
The Accursed One

I was called the Ultimate Soldier. But I became too strong for my own good, and I was ultimately thrown away by the king I served. My family abandoned me, I got revenge on my father for abandoning me, but the pain in my heart didn't leave me. My lover and my child left me for another man, what was my purpose in life? I was executed in front of millions, and what did they do? Nothing. Being put through trials in the afterlife, I was able to have another chance at life in another world. Will I ever find my purpose, or will I continue down the hellish road of my previous life?

Friendless_Fellow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The Academy [2]

"HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?!" A loud voice echoed throughout a deserted classroom.

Two people were currently sitting in the middle of the room, with one being myself and the other being Miss Lilia.

"I'm sorry?" I said in an innocent voice.

"Tsk. Forget it, you are too dumb for me to teach." Miss Lilia said in an annoyed voice as she massaged her temples with her hands.

"Oh, I guess then I will find someone else to teach me." I said in a depressed tone while taking out a Premium Coin.

"Ugh. Fine." Miss Lilia clenched her teeth and slapped herself across the face.

I chuckled and tried my best to pay attention to her teachings. Though it was indeed very hard for me due to the lack of building block knowledge that I should've known. Since I was transported here from another world, it would definitely be hard to know this stuff.

"Okay, let's take a break from Science and let's jump into some History. You seem much more understanding in that aspect of education." Miss Lilia sighed as she took out an old textbook from out of the book stack.

"So, can you tell me, how was mana introduced into our world?"

I tried to recall Miss Lilia's history lesson for the day but I couldn't find any clues on how mana was introduced. It was then that a piece of information popped into my head; it was a section in the books I had read in the Library during the third trial. I attempted to recall what was listed in the book and suddenly blurted out the story.

"Mana was introduced to Earth after a great rift opened up in the sky. That was when meteors fell from the split and spewed mana all over the planet. Within years, the rift closed up, yet mana still remained on Earth. It is believed that there is a source of infinite mana that is hiding in Earth's core."

With a confused look on her face, Miss Lidia tilted her head sideways and asked, "What? There is no such thing as a source of infinite mana, that is utter bullshit you are talking about."

I furrowed my eyebrows after hearing this and nodded my head. I didn't want to reveal the books I had in my possession just yet. Since the books were somewhat related to this world's past, maybe, just maybe, that the future volumes were indeed the events of what will happen in the future.

Continuing our tutoring session, time flew by and the sun quickly started to set. I stood up and decided that it was time for the session to end. Miss Lilia looked quite relieved that she was finished tutoring with me as she slouched down into her chair after I said those words. I pulled out a premium coin and tossed it toward her direction, she nimbly caught the coin and tucked it away into her pockets.

"Okay student Yin, I will be seeing you tomorrow." Miss Lilia said as she rushed out the classroom door.

"What an interesting person…" I muttered to myself.

Also leaving the classroom myself, I once again found myself stuck in the middle of nowhere.

"Is there like a potion to fix this problem?" I sighed underneath my breath.

Walking for a bit more, I decided to ask Johann and tell him to pick me up. Using my watch, I searched for Johann and his school ID appeared. I tapped on it and contacted him. After ringing for a bit, a beep sound echoed throughout the halls and a clear voice came through the holographic screen.

– "Yo, what do you need?"

"Uhh… I'm lost and I kinda need you to pick me up."

— "Again? Damn, you really gotta fix that problem of yours…"

"Yeah, yeah, hurry up."

After saying that I pressed the red button and Johann's next statement was cut short. I chuckled and patiently waited for Johann to show up. I had already managed to share my location with him and he should be coming soon.

A few minutes passed by and Johann soon appeared in the distance. He waved at me and I waved back at him.

"Alright, let's get you outta here." Johann said as he tried to hold back his laughter.

"Tsk. Shut up." A wide grin appeared on my face as I followed behind Johann.

We soon arrived at our dormitory and two unfamiliar faces greeted us at the door.

'Hmmm, they should be Henry Poe and Ivan Tolowski.' I thought to myself as I saw two youths standing before the doorway.

According to the information I got from Johann, the one on the left, with red hair and a relatively small build, was most likely Henry. The one on the right was probably Ivan, with blond hair and a huskier build.

After situating myself in my "new" room, I sat cross-legged on my soft bed. The bed was much softer than the softest bed I've ever slept in in my entire life. The room was also neatly decorated, with a lot of fancy and advanced technologies spread throughout the room.

I was slowly, but surely able to get accustomed to the current world that I was in.

I took a deep breath and recited the first section of the book I had received during the first trial. Since it didn't have a name, I decided to name it: The Book of Soul Techniques.

Quickly, I went into a deep meditative state and time quickly flew by. Before I knew it, the sun had already risen and a loud voice started me awake from my meditation. I was so close to breaking through as well. If I would have gone into the breakthrough phase, I would definitely be crippled with that interruption.

Hesitantly, I got up and went to see who had yelled. Not surprisingly, it was Johann and he was just sleep talking… I sighed and decided to leave him alone for now. I wasn't letting him off the hook just yet, he definitely had to pay for what he did to me.

Grabbing a bucket of water, I put it above his doorway and sneakingly crept out while trying to hold back my chuckling. Looking at my watch, I noticed that it was only around 6:00 AM, so I decided to spend the rest of my time before school reading the [Books of History] that I had obtained during the third trial.

I was able to quickly scan through the past events and I had finally arrived at the present timeline. In the book, the story was told in a third person point of view, with a person named Alan Cole. I supposed that this Alan person was who the story revolved around, so I decided that it would be best to find this person as soon as possible.

In the book, it stated that Alan was currently residing in the city of [Ray City] and he was attending probably one of the best, if not the absolute best Academy in the entire continent of Lavoln. As a both physically and mentally talented person, he was probably your definition of a perfect person. He had great looks, a wonderful personality, and most importantly, he had extreme combat and magical talent.

After reading more about this Alan dude, I decided that I definitely hated this dude. I don't know why, but the way this guy acts just pisses me off. It was also stated that he would go on to be the hero of humanity during an event that will happen in the future. For some reason though, that word was blanked out and I had no idea of finding out what the event was. I decided to keep it at that for now and closed the book. I put on my school uniform and headed out of the dorm room.

Just as I was exiting the door, I heard a loud splashing sound followed by an enraged roar coming from Johann's room. I chuckled internally and quickly left the dorm, heading for the school building in the distance.