
The Adventures of Alaric

Alaric grew up in an orphanage in the city of Meridonial, as he grew up he was hailed as a genius in magecraft. Watch his adventures to discovering who he is and how far he can go.

WickedQueen2 · Fantasia
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2 Chs


Alaric never knew his parents, his earliest memories were of the orphanage. The Hearth was his home and the caretaker Ilia was who he considered his mother.

It was when he was four that his element or elements were figured out. He had a pretty good combination of fire and earth. In the future if he tried hard he could combine the two and make an even stronger element like metal or magma.

Knowing his attributes encouraged him to learn what they meant even if he wasn't prompted by Ilia. So he quickly learned that having the earth attribute basically made his body more mouldable. If he wanted he could mold his body like making his fingers flat or sharp or attaching pieces of metal and earth attributed item directly to himself.

Learning about the functions of being malleable led him down a path that few took to his immense confusion. He was able to absorb different kinds of metals and earth, like clay or diamond even and use them to enrich his body and to a degree purify it.

Over time though he got bored of all of this learning and went back to playing with his friends in the orphanage, Jon and Alicia. Jon had earth and water as his attributes while Alicia's were fire and air. Alaric spent time when they weren't playing telling them about some of the books he had read seeing as they both had attributes in common with him.


A couple years later and the three of them, now twelve, had begun to embody their attributes to some degree or another. Alaric and Jon where built with muscle, though Alaric had a lean build while Jon was plain massive and Alicia was tan with fiery blue eyes.

Alaric also glittered in the sun on occasion where he had begun to add metal into his body. Jon on the other hand had begun to add parts of trees and other plants. Alicia had taken to swallowing fires and different kinds of gasses.


Ilia was young when she took over as the main caretaker for the orphanage only twenty three. She had plans to become a powerful mage in the future but when she thought about the children she easily made her decision.

Then Alaric appeared and it was like all of her motherly instincts hit her full force. Before the week was out she had started calling him her son on accident while gushing about how cute he is to the other caretakers. It was easy for everyone to decide which wing of the Hearth he would be kept in after that.

But even though she was busy she didn't stop her dream of becoming a powerful mage. In fact she was more determined than before, she had a son to protect after all.

I hope you have enjoyed the chapter thanks for reading!!!

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