
The Ace Amongst The Imperials

The year is 1752 and the world is changing. Tsukamoto Tadashi, an extremely intelligent boy with not much known about him, enrolls in the prestigious Imperial Academy and achieves the highest score in the entrance exams in the whole history of the school. Many elite-class people enroll in the academy and only a few scholarships are given out each year. Tadashi was one of the fortunate people to have received a scholarship however soon he finds that there are other students who have grown an interest in him and tries to discover his hidden past. Tadashi tries to avoid his past from being exposed while also trying to survive the harsh tests of the Imperial Academy.

OneOfTheSleepless · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 5: Last Days of Holiday

It now came the last day of the holiday. After today school started and it is now where the games truly begin.

Some say there are nine types of intelligence some say there are eight however intelligence has many categories. The two main categories are Full-Scale IQ and emotional intelligence.

Full-Scale IQ has many subcategories and emotional intelligence does as well, however the least popular yet the most accurate scale of intelligence, in my opinion, is the 17-GT-41 scale. It is not a well-known scale however it describes intelligence, as well as other human qualities in many subcategories, and this school, follow the scale. The special exams which will come would be based on each category.

The school tests the students for one semester in the first year then after that semester, there will be many series of tests that will test students and measure their abilities based on the 17-GT-41 scale.

* * * * * *

"I don't think we've ever walked like this before." Yamada said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Walking together alone."

"Don't make it sound like that."

Yamada and I didn't have many differences—we were the same in terms of personality and probably even ideologies.

"I heard you learned five languages by the time you were two years old." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"It was seven languages." Yamada corrected me. I opened my mouth to speak however I couldn't as Yamada had said something that changed the course of this conversation. "I know you were sober, Tsukamoto-san, and even if you were you were still able to overpower both me and Ryoko."

"So what if I did?"

"Ryoko is on par with Tomiko, yet you were able to overpower both of us with your strength alone. Who the hell are you?"

"I'll tell you this now." I sighed before continuing. "If I wanted you to know who I am then you will know however if I didn't then you never will, understand that Yamada Yoshio."

Yamada was visibly enraged. He clenched his fist and teeth then relaxed himself.

"I know I can't overpower you in strength however I can in intelligence. I will find out who you are, Tsukamoto Tadashi." Yamada said before he stormed off.

Exactly as I wanted. Suspicions have risen.

* * * * * *

"Ryoko, you don't need to feel so scared all the time."

Ryoko tried to hide it however we've known each other for our whole life so I know exactly what she feels.

Ryoko developed a type of fear of loud noises because Yumi had tortured her with miniature bombs which reminded her of her parents' death.

"I'm sorry, Tomiko." Tears dripped from her cheek onto the floor.

"There, there." I said as I pulled her into my chest.

I wondered if Tsukamoto had done this with Ryoko.

Ryoko told me all about what happened at the hospital. She had told me how she cried in front of him and how he comforted her. She also told me that he has a side which she was sure that she was the only one in the school to know about.

* * * * * *

Fuck! That bastard! How the fuck does he know!

I stared at myself through the bathroom mirror to see the anger on my face. It enraged me that a kid like that threatened me.

I punched the mirror and its glass shards sprinkled the floor.

A smirk crept on my face.

Yeah. That bastard's gonna find out how much power I have. I've kept it low for now but I don't give a fuck anymore. That bastard is gonna die!

* * * * * *

"Finally, it's just the four of us." Kaori said as she stretched her arms in her seat.

"I thought you liked socialising with people?" I asked.

"Yeah I do but sometimes it's just nice to rest after all that Yatogami crap!" Kaori explained. "Oh yeah, how are you gonna make her fall for you, Tadashi?"

"Yeah how are you finding it?" Akito asked almost seeming as if he genuinely cared but I knew deep inside he thanked the Lord that it wasn't him.

They all looked at me. I looked back at them and sighed.

"There's no doubt that Yatogami is dangerous so we should handle her with caution." I explained. "Even if we can handle her and put a stop to her habits it isn't guaranteed that she won't go back."

"In short, she's a ticking time bomb." Akito added.

Akito's intellect has increased. Although his academics aren't good, he makes up for it with his creativity and abstract thinking which will allow him to surpass many geniuses in this country.

"Oh, Tsukamoto-san, I didn't realise you were here."

We all looked at the man who approached us. Brown hair and turquoise eyes; Stylish and expensive clothes—there was no doubt that it was Ishigami.

"Oh, Ishigami-san, you're here as—"

I saw a fist travel towards me. The speed was definitely abnormal however it was still slow to me.

Hmm…300? No…it must be more than that.

A fist that went around 500mph was about to hit me however it was stopped.

"You shouldn't attack someone without any warning, duels are allowed in this academy after all."

Ah, so that's the Vice-President, Tashiro Yuuji.

"As expected of the Vice-President. Your grip strength is anything but normal!"

Tashiro then let go of Ishigami's arm. Ishigami then leapt back and before he left the cafe he said,

"Tsukamoto Tadashi, I challenge you to a duel."

Everyone in the cafe was stunned. Something like this doesn't happen on a regular day. I then excused myself so that I could avoid the attention I predicted I would receive and I wasn't wrong

* * * * * *

I sat down in my bed scrolling through the sudden messages from multiple students. They were all almost the same reading 'Are you going to fight Ishigami Tatsuya?'.

Within minutes the word had spread across the whole of the school. It also didn't make matters any better as it was the first duel in two years so it was something to look forward to.

Come to think of it, if Tashiro is that fast and strong then I wonder how the President is.

It was something I wondered about. I hadn't seen the President fight first-hand. I had only seen him fight once or twice on TV however it is better if I watched him fight in real life instead of on TV.

My phone then rang.

"I wonder who it is now." I muttered to myself as I read the name.

Yoshizawa? Oh well, I already know what's gonna happen.


"Tsukamoto-kun! What happened?! Everyone's saying you got into a fight!" I could hear Yoshizawa's voice break.

She must've felt that it was also her fault however to gain another pawn I might have to go along with this.

"Ishigami-san just said he felt I was strong so he challenged me and I accepted."

I didn't hear a reply for another three minutes and all I could hear in those friends' minutes was someone crying.

"I-I'm s-sorry Tsukamoto-kun!" Yoshizawa cried. Her bawling was annoying however I had to bear this.

Her crying reminded me of the past; a past I tried to forget. The small children screech at the top of their lungs with tears strolling down their faces. Their pupils slowly turned white and soon they were completely blind.

"You don't need to cry, Yoshizawa. It wasn't your fault." I tried to comfort her and it only worked a bit as I could still hear her sniffling through the phone.

The call then ended.

"Finally." I said to myself.

This would be my first fight with a normal person. People from that place were complete beasts compared to these normal people. I'm sure that I would win this duel so I shouldn't worry. It is likely that no one would try to stop it due to multiple reasons.

* * * * * *

I stood in front of my boxing bag.

"YES!! FINALLY!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while a malicious smile crept onto my face. "FINALLY I CAN TEACH THAT BASTARD A LESSON!!"

I had observed that bastard since we last met and not much could be told however, now I have the chance. I now have the chance to see what that bastard can do!

I punched the bag once and it went flying into the wall, cracking it before falling to the ground. I grabbed another bag from my spare pile and tied it onto a chain that was connected to the ceiling. I then kicked the bag and it went flying into the wall.

I sighed.

This is getting boring.

I then walked to the punch machine and started it. I then threw a normal punch, one with little to no effort yet the punch machine still cracked the wall behind it on impact.

Fuck this!

* * * * * *

"I finally get to see what you are capable of, Tsukamoto Tadashi."

I looked at the Student Council President.

Oh, he's talking to himself again.

"Is he talking to himself again?" I looked to my right and it was Ayumi-san.

"Yeah, he's been talking to himself a lot more recently." I said. Ayumi agrees with me.

I had been friends with the Student Council President since elementary school and he had always talked to himself however, recently he has been talking to himself a lot more than usual.

"They say talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence." Ayumi added.

"I guess they're not wrong; The President is undoubtedly a genius."

You would only need to hear of a few things Shimoda Yoshido achieved and you would instantly classify him as a genius or a super genius. Being able to speak, write and converse fluently in twelve different languages before he was two years old isn't even his most incredible accomplishment.

"I heard there's going to be a duel." Ayumi said with a stern tone. Things such as duels were always a serious matter however since the last duel was two years ago this duel will attract more students because of the long period between the two duels.

"Yeah, Tsukamoto-san from Class 1-A and Ishigami-kun."

"Ishigami-kun?! That kid won't last long."

"You sure, Ayumi-san?" I asked which should make Ayumi try to remember. "Don't you remember who he is?"

"Oh right, it's that kid, the Elite Imperial."

The Imperial Students are students who came to this academy on a scholarship. To come to this school on a scholarship alone would be able to give you high status in the school and even when you graduate. An Elite Imperial is a student who is the top student out of all the Imperial Students.

This school doesn't only rank students based solely on academics, there are other things they factor in such as physical ability and other types of intelligence, and based on those topics, the Elite Imperial Student is chosen. All students are investigated before they enter the academy and all the data is with the Headmaster and anyone he or she chooses. The Student Council also receive some sort of information on every student such as their grades, physical ability, and background.

"He's the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world and has a net worth of over ¥500 quadrillion." I said. "A kid like that is no ordinary kid and the fact he's an orphan makes him even more mysterious."

"And the reason he tries to hide the fact he's wealthier than most of the students combined is still unknown." Ayumi added. "What should we do about him, Tashiro-kun?"

"Let's just leave him alone, he might be trying to have a peaceful life like a normal kid."

Ayumi didn't reply and Yoshido watched us talk. It was obvious everyone had plans for Tsukamoto-san which almost made me feel sorry for him. I might feel some sympathy for him however I'm sure he can handle it as he is after all he is one of the intelligent and strongest of his year group.