
The Adventure of Fenrisúlfr

A mad mix of Wizards, Witchers, Werewolves, Vampires, Fairies Teen Wolf/ twilight/true blood/ the originals/ wizarding world of Harry potter I do not own any of the series/movies mentioned in this fanfic only my OC's Just pulled the image off Pinterest it's not mine, props to the artist if I'm not allowed to use it I'll take it down please give me some criticism I know my grammar is probably shocking I've just recently downloaded Grammarly so ill be using that from now on, hopefully, it makes reading easier for you guys.

Elzik · TV
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Meeting with death

Dying isn't fun I tell you! At first, I thought I'd be like Dr strange with astral projection but then boom, I'm in an office with death sat at a desk. Not what I was expecting to be honest.

"So your the next one, since you liked reincarnation stories so much that's where you'll go," said death. He wore a pitch-black suit with a black shirt, I was expecting robes and a scythe.

"Ugh, what do you mean that's where I'll go? Where will I go back to earth? Not heaven or hell?" I actually can't remember my name or what I looked like if I had a family, how I even died I just knew I did. all I could remember was I liked supernatural stories and that I was kind of a geek.

"No not for you those that believe in a certain religion go to that afterlife, heaven for good Christians hell for sinners that believe in it, even Valhalla if you're into the old Norse ways, they're all out there in the beyond" he replied with a smirk,

"But I believe in all the old gods just that their pantheons had different areas they ruled over so why reincarnation?" I asked it was perplexing.

"Exactly which do I send you to? The underworld? Helheim? Valhalla? So I chose none! You can choose the world you want to got to even mix and match a few but not too ridiculous and I'll throw in 5 wishes, all the other deities will have something to entertain them for a while" his reply started of annoyed but mellowed out towards the end.

It was like a lightning bolt had hit me. I'd actually remembered starting to write fanfics about this kind of situation and I already knew what I wanted and where I wanted to go.

"Ermm Mr death sir is there any restrictions on my wishes?" I asked hoping there wouldn't be because what I wanted was going to be one hell of an adventure!

"No, because you believed in multiple pantheons of deities they'll all contribute a little bit of their power to help you along. Not many people actually believe in beings such as Gaia and the older gods any more" he replied with a smile

I was ecstatic! I knew I would continue to believe in these deities after my rebirth.

"Okay I want to be reborn in a mixture of twilight, the originals, teen wolf, true blood, and the wizarding world but can you make it so that the werewolves are from teen wolf and vampires are like twilights just don't sparkle in the sun? And that the wizarding world is in the Pangaea dimension kind of like an overlapped world and accepts supernatural beings? Also, add in the Witcher schools as Hunter families and the magic core from them fanfics I liked" I asked hopefully it works because I want to be a badass werewolf wizard!

"Interesting! indeed it shall be done and your wishes? Don't take too long thinking about them the waiting rooms starting to fill up" death replied sounding intrigued.

"I already have them sir but do I get to choose my appearance?" I asked I can't remember what I looked like in my past life and my soul doesn't look like a person either I'm like a ball of mild electricity at the moment, If I had to put it into understandable words for most people a human is like a computer the body's the hardware the brain, the software and the souls the electric that runs the system.

"Yes that's fine but hurry up I've got 3 million souls waiting" he replied a bit annoyed

"Great okay so my 1st wish is that I want to be an immortal true alpha werewolf that stops ageing at 25 with Gaia's blessing attuned to nature with full control of my partial and full shift into a wolf

My 2nd wish is I want an adaptable mind with a mind palace, eidetic memory, concurrent thinking with an improved body constitution

My 3rd wish is to have the knowledge to magically and scientifically create tru blood of all human and supernatural beings like fae and a b and o type blood

My 4th wish is I want to be a wizard

And finally, my fifth wish is that I want to have a great comprehension of mundane and magic. Are there any problems with these wishes?"

I asked hoping that it wouldn't be because I have no idea what else to wish for.

"Hmm no they're quite alright but why ask for your 3rd wish if your not a vampire? and Gaia is quite pleased with your choice of her blessing but I expected an almighty system now I've lost that bet with mimir" he said quietly towards the end but I still picked it up

"Of course I'd choose Gaia! She's perfect for a wolf as they don't kill for sport and actually help the ecosystem they're a perfect match if I was going to be a vampire I'd have asked for Nyx's blessing seen as they prowl at night and why would I want a system? They're dumb, defining strength and intelligence with numbers or ranks is stupid it makes everything to easy.

Life's about struggling and overcoming different situations how else am I supposed to grow as a person? If everything is just in a floating box and skills? And the 3rd wish is just so I can make money and save the fae and integrate vampires in the wizarding world without loads of people ending up dead but anyway I'd like to ask a few questions before I go if that's alright?" I started to like it wasn't even worth thinking about but ended nervously

"Hahaha yeah your right and Nyx agrees but not many people make smart choices in this situation the guy last year asked for a system and to be a werewolf hahaha! ahem!" after he stopped laughing he looked at me with a toothy smile and said "Okay you get 3 but hurry up its been a week already" he sounded impressed and I calmed down a bit

"Ermm okay is Kratos the god of war? Or is it Ares? And how did I die? And the last isn't really a question more of a request can you please tell the gods I believed in that I am thankful for their help and that I would love to meet them all one day" I asked rapidly I'd wanted to know these things since I got here and found out all this stuff about all gods being real and my death just escaped me I had no idea at all was its truck-Kun? Was I killed?

Breaking me out of my thoughts death chuckled "Ares is still the Greeks god of war but Kratos is still a god just not of the Greeks he broke out of that pantheon letting them be reborn after some time gods can't die we just get weaker with fewer believers and for your death, you were under a sign that was hit by lightning and it crushed your skull, not the most pleasant but it was quick and painless"

"Ah okay so that's how and thanks I kinda liked the story of Kratos but I hope he finds peace he had a difficult life if what is told is true anyway thank you all for everything I'm eternally grateful I'll always be your believer and hopefully I'll add more believers in my next life. I'm ready to go now and can you just make me look a mix of Eric Northman and Bjorn Ironside please" I asked I guess they're quite handsome but not like some of the novels I was reading in the past people always wanted the best looks. I just don't get it yeah the attention can be good but it's just not me I'd rather just be appreciated for who I am rather then a model looks.

"That is quite simple I hope you have a great adventure in Pangaea I might send some other souls to the world you've created in the future if I do you will know instinctively it is of your design," he said as he snapped his fingers.

As I started to fade into darkness.

edited the second wish so the wording fits for you guys complaining

Elzikcreators' thoughts