de Champagne says and exorcise the evil spirit." Said Sophia all determined. The others agreed in unison and scattered to look for the hieroglyphs. Luckily they were always carrying some paper and a pencil with them so they could write down what they found.

After an hour or so they gathered back in the room they had found the diary to put the pieces of the puzzle together. They sat down on the floor forming a round. "Okay who will start? Let's go in an anticlockwise order, so we start with Melody." Said Helio. Melody nodded and gulped, then began to read what she had deciphered.

"Once immovable, struck the forehead of the spirit with a silver dagger and keep reciting the chant until the flames of the candle turns crimson red and eats the spirit whole. the fire will then light out, and the curse will dispel, the spirit will either be destroyed or will be sealed in the wick of the candle, thus to seal it permanently in its own dimension, it is safer to throw that candle out in the reddish pink seas before the curse is lifted and the dimension crumbles, so enter her dimension before starting the conjure, before the dimension crumbles, go back on your ship, Uconnect it from the raft or ship you connected it to and bomb the raft or ship. Good luck! " read Melody.

"Draw a round pentagram with the emblem that represent Plough Kingdom's nation upside-down inside, place seven lit candles, one in the middle. two west in parallel, two east in parallel with each other, one north, one south." read Kristina.

"One person is not enough to hold down the spirit, the conjure will back fire, it is best to have six person sitting behind each candle." read Yusha.

"The blood of a phoenix is needed, the one usually crowned prince or crowned princess of the Empire of Leiden...they usually have the mark of a phoenix, being born with a lotus petal in their mouths, they are chosen to lead the Empire by the auspicious divinity of God the Almighty. So they have the blood of the ancient Phoenix. A drop of their blood is needed, drop it north the pentagram circle before lighting the candles, it will spread throughout the whole pentagram, turning the white sand a crimson red." read Helio.

"To draw the pentagram white sand is needed." read Sophia.

"Light the candles simultaneously at the same time, after the candles are lit, the pentagram will turn golden in colour and gold dust will rise in the air, the spirit will be attracted to the aura, recite the chant "Purify that which is evil, if it canny be purified, destroy it before it destroys humanity or brings chaos to the order of the world" that will bring the evil spirit in the middle of the pentagram where the candle is, keep reciting the chant until the spirit cannot move." read Rhydian aka Sebastian.

"I see, so if we them all in the proper order, Melody write it down and read it aloud." Ordered Rhydian. Melody nodded and quickly scribbled down everything in order.

"Draw a round pentagram with the emblem that represent Plough Kingdom's nation upside-down inside, place seven lit candles, one in the middle. two west in parallel, two east in parallel with each other, one north, one south. To draw the pentagram white sand is needed. One person is not enough to hold down the spirit, the conjure will back fire, it is best to have six person sitting behind each candle. The blood of a phoenix is needed, the one usually crowned prince or crowned princess of the Empire of Leiden...they usually have the mark of a phoenix, being born with a lotus petal in their mouths, they are chosen to lead the Empire by the auspicious divinity of God the Almighty. So they have the blood of the ancient Phoenix. A drop of their blood is needed, drop it north the pentagram circle before lighting the candles, it will spread throughout the whole pentagram, turning the white sand a crimson red. Light the candles simultaneously at the same time, after the candles are lit, the pentagram will turn golden in colour and gold dust will rise in the air, the spirit will be attracted to the aura, recite the chant "Purify that which is evil, if it canny be purified, destroy it before it destroys humanity or brings chaos to the order of the world" that will bring the evil spirit in the middle of the pentagram where the candle is, keep reciting the chant until the spirit cannot move. Once immovable, struck the forehead of the spirit with a silver dagger and keep reciting the chant until the flames of the candle turns crimson red and eats the spirit whole. the fire will then light out, and the curse will dispel, the spirit will either be destroyed or will be sealed in the wick of the candle, thus to seal it permanently in its own dimension, it is safer to throw that candle out in the reddish pink seas before the curse is lifted and the dimension crumbles, so enter her dimension before starting the conjure, before the dimension crumbles, go back on your ship, Uconnect it from the raft or ship you connected it to and bomb the raft or ship. Good luck!"

"So we have to enter that dimension... Our ship is tied to this ghost ship as well... White sand... Okay we will break the hour glass, use its sand to draw the pentagram, Melody and Kristina help me do that, Yusha find me seven candles and matches from our ship, be careful. Helio, get the crossbow from our ship and kill the headless ghost with the eyes closed. Rhydian will be the one to stab Melody's silver dagger in the spirit's forehead, accompany Helio in finishing off the headless ghost." ordered Sophia and so they did.

The girls drew the pentagram, Yusha brought the candles and matches, Helio killed the headless ghost, that sent the evil spirit in a fit of anger so she called her dimension earlier. Sophia was in north position of the pentagram and used the silver dagger to make a cut on the palm of her left hand and let a drop of blood reach the pentagram. The whole thing turned crimson red as mentioned and they all quickly lit all candles at the same time, the one in the middle was lit as well due to the phoenix's blood. Gold dust started to rise, the pentagram lit a bright golden colour, they kept reciting the exorcism chant and the evil girl spirit on a white tiger appeared in the middle. "You fools, even if I disappear, that will not change the fact that that pale skinned, crimson eyed vampire like prince of plough kingdom had butchered us farmer's kids for no reason and dumped us deep within this sea route! Oh phoenix of Leiden, I wanted to protect lady Maylene de Champagne, a very sweet lady she was, please avenge us children who died unfairly, that is my sole wish, despite wanting to feed on souls and negative human emotions..." said the girl with tears in her eyes as a white light emerged and she had turned into a pretty lady in a white hanfu. Both her and the tiger bowed to them, thanked them and the dimension curse vanished.

The girl gave Sophia a small beautiful jewelry box made of dark wood, it was well crafted with designs of acorns and leaves and vines, and inside it was a jade bracelet. "This belonged to my mother, my grandmother always told me my mother was a princess who eloped from Plough Kingdom to Leiden Empire for the sake of her love who was only a farmer. The Emperor of Leiden protected and supported my family, this jade bracelet is the only thing of value she had with her, given to her by her mother who was a concubine but was murdered by the jealous queen of Plough kingdom. And I would like you crown princess of Leiden to keep it safe, please and thank you for purifying my soul, farewell The phoenix's blood is purifying indeed, but it seems that it is the purity and innocence of your heart and soul that has this purifying abilities." with that said the girl's spirit vanished, the tiger bowed its head as if to thank them and vanished as well.

"Wow... what a story... well I did hear from my father that they acquired and conquered the land of Plough Kingdom soon to stop the cycle and culture of psychopathy rulers that started with King Eros Xuanji of Plough kingdom and his son whatever his name was. So the current king is originally from the Western Empire; King Matvey di Volshe and his queen was a farmer's daughter of Plough kingdom, her maiden name was if I remember correctly Long Xiao Wei, she was a talented and gifted girl, a very cunning one, pure at heart, kind, humble and of more noble character than any other noble families' daughters, Matvey fell in love, well even Matvey was only a royal Knight from a farmers' family. Now the queen is known as Queen Xiao Wei di Volshe. Well that was a story my father told me when I was six or so and knight Matvey was my older brother's right hand man and knight." said Rhydian.

"Milord, what a complicated yet beautiful story, well never in my life did I imagine that we would exorcise or purify an evil spirit and its curse, I am tired, let us go back to our ship." Said Sophia while heading back. Later that night Melody had recorded their little adventure in her journal. They were to land by Plough Kingdom to refill their supplies for the journey soon so she was excited about it to draw a navigation map of the land. Melody was skilled and talented in drawing maps of lands since she was little, so her father took her on all his expeditions and hid her talent from the world, and now she is about to let her mates know what she is really capable of.