
My partner ig deleted all our chapts so ill just do the cosmology shit over again for my "scalers"

Universe: The final point of the first universe in an infinite hierarchy. Inside Universe Alpha are infinite spatial temporal dimensions. Inside each dimension is an infinite series of infinite sized dimensions. This leveling goes on ad infinitum. Easy explanation. On aruler you see the number and the number 2. Between 1 and 2 are infinite numbers as decimals. 1.111111111 etc. Now between each individual decimal there's another infinite series of numbers. there is no end to this. So the base universe has infinite, infinite sized dimensions and each of those dimensions also have an infinite set of spatial temporal dimensions. This is what is known as a true transfinite recursion. This is all held within the base Alpha Universe. (edited)

There is an Infinite HIerarchy of Alpha universes that exist in the Alpha Multiverse bubble. There are an endless series of multiverse bubbles that exist in a true transfinite hierarchy. This is all dwarfed and inaccessible to Omega Multiverse Bubble. A structure so large it can only be measured by it's consistency strength of (Vk, E) → (Vk, E). Beyond that is the collective unconscious which contains all concepts. Platonic or transdual in nature.

With my studies I have found there is an infinite set of infinite sets of realities. This is all contained within one singular dimensional plane. Upon further tests I have found a transfinite amount of universes in one singular multiverse. So where do we stand to this creature? How many universes have I gone up just to find this thing erasing it all again?

Listen I have read on here someone explaining the cosmology of our world... his name was Banta I believe. Anyways, he explained how the multiverses exist and how there are a transfinite set of universes and a transfinite set of multiverses now imagine this being stacked like a pancake. The pancake above exists in higher existence than the one below and this goes on beyond the idea of infinity. He explained how it was a "Hierarchy" of stories. Much like when we read a story or book we view its universe an believe they exist.

[2:38 AM]With all the knowledge my people had it wasn't enough. Even discovering how our universe system is ran on probabilities and abstract mathermatics much like a Tegmark type IV universal theory. I still am unable to see what I can do to solve this problem.

That's the multiverse structure next is the bleeding edge which lies beyond every concept and narratives.

]To the current measurable and immeasurable cosmology? After my tweaks. I found I could finally travel upwards through narratives viewing each one I pass as words on a page. It wasn't until I got to a white space that I stopped/ This zone seemed to be where all the stories were being made. Imagine how terrifying it is to be in an endless room at every angle. This area was bright white and as floated in the space I kept seeing words appear and disappear from my sight, it was akin to the words bleeding out of the white background and being absorbed back in. Even my very thoughts were written on the page.

After a quick flash of light I was transported to a new dimension. Oddly enough while I was traveling I was able to see the space in-between the dimensions. It looked to be a blank empty page, a white canvas ripe for painting. In the distance I can see scribbles appearing on the page like words were being written on the page. I couldn't make it out as it was so far but as soon as I was about to read the first line I was flashed into a new universe.

I dubbed this place The Bleeding Edge. As it was beyond the edge of conceptualization and narration and it bled this narrative into the multiverse. At the time I was still on edge as anyone should feel if they see their thoughts give a physical form in front of me. The mere idea that I was nothing but another word to this place sunk me further into my depressed and terrified state. As I panicked I saw all my memories being pieced together in front of me. I had to re-live the very first test of SUIT.

After that we have the library.

The Librarian was a being of pure principles. It had no physical form, but it was there, and I could feel its presence in my head. "You need to know...this is your only book Banta as you are its own author" I looked confused as I lifted the book Titled "The Absolute." I spoke up and asked "What is this place and who are you?" The being laughed and decided to create a physical form "You will learn who you are in the book I gave you. However, I will help guide you until you know your true potential. You are in the Narration Grandis. A library of all narratives. Everything here is everything that ever will be or was. The hub of the possible and impossible. All stories exist here in these books."

[I was confused so I just acted as If I knew what they were talking about. After a short time, The Librarian explained how this area cannot be damaged by anyone but two beings. One was the Headless King and the Absolute. After it was done speaking the librarian disappeared. I sat down and began reading the book. The book explained all of my travels and how I used to be something greater and wanted to experience emotions so I lowered my existence into an avatar named Banta...

The Negative Multiverse Once you become metaphysical you will be forced into the first negative set of numbers reaching past transfinite. The negative multiverse is dark and bleeding words downwards into an empty void. If you were to die by the void or headless king you would end up here. Inkwell. Your thoughts and being are absorbed back into the black inky sea getting more and more insignificant as more beings pile into this sea. These appear to be dead but are just processing all of this like if you were to travel downwards. As you lie floating in the sea of ink (inkwell) you will slowly start to sink into the bottom of the inkwell. Once you are there large hands grab you and pull you beyond the well and into the waiting room. The Eternal Waiting Room. When you enter the Eternal Waiting Room you are greeted by faceless creatures who speak to you via thoughts. They will assign you seating and you will have to transverse the infinite room to find your chair. The room has an off-white wallapaper and the chairs are pitch black. The overhead lights are buzzing and are just bright enough to cause pain and discomfort. The chairs are so uncomfortable that you cannot sit on them anyways and feel ok. This is where the narratives wait to be concusmed by Headless King. If there was hell this would be it.

Finals Fabulas This is the kingdom of the headless king. Here you will be judged by an aspect of the headless king to either be enslaved in the kingdom or consumed by his true form and have your story be completley erased from existence, history, thoughts, memory, etc. There's not turning back... you did this to yourself. Eventually, even Banta will have to face The Headless King's Judgement as all stories end.

where chapt 280 would be it would've said "The librarian transcends the cosmology" but guess not lmfao!!!!!!!

The Absolute isn't a being. It's formless and ineffable. All things are an aspect of the absolute. No ideals, thoughts or description can truly describe it.

but yea these are cannon and YES this is literally just a copy and paste of the original text