
The Accursed One (A Dark Souls x Tensura Crossover)

The Bearer of the Curse, a man whose journey has reached a total halt because of the lack of further adventures to take, is engulfed in desperation, and in his desperation, he is granted his wish to enter a new world to be able to search for higher power to cure his curse. The curse of hollowing. Now in the Cardinal World, the Bearer of the Curse must meet old, current and new foes to get closer to achieving his desires. He must kill, fight, die and kill more to ever hope to come closer to his desires. Disclaimer: The MC is The Bearer of the Curse, who is the Dark Souls 2 MC, Rimuru Tempest will play a major role as the second main character, but it will always be the DS2 MC as the story's center. The first 10 chapters are all introductions for the characters, as the roster of the Dark Souls series is large, I made a group of characters that will be in the Cardinal World based on their importance to the lore. After the first 10 chapters, we will start to see more action between both worlds.

Iudex_Banshoman · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Dragon's Destiny (2/3)

Nothing needed to be thought about, for he, the Nameless King, was a man of sheer will, and he has no room for hesitation, and so...

Sealing the deal on the spot, since he had long ago made his decision, Gwynnen agreed.

-"O' Great Aldia, I, the King of the Storms, have long since made my decision.

I ask thee to teach this humble outcast all there is to the wondrous dragons."

The talker knelt, knowing his future is right in front of him.

He needed not knowledge of the person in front of him, all he needed was the fact he knew all there was to dragons.

A small laughter echoed from Aldia.

-"So be it, Son of the Old One, I suppose you will want to forsake this title as well?"

The questioned party responded with an affirming nod, which once again, incurred a quiet laughter from Aldia.

"Very well then, I shall call you by your title.

Storm-Dragon King.

But remember this, the flame was never eternal, your ancestor's sacrifices were for naught.

I have seen it all, and no matter how tender, how exquisite.

A lie will remain a lie.

That is the truth of the flame, nothing but a mere extension of power all humans have.

I have seen you as well, you have already shed your godhood and embraced being an outcast among humans for a long time.

You are well prepared for the end."

Gwynnen stood, having gained the recognition of his now new idol, he felt much more proud.

He had also finally forsook everything but his name.

He will get to it eventually but now, he also felt stronger.

That, from what he remembers, is the effect of another Sub-Skill.

"Go and meet Seath, I will find you there."


He heard these words and felt great curiosity.

There is no chance that is the same Seath.

He absolutely had the right to feel that way.

For all his life he has lived by the way of "Work, for coincidences do not exist", that way was shattered the second he met Midir and Aldia, but, now it's going too far.

He must've meant another Seath.

In ancient times, when the Dragons prior to Lordran came to be, they were numerous.

They were the ultimate life forms.

But, all their supposed beliefs were shattered when the "First Flame" came to be, that same flame they so despised.

They thought that there was no way it could do anything to harm them, but they were wrong, so wrong.

One of their own, had betrayed them;

Seath the Scaleless.

He was mocked by his brethren, for he was born without the mighty and supposedly invulnerable scales, he was pale and weak.

Almost a reflection of the future of the dragons, Seath was.

He had enough, and defected to the side of the Great Lords, and told them the secret of the Everlasting Dragons.

And for his great contribution to causing the Age of the Gods, Seath was awarded his own library, large enough to contain the world's wisdom, the "Grand Archives."

That labyrinth housed him and all his research, his research for immortality, nothing that ever entered the archives left the same.

Monstrosities, horrors...

The Eldritch Crystalline..

Seath was ruthless, but, overtime, he lost himself, and at some point in time, was slain by a brave someone. 

That same brave someone which would later on claim Lordran's dying flame from its kiln.

But, after his death, Seath found himself in a journey across time and space, he was fascinated.

He was moving and not moving, he was alive and dead, he was...


He was all of space and none of it at once.

But, he just watched.

He dared not interact with the greatness he was witnessing, fearing ruining perfection.

He heard a voice near and far.

In his head, and also not.


When it said that, he felt resonance throughout all of existence redirect into his mind.

But, he listened, and maintained his silence.

{Individual "Seath" has began the reincarnation cycle.

Granting special dragon class "Everlasting Dragon"...





Confirmed, individual "Seath" has been granted the dragon-type class "Arch-Dragon".

Confirmed, individual "Seath" has been granted the skill [Crystal Sage], Sub-Skills:

- [Immortal Knowledge]: The holder is granted immortality from any fatal blow and aging along with Soul immortality, so long they have half their Magicule removed, and all their knowledge is instantly engraved in their soul and is never forgotten.

- [Sorcery Incarnate]: The holder is able to use all Soul-Magic possible, including any and all Nuclear Magic, although at a high Magicule price.

- [Idle Transfiguration]: The holder can alter any physical body they interact with, and the more Magicules that are expended, the more transfiguration happens, at one point, the transfiguring can go as far as changing the entire soul of a person.

- [Inventive Mind]: The holder can create materials out of manipulating Magicules, the denser the Magicules are packed, the stronger the material, this can also be used to empower the sorceries the holder has.

This ends the reincarnation cycle.}

Seath reached a point where he was dropped into a hole of space, ripping away the non-existence he just was, and he dropped onto land with speed irrelevant.

He was on top of a mountain, wind was brushing past his gargantuan body.


Not Lordran, my dear archives..."

He was regretting not having seen the full extent of his works, but when he thought about it, he found out he has perfect memory of all the things.

He laughed.

He was just deeply saddened by the loss of his Grand Archives, and now he was sounding like a psychopath.

"Uhahahaaha! Is this.. My dream?

Eternal Knowledge!



Seath laughed, a laugh maniacal beyond belief.

"But I still retain this ugly form... Tch.

So be it."

Seth slithered around, his tails crushing mountains with their movement.

But he stopped at one point, seeing an Archtree springing up.

Seath scoffed, Archtrees bring bad memories to him.

Those Archtrees are the homes of Everlasting Dragons, his kin, the same kin he betrayed.

But, to his surprise, the Archtree spoke.

-"Scaleless one, have you found the answer to your research yet? Have you found eternity?"

Seath heard the Archtree question his new found powers, and he was very wary, for talking spirits are bad omens in Lordran.

So, to stay cautious, he did not speak, rather, he just waited for the Archtree to continue its monologue.

"Your silence speaks volumes.

It seems you have indeed reached my likeness, although you were far older than I."

A wall of flame erupted around the Archtree, and within that second it did, the Archtree took the form of a man.

Seath was astonished, as much as he had searched for immortality, he had never been able to fully shape shift freely.

He was the greatest researcher according to his time, and he was still firm on that fact.

But seeing what he just saw, he realized there is more which he had not discovered.

Seath was prideful, egotistical and very possessive.

Everything had to be his or because of him, helping the gods had gotten to his head badly.

But, he was seeing things in a new light now.

A darker light.

He had seen the potential the Archtree had, and now he wanted to experiment on the Archtree.

He wanted to create an artificial Everlasting Dragon.

But, his thoughts were quickly shut down by the now transformed Archtree.

"You are a perfect ruler, Seath, one who seeks to claim everything.

Desires of which the gods themselves wanted, those of the same mind as yours.

Shed your mind of such wants.

For the Throne of Want has already found its suitable claimant.

And now, he wanders, and he will come tear you down if you have such thoughts.

He has all the bearings of a human, yet all the power of a God, he is far stronger than you and I, far stronger than the Great Dead One, and his willpower raises him to be even above the Old Great Lord.

If you so wish to experiment and create, I shall tell you where to start.

For I have already achieved all of your desires.

Immortality is naught but child's play.

Sorcery is the essence of the soul, and from what my hollowed eyes tell me, you have obtained it all.

And now, you seek to create an Everlasting One.

That, I have already created.

My assistance is yours, so long you cease those foolish desires."

Aldia finished his speech, and, Seath's mind was shattered.

-"Im-Immortality.. You.. you obtained it..?!


How do you know I have all the..."

Seath's surprise was all answered immediately by Aldia.

-"I am a scholar, a scholar of the first sin."

-"The.. The first sin..?"

Aldia approached Seath.

-"The greater mistake known to mankind, their eternal punishment.

The linking of the fire.