

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
122 Chs


"We are not the bandits." Avyanna shouted to the yelling crowd who paid heed to her words.

"Now can I kill them?" Levi said indifferently , shifting backwards to avoid the hands of a groping old lady.

"Of course we can't. They're ordinary , innocent people." Conrad replied in dismay.

"I didn't ask you Con rat " He snarled.

"My name is Conrad, you arrogant piece of shit." The human growled as they stared at each other and lightning sparked.

An individual stood in the dark corner of a dilapidated building watching the entire proceedings with great interest but even stronger silence.

"We just need the villagers to see reason..." Percival told Avyanna as he backed away.

"If that's even possible. They won't listen." Kyra retorted.

Avyanna suddenly had an idea. "If they don't listen , we'll make them listen."



"Wind Gale : Breakthrough!"

A strong wind came up and blew through the villagers as they tumbled on their feet, driving them backwards. On seeing this display of powers , the man tipped his hat and walked away while One boy looked up in dread and pointed his little finger at Avyanna.

"A witch! She's a Witch!"

The entire crowd began scouring to different places some jumping back into their homes , some shutting the shutters of their shops while the rest dived into the bushes for safety.

"Come back! " Avyanna called out. "I'm not a witch... Well Kind of ...But they are Mages now."

"Why should we trust you and your demons?" A dowdy old lady with a face attacked with freckles and pimples said in a shrill voice.

"Excuse me.." Kyra said saucily. "I am nobody's demon."

"If we really were the bad guys, don't you think we would have levelled this entire place by now." Percival spoke , his cross swinging from his neck.

"It is true." Every person muttered in agreement.

"We will help you find the real bandits." Avyanna declared. "Take us on our word."

"We won't trust the word of a witch!" Went the uproar again. "We need a guarantee."

"For the last time , I am not a witch." She sighed. "What sort of guarantee should we give?"

"One of you should stay behind so the others must have to come back." Said a man in his possible late 60s.

She faced her gang. "So who wants to stay behind?"

"I can not stay with a band of crazy people. No way." Conrad turned his back.

"Me neither." Kyra huffed.

"Me threether." Percival nodded.

"It's for a good cause.' She faced Levi. "Do it from your heart."

He laughed but turned stern again. "No."

"Then you guys leave me no choice." Eva held the die. "Everybody rolls."







"Damn it." Obi swore and he stretched out his hands. "Take me away."

"My advice : Don't eat the prison chow but then again that's what rats like." Levi scorned.

"Why you.....! " He shouted as the villagers took him to the lock up.

"And that is my story." Conrad sighed as he ended his take to the harmonica playing hobo. "You've been a very great listener.'

"Huh...What did you say?" He said rather loudly showing his yellow teeth that had holes in them.

"Oh God, Let someone get me out of here." Conrad bowed his head in depression.

Prison life sucked.


From the very little they had obtained from the villagers, they had learned that a place existed that might possibly be where the supposed other bandits might reside temporarily , before moving on to bigger cities to sell their loot.

It was termed the Forest of Outlaws by the people as it was rumored that many thieves had resided there , living in the caves and secret pathways and if lucky robbed more unsuspecting victims who were unwary to pass through their route.But in order for them to be trusted by the villagers, they had had to leave one man behind as surety that they would return.and Conrad nobly sacrificed himself for the cause .

"No I didn't." Obi complained. "You guys dropped me like a hot potato."

"Don't worry, it's for a good cause." John patted his shoulder.

"Roll for Bait." Eva declared.





While Percival prepared himself to be the bait , the others decided to conceal themselves at vantage points so that they would have a clear view of the whole thing.

"Roll for Initiative."




Kyra and Levi hung in the thick , lustrous trees as a good hiding spot while they watched the proceedings on the ground below. Avyanna crouched in the undergrowth to get a better view.

Percival headed out into the open road and began speaking loudly "My, this bag of pure gold bars is pretty heavy, I hope no one steal them off me!" He said, heaving a big sack bag over his shoulder and walked through the eerie forest.

"Make it more believable!!!" Avyanna whispered loudly to Percival who then made a face.

"This is as believable as it can get! I am not a very good Liar." Percival retorted.

"Like we didn't know that before." Levi yawned.

The Paladin resumed his overly dramaticness . "Free bag of gold ready to be stolen. Get your free bag of gold from an innocent , unsuspecting merchant that is definitely not a ploy to capture you."

Avyanna sighed as she placed her hand on her face. "Any more of this and the bandits will obviously know that it's a trap."

"Do you think that anyone will believe this?" Kyra said to the Levi who was hiked on above her in a thick branch. "Even a bird brain would know something's up."

"Don't conclude just yet ..." Levi said he continued watching.

"Well I'll be damned." Kyra smiled as she looked down below. "They took the bait."

On the ground , Percival was cornered by a masked individual. He held his weapon in his hands as he ordered Percival to surrender to him

"Your money or your life?" One asked pointing a gun at him.

"I'd go with Neither."

"Are you messing with me?" The voice came again , one that Percival could recognize as a male's. He pointed the barrel of the gun to his head and clicked the trigger. "I'm gonna ask you one more time smart ass. Your gold or your life?"



An arrow flew through the air and lodged itself in the angry Bandit's thigh as he shouted in pain. Percival unsheathed his Dragon Scale Blade and pointed it at him. Stretching out his hand , he took off his mask and his face was revealed.

"You're coming with me."

The man grinned. "Or am I?"

He took out a smoke bomb from his inner sleeves and threw it on the ground. Percival coughed as He tried to wave away the choking smell. By the time it cleared , the bandit was gone.