
Where it starts

The story begins in a small town of Camelot called called Uden. It is a small farming town with rarely any warriors to originate from. There are some who know magic but they use it for farming only. It is a pretty defenseless town and combined with the fact that it is close to a large forest, it is a hub for beasts to attack except for one things, well two actually, Glaedr and Rhea. They are adventurers who moved to this town after retiring and has been living here since. They are both unprecedented mages and protects the town at all times but they are not the people we are here about but the reason they are here. Their 10 year old son Kaiden or as everyone calls him Kaida. While being a girlish name, it suits him a lot. Kaida is small for a 10 year old and thin. He got is mother's sharp red eyes and his father's long nose. He has a bit of a pudgy face but that has got him love from all the elders of the town. At this point it was safe to say that Kaida could've become the town's mascot. But today none of that mattered.

kaida was underwater, he was flailing around in the lake. He had heard from people that there was a rock on the bottom of the lake which can provide the holder with unimaginable wisdom and unfathomable control over magic which was the reason he was there for the stone because even though his parents were genius in magic he was not so much. He had a huge reserve of mana inside of him but he couldn't utilize it because there were a lot of calculations needed to even perform a single spell and Kaida was unable to them and even simple spells took him a long time to conjure. So he had to do this, he had to find that rock and bring it with him but there was a problem still. In the excitement to find it Kaida had forgotten something really important, he didn't know how to swim and now he was flailing trying to find the stone. He heard shouting in some distance but he focused on trying to find that stone just if he could but before he knew it the flailing turned into drowning and he started to drown. He still had the desire to find the stone but another emotion overcame him, Panic, he realized his situation too late as water entered his lungs and he started loosing consciousness when he heard a masculine voice "Just how big of an idiot are you to do something like that." kaida fell unconscious as he felt strong hands grab him and pull him of of the water.

He didn't know for how long he was out but when he woke up he was lying on his bed. His mother was sitting beside him holding his hand and his father was standing behind her. His mother looked up as he woke and her sad face turned into a cheerful one and then to that of a devil. "shists" kaida thought to himself before his mother started scolding him "Just why do you always do stuff like this. Everyone else always play but nothing happens why are you the one who always gets injured. You have a brain so why do you not use it do you want to sell it in the future as a fresh peice. Your mother loves you so much so why do you always do things to make her sad, you know I don't like scolding you." The scolding continued for quite some time before his mother stood up and left to get him something to eat and his father sat on the bed beside him "So," He spoke calmly " Why did you do that son, you're always smart enough to stay away from the lake so what changed this time?" kaida looked down and sat up "Dadda I heard that there is a stone in the lake that will make me strong like you and momma and then I could protect you and momma and the whole town." His father smiled and ruffled his hair "kaida, you know when I was a child there were a few people in my town who had gotten blessings from the goddess and became paladins and your dadda always hoped that he could become a paladin and he would become naturally strong. I liked the idea and because of that I started praying a lot, I even skipped some of my meals to pray. I prayed even more than the priest." kaida looked at his father "Did dadda become a paladin then and that's how he became strong?" Glaedr shook his head softly "No, one day my teacher took me for a day to show me how the paladins trained everyday. They trained more than the royal guards and not only in magic and sword but also on how to talk, how to behave and even how to look at people. That is when Dadda realized that there is no shortcut to power and the only thing I could do was practice over and over again till I became strong enough." Kaida nodded his head softly " I think I understand." his father smiled and ruffled his hair again before standing up "Now I shall go see what your mother is burning this time." He sat up and left and kaida sat back on the bed "Your father isn't wrong you know." Kaida jumped as he heard the voice, It was the same one he had heard in the river. He looked around frantically trying to find the speaker but there was no one the room "look in your pocket." He slipped his hand in his pocket and he felt something smooth and round. He pulled out a black rock which was completely smooth and round like a black pebble "Hello." it said "Nice to meet you kid I'll be in your care."