
The addiction of Pokémon Fortification (

Welcome to a bit differently Pokémon world! Where fully evolved pokémon are rare and far in the wild, human settlements are located in the weak pokémon area, pokeballs and the league are a new feature (less than 100y) and the mankind can use basic and weak fight moves, rest and rarely psychic and the legendary aura to survive in the cities villages and clans. A history about a weak member of the Voir family in the Silver Citadel in Kanto region who can't use psychic properly, having a near death experience learning hidden power move and getting his memory assimilated with a human soul of Earth, leading him the heights of the pokémon master path!.

Tarantula_Paragon · Videojogos
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2 Chs

Silver Citadel the home of psychics! (Updated)

There I was probably entering the beautiful silver citadel for the last time, watching the miners enter and leave with their sand diggers and some excavations through the west gate, guarded by members of the Silvers clan with their rare and powerful Kadabra and hypnotic psychics in the lower class 3 with their valuable magical silver instruments (Pendulum (Pendulum of hypnosis guided by line) and psychic spoon), which are the citadel's specialty, famous for increasing the psychic power of pokemon more than normal silver and the reason for the clan create it first.

Walking unimpeded as an honorary member of the clan because my mother is from the Voir family and my father from another region that no one knows, the fact is that the two died in a psychic accident, trying to increase their power by consuming my psychic talent when I was about to be born, but I ended up being "saved" by my uncle just long enough to stay alive, which is why I can't use the same power properly, even though I have a normal amount for an ordinary psychic my age.

I passed through the steel gates and carved stones entering the walls made from the remains of excavations in the city's mines.

Walking almost a mile down one of the four main avenues of the citadel until you reach a new-looking stone mansion with a small plot of land, which had a small lake with small Magikarp's eating plants and fruits that fell from the surrounding trees. I walked down the stone path on the lawn where small grass pokemon passed, which caught my attention playing with each other or taking care of the plants, in the case of the older ones, I entered the two-story mansion and called two of the servants and asked one to send me lunch and prepare dinner for the trip, to which he replied yes, and left it to the kitchen while the other asked me to inform my uncle so that I will speak to him when I can.

I went to my room, took a shower, got dressed, and threw myself on the bed to think about what I planned to do during the night, eventually falling asleep at some point seeing my wish come true before turning into a nightmare that I can't remember but seeing my reflection distort into a mixture of psychic pokemon whose power I longed for.

When lunch arrived, I got up, picked it up, and ate while reading for the probable thousandth time my grandmother's diary, whose father was a Gardevoir (yes there are male X_x gardevoirs) that became our family name. I looked for useful knowledge, but not what I needed at the moment, after reading it through. The book of a few thousand words, I recited them in my mind while using the little psychic power I have to establish a connection with the paper after a few moments, a pokemon crystal came out of the paper like magic and fell into my hands, one memory crystal that I knew to contain what I needed from the memories of how to use the hidden power, the item was the precursor of the new TMs that could only be made by powerful psychic pokemons it would only serve if a direct member was born and that does not have psychic power which in theory would wake him up, which was not my case. Yes, I intended to use it knowing that I could die if I awoke some element that was not psychic, which would not be uncommon with 17 others, of which it would make it impossible to use psychic power by becoming an "ordinary" person besides being psychic. The greatest affinity with a single type that would oppose the psychic as a dark insect or ghost, while the others would simply overwhelm me for what little I deduced, I kept the item in my pocket while leaving the room and went on my way to the main room of the house where I would receive one last help from my uncle before I set out on my journey.

## Fill cut ##

Here I was, in front of the main room door, patiently waiting for my uncle to allow me in, knowing clearly that he had noticed me entering the family mansion from afar with his psychic abilities or pokemon, I was waiting, subconsciously trying to suppress any thought that I could denounce my plan when they finally allowed me in. The master bedroom was well decorated, giving an impression of grandeur with paintings of psychic pokemons meditating or facing hordes of pokemon, my commercial-looking middle-aged uncle who came into fashion among the upper class thanks to the creation of pokeTV in Kanto a few years ago decades and light green hair with white threads was the leader of the Voir family, being both my grandmother's first child and having the greatest psychic powers together with several fully evolved psychic pokemons, which would already place him as one of the three strongest in the city, but having two pokemons in the fifth stage made him equal to the leader of the main clan (the Voir clan is the daughter of a member of the Silver clan with a gardevoir), with whom I knew he had a marriage agreement with his daughter, whose only impediment for a re-unification of the two main lines of the clan and their probable rise to the level of trainer-Ace was if I stayed and created descendants with the name Voir separate from the main clan, with all The clan's resources to make his one of his pokemon reach level 6 was very tempting for him and the rest of the clan who would receive less tax and more opportunities without real effort on their part.

Which doesn't really matter to me now, since I'm withdrawing from the clan and probably killing myself somewhere to satisfy my desire for power, even if I manage to survive, I only have a third chance to become a complete psychic, of course, if that works, if not, I've already prepared my insect net or, in the extreme, a friendly ball needed for my future "starter" Carvanha don't attack me, the only dark pokemon I could buy in the northern area of ​​Kanto with some difficulty without leading me to bankruptcy between.

I never thought about what I would do if I gained hidden power with the ghost type, what would I do? Making a pact with a strong ghost in exchange for my energy making me die early? Or with a weakling who would take decades to reach the maximum in the fourth stage before I pass away, no, I would prefer to continue with a glorified insect catcher who knows I could get a Pinsir or Ariados in the Viridian forest, since they are so cruel as a ghost or shadow pokemon to care about a little ghost energy in me, and would try to win the academies to be able to become an Ace-trainer apprentice, since the Gym bug spot has been open for decades in the league (indigo ) (Bugsy was not born yet and the MC is older than S. Oak for reasons to come…).

Well, my uncle was nice and gave me some gold nuggets that I can sell anywhere and whose price only increases, a few psychedelic spoons (pretty cool translation), pokeballs: great, dip, liquid, heavy and dusk, enough for my "journey", well, continuing he was very encouraging for my "journey" and said how I should become a powerful man and spread the Voir clan name all over the world and kept giving me tips on how to act like one good man of the law, as if he hadn't been a murderer, manipulator and corrupt during his journey to become strong enough to lead the clan, not that I blame him for anything, if he doesn't survive and give me a good start in life, hell, I bet and thanks to him that I'm alive and that my parents don't …

"Thank you for saving me in the middle of the process, ensuring that neither I nor my parents can stop you from controlling the clan."

"Sure" he says with a friendly smile with red eyes half-closed.

Sorry for the world building who spend hours only in description of a sht* citadel who the mc will never return because his memory assimilation.

Next chapter we have money, pokeballs new power, a poke gear, revival, a fight between Human and Pokemon a new and first pokemon catch and a hardcore long training in the wild in the path to a new city!.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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