
a danger is lurking

I always dreamed of being a beautiful princess living a lush life in a palace with the love of my life. That could have happened until my cursed mother practically sold me off to a man I didn't know. The wedding would have been perfect if I had loved him so when the soldiers came to my door and told me the 'sad' news I worked up some tears closed the door and squealed in excitement. I thought life would be great now no gross husband I was free.

I sat sipping my lemon tea from the porcelain cup, the warm steam hit my face and calmed my sore throat, i had been feeling sick recently, a bug was going around town hitting every corner and making everyone sick. They called it the bugs reaction. It hit every year with the new moon people would get sick because of the sort of rebirth the world experienced during the new moon.

I hear my son's cries from the crib that stood in my huge room. I stood putting my tea on the window seal. My son was only 4 months old and was the only thing I got out of that abusive marriage. My beautiful boy Basil in greek meant prince and I loved the plant too. I picked him up in my arms. He squealed but soon his breathing slowed as I rocked him back and forth cooing at him. Louis (one of the maids) rushed in

"your majesty" she yelled out of breath giving a quick bow

"Please it's charlotte" I rolled my eyes at being called majesty.

"Sorry your majesty but the guards said you must go with them at once-" she was cut off by loud footsteps

"What was that Louis," I asked her holding my baby tight

"The king he wasn't killed in war we-we think he was assassinated" a man spoke from the door he was a guard, I had talked with him before he was very kind and helped me find the library in the begging of my living here.

"You must come with us queen," he said. I was shocked.

"Uh ok" I grabbed basils blanket and wrapped him up holding him against me the man put out his arms to hold the baby for me I shook my head "ill hold him" he nodded and lead me through the long hallways and down the long stairs. We made it to a car and he quickly got me in the man drove quickly through the town. Bang

Our car spun in circles and crashed into a tree I yelped holding my baby tight against my chest. I opened my eyes to see the man on the steering wheel bleeding. I looked down at basil who was now crying again his bright blue eyes watery and big.i sat for a moment until i heard someone yell.

"Get her" the thundering footsteps, i placed my hand on the mans bleeding body scooping the thick blood from his head and covering me and my baby in it. I pulled basil hard against my chest so they couldnt hear his cries. I then layed back and held my breath.

"Shes in the back" someone opened the door and i felt the cool air hit my skin. I kept my eyes closed and kept holding my breath.

Please dont check my pulse, please dont check my pulse

"Is she dead" another voice asked. A hand crept up to my neck but to the wrong side i smiled inside knowing he wouldnt feel my pulse there.

"Nope shes definitely dead"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course im sure prat"

They were like children fighting. "Fine lets go tell the boss we did it then"

"Hey maybe we'll get a day off"

"All i need is a fag (cigarette) and ill be happy" the men laughed walking away. The footsteps disappeared and i opened my eyes waiting a moment before i got out of the car.

We were in the middle of nowhere and I had no idea where to go, so I went into the woods hoping I wouldn't run into any wolves or bears. I walked quietly through the woods holding Basil tightly. The night got darker causing me to shiver and hold Basil closer. Snow fell slowly lightly dropping on me and my baby, I cursed hoping Basil wouldn't get sick.

Leaves broke under my shoes or so I thought when I peered down at my feet I saw I there were no leaves under my feet I stopped dead in my tracks quickly spinning around searching for what was crunching leaves. Suddenly a tall boy peered from behind a tree I screamed freezing in fear.

"No no I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" the boy's voice was worried and he seemed to be only 19 or 20 around my age.

"Is that your baby?" he asked pointing to my baby as he stepped closer to me.

"Why…?" I asked nervously he was one of the people trying to kill me.

"Well its freezing i want to make sure your baby doesnt die plus you and him b oth are covered in blood" he seemed concerned.

"Its a long stry but its ok we are both ok" he nodded.

"Would you like to come to have dinner with my family or something, my mom is a great cook" he offered.

"Thats very sweet of you" i smiled, i hoped my son would grow to be like him. "I would love to as logn as i dont inconvenience you and your family" he smiled

"No we could use some new faces"