
Multiversal plagiarism is not wrong is it?

As we passed through the shopping area I noticed that they don't use regular money.

Instead they use shiny stones.

Which for those who know them, they call mana stones.

The best way to exchange goods between dimensions is by doing something our ancestors already did.


Barter is the exchange of goods for other goods.

These can be food or swords.

But in trade here you can exchange mana stones or other materials that the merchant needs.

There is no point in exchanging money for money if the money in your dimension cannot be used in the other dimension.

So instead of exchanging paper they exchange mana stones.

They alone are needed for a lot of inventions.

The fuel for these inventions is the mana stone.

One example is the golem.

The golem is a monstrous looking creature that hangs around the city.

It is always accompanied by golens much smaller than it, but about the height of a human of 1.6 meters.

These small golens have very fine fingers, which are used for assassination, and they are also very fast.

They prowl the areas to stop crime.

The big golem I don't know its function exactly but it should be used to eliminate large creatures.

But the important thing for what I am explaining is that all of them have an area where they are always glowing blue.

This blue is characteristic of the mana stone.

And that because of my mastery with magic I can clearly sense a greater amount of mana in those places.

The mana stones serve the purpose of energy in the magical society.

Which is also the same as how oil serves as energy in the human society, even here in the trade district you can find inventions that use mana stones.

Like the flying lamps that are present now that it is near the end of the afternoon.

Taking advantage that we are in the commercial zone of the city and that I have been showing that I am

a genius child to ask Father for some mana stones to buy things around town.

He delivered some stones but said he would follow me because there are many dangerous things for those who do not know how to handle (me).

I took the stones, said thank you to him and saw if my innate ability can do something with the stones.

But of course I did it in small scales so that they don't notice me.

I use my ability to absorb vitality and see that there is simply no change in the mana.

They didn't move.

It was behaving exactly as before, there was no change.

It was completely normal.

That was disappointing.

But it was still in my expectations.

I ignored this and looked for something interesting to buy.

In the shopping area you can find everything.

From flaming swords to people buying them.

It is simply too stupid to think that you can use a flaming sword in battle that will only create heat for the user and limit your area of vision.

I feel sorry for the fool who buys that for battle.

But that sword can be used as a nice decoration for a castle.

I don't know where it can be placed in a castle but I know it can, it just takes some creativity.

If this were given to a normal civilian it would become that person's most precious treasure.

But apparently the mages don't see any use for trading with civilians.

I think they only use them as guinea pigs in their experiments or lackeys.

Little do they know the potential for destruction that humanity as a whole has.

I will use the advantage that no one knows about this and already plant my roots deep inside countries, kingdoms, organizations, companies and everything that gives me political and military power.

Economic power I already have.

But it is always good to have extra money.

Perhaps with this my journey through the scp universe will be even easier.

To dominate the world through shadows, to be the secret emperor.

To be the one who can turn the tables in a chess match without the opponent having the power to question and only being able to accept the fact that I turned the tables.

I will make a secret organization like the illuminati or marchall carter & Dark ltda

I have 1 century to do all this and I know I will enjoy doing what I will do.

Because after all who doesn't like to be on top.

I don't know yet if marchall carter & Dark exists here.

But if there is, I will make it a point to eliminate them.

I don't like to have two groups playing the same game.

Now an important question is what name I should choose for my organization.

I have a doubt between Kingdom and Golden Kingdom

I chose the names according to a business conglomerate present in the valorant world.

I would like it to have more lore about valorant.

I chose this name because of how they supposedly dominated the world of valorant by making a monopoly and also because the name Kingdom is very beautiful.

So my organization that will be everywhere monopolizing everything in the shadows will be like the Kingdom.

Imperceptible to everyone but making tsunamis all over the world.

I think I will go for Golden Kingdom because the multiverse or omniverse is too big and I am thinking that if I ever travel to the world of valorant I will find Kingdom.

That would be embarrassing for me, I wouldn't know how to handle it....