
Chapter 53 - Idiot

How long has it been since I've been locked up in this cage? Ah…I don't even know anymore. Maybe a month, maybe two…one thing is sure. It's been a very long time.

Every day had been hell. They would give me the bare minimum for me to stay healthy, but that was it. I was locked up like a prisoner. The worst part of all this was that I didn't even know how I got captured.

All I remember was me going to bed normally and waking up in this stupid cage. That's when weird-looking people talked about what my future would look like.

They told me I would become a slave… At first, I thought it was a joke to scare me. But as the days passed, I realized that it wasn't a joke at all.

And that's how I got here in front of thousands of people looking at me as if I was some kind of piece of meat that they could have given a certain price.

Disgusting people. All of them. Actually...there was one person within the entire crowd that didn't seem all that bad.