

Days passed and Vivian obeyed her father by not going into the forest. Instead, she followed the maids to the market and malls. Sometimes, she felt someone was watching her and anytime she turned to look, she saw no one. This continued until one day, she stood by the window, enjoying the view of the city when she noticed someone covered with a hood, staring at her from a hidden spot. She wondered how long he has been there or what he was doing. When their eyes met, he looked away immediately and hid himself from getting caught. Not getting the full features of who she had seen. So unsure if it was a woman a man. Trying to peep but no way since she only saw his face.

"Who is he ?" She muttered. And decided to find out herself. He must have been the one stalking her.

"Where are you going?" One of the maids asked.

"I want to meet a friend. I promise to come home soonest. But please, do not tell Dad about this."And before the maid would reply, Vivian slammed the door shut as she hurried out.

Vivian ran to the very spot she found the person but saw no one. And while staring around, she noticed someone. The person wore a hoodie and covered it. The hoodie was the exact she saw from her window.

"Hey!" She called out, running after the person. The person turned after he heard a tiny voice, immediately he saw she was the one calling out, he hastened his steps. He didn't wish to get caught but Vivian wasn't backing off either.

However, vivian kept following him to the forest and that was when he stopped. It was risky. Not after everything. Vivian on the other hand didn't care about that. She suddenly stopped when he seemed to have disappeared into the woods.

"Why are you stalking me ?" The voice came from behind and her heart skipped a bit. She was scared but it didn't matter. The guy was without his hoodie on and she was lost in his handsomeness.

"I...I...I am sorry! Bu...t how did you..." she stammered and looked away shyly. "I saw someone staring at me from the window. I wanted to know why." She uttered as her eyes were fixed on the low grasses. He was hairy and has lovely eyes.

"Are you not scared? You followed a stranger into a think forest. You should be scared." He tried to make her ran off but, she didn't seem to be.

"I am scared but you don't look scary. I will only get scared if someone shows up." She uttered and tried to hide her blushing checks.

"I am and you don't know what i am capable of. Go home, girl! The forest isn't good for Humans. Don't ever come back here!" He warned her.

"Where you the one spying? And why? I recognized the hoodie and followed!" vivian kept a serious look. She wasn't going to leave without getting the truth.

"You should leave!" He turned to walk away but Vivian blocked him.

"Tell me the truth." She requested and he already sensed someone coming.

He then sighed, "Meet me at the lake by noon tomorrow but right now, you need to go from here. If you stay here any longer, I won't be able to save you again." He covered his hoodie and began walking away.

"You were the one?" Vivian muttered the question. She knew he wasn't lying. The forest was too dangerous. And when she heard him say again, she knew too well not to disobey. Even the forget was beginning to fall dead quiet.

She was only few steps away when she turned, to her surprise, the young man was no where to be found. He seem to have vanish into thin air. And as she felt a cold breeze, her instinct warned her to run and she did.

Josh was near the pack when he saw a group of young wolves, playing around. They were the once he sensed while talking to the young maiden that followed him. He loved her boldness.

As he entered the pack and was in search of a place to relax, then he heard loud laughters. The voices were familiar and for that, he walked closer only to see some elders and his friends, Neil and Drake having drinks. Luke wasn't in the gathering too.

"And there he is." Neil pointed at him and he looked rather confused. To him, the way Neil pointed, it was a proof that, he was their topic.


"Come and sit with us!" Drake urged with a bold smile. When the elders turned, Josh was surprised even more to see that one of the elders happens to be Maccon, Drake's father.

"Son, come over!" The old wolf called out and Josh obeyed.

When he sat with them, Rollin talked first, "Drake was just telling us about the scene at the lake side, the other night. You let a human go because, you fell in love." He finished his statement with a mockery tone and everyone around the table burst into laughter.

Josh couldn't believe his friends sold him out. He didn't blame them because, they were slightly drunk. He saw the empty bottles and knew who was capable of drinking that amount.

"I am not in love with any human. I didn't see why he should kill such a young..." Neil interrupted.

"And there he goes. Trying, to sugar-coat the whole thing. You should have seen the way Josh attacked me." He paused and turned to face Josh, "Dude, you owe me. My back still hurts."

"You know, loving a human is forbidden. How will you two make love? You know what you are, son, and she is just an ordinary human. The worst is, she won't be able to survive it. You want to love and win her heart, then kill her?" Maccon asked.

"I know that sir. I assure you, I am not in love with her." Josh defended himself. Did he do wrong by saving her life? He was already getting tired of how they were teasing him.

"Look around, we have alot of beautiful wolves here with sexy curves and sharp paws like a wild cat. Meow! You can pick your choice. At least, she won't die in bed while enjoying your hairy penis." The oldest wolf, Edon, joked and others burst out laughing. His voice was loud and the young female wolves staring at them, began to giggle loudly as they whisper among themselves.

Deep down, he wish, he could just walk out but the wolf code must always be respected because the punishment would be a public humiliation.

They had alot of wolf codes that stops them from behaving like the way humans do. However, the elders are the most respected in the pack. Unlike the humans, once an elder is offended, the consequences won't be mere.

Just then, Luke walked in with both hands, buried deep in his pocket.

"Looks like everyone is having fun!" He uttered with a smirk. There was something about him that disgusted Josh.

"Where have you been?" Josh asked him.

"Around... Wanted to confirm something." He answered smiling.

"And did you?" Rollin asked as he swallowed another sipped drink.

"Of course. It was tempted, though!" Luke replied while staring at Josh. It seems like he was sending a message.

Josh on the other hand, cared less. He took his cup, scoffed and smiled. Without a word, he drank quarter of his liquor. He never like Luke to begin with. Luke was however, the newest member of their small group. He always wanted to beat Josh but never got the chance as it was rather impossible. Their friendship wasn't like that of his two best friends, Drake and Neil.

"Hey, hey. Enough with the talking." Maccon waved his hand in the air, "Let's all drink!" He said while raising his drink.

I do hope you are enjoying the story. Again, this story isn't like other werewolf stories. I'm just following up my imaginations. Please do comment and tell me what you think.

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