
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


Kai's heightened senses, fueled by his newly acquired tracking dog ability, gave him an edge he had never experienced before. His sense of smell became a potent tool, allowing him to detect the presence of Kakashi's squad with astounding precision. The scent of their approach wafted through the air, painting a vivid picture of their proximity.

Yet, as Kai experienced this phenomenon, another set of fragrances intermingled in the atmosphere. His acute sense of smell signalled the convergence of two opposing forces, a battle was occurring.

Guided by his instincts and the newfound abilities he had amassed, Kai engaged his chameleon-like prowess, merging with the environment, becoming one with it. As he neared the source of the impending conflict, he observed the skirmish that had erupted before him.

His eyes narrowed as he identified members of Kakashi's squad engaged in combat, determined to win the battle.

The clash of weapons and jutsus – all served as a backdrop for Kai's strategizing mind. He was looking for an opportunity amidst the clash, a chance to further refine his skills. His chameleon-like abilities allowed him to blend into his surroundings seamlessly, creating a veil of invisibility.

He was a silent observer, vigilant and patient, watching for the perfect opening to present itself.

Shikamaru, ever the strategist, observed the battlefield with a calculating gaze. His hands danced through a series of intricate seals, and suddenly the ground beneath Hidan and Kakuzu shifted. Vines of shadow surged upward, attempting to restrict their movement. His Shadow Imitation Technique aimed to control the flow of the battle, forcing the adversaries to follow his pace.

Hidan's maniacal laughter echoed as he nimbly evaded the creeping shadows, his scythe spinning in his grip. "Nice try, kid," he taunted, his religious symbols glinting in the dappled sunlight.

As Shikamaru's shadow tightened its grip, Kakuzu's eyes flickered with annoyance. With a swift hand gesture, he summoned the power of lightning from one of his stitched-together bodies. A bolt of crackling electricity surged towards Shikamaru, aiming to disrupt his control over the shadows.

Before the lightning could find its mark, Kakashi sprang into action. His Sharingan eye honed in on the incoming threat, and with a flash of movement, he appeared in front of Shikamaru. Chidori, his signature technique, crackled with energy as he thrust it forward, the electrical discharge of his attack meeting the bolt of lightning head-on. A thunderous clash erupted, sparks illuminating the forest.

Choji, not one to back down, expanded his physical prowess to impressive proportions. His body bulked up, muscles rippling beneath his clothes as he activated his Partial Multi-Size Technique. With a ground-shaking roar, he lunged towards the airborne Hidan and Kakuzu, his massive arms outstretched to deliver a crushing blow.

Kakuzu's eyes narrowed, recognizing the threat in Choji's colossal form. Acting quickly, he unleashed a torrent of elemental chakra. A blaze of fiery heat engulfed his stitched arm, molding it into a fierce lightning-infused punch. The enhanced strike intercepted Choji's incoming assault, causing an explosion of energy that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

In the midst of the chaos, Hidan's laughter resonated once more, his sick delight evident as he reveled in the battle. With a fluid motion, he swung his scythe, using it as both a weapon and a tool to keep himself airborne. His red eyes locked onto the airborne Choji, and he anticipated his descent to slash straight at Choji. However, just as this was about to happen, Shikamaru's shadow just barely found its mark. The shadows spiralled around them, their movements gradually slowing as the shadows tightened.

In a final attempt to escape, Kakuzu summoned the threads of elemental chakra, creating a whirlwind of fire and wind to disrupt the shadows. Hidan's scythe glowed ominously with a crimson aura as he prepared to sever the binding darkness.

Just then, Kakashi's voice echoed through the forest. "Shikamaru, Choji, now!"

Seizing the opportunity, Choji's massive form slammed into Kakuzu, threatening to crush the stitches from his body. Simultaneously, Shikamaru's shadow surged stronger, and with a deft maneuver, he ensnared both Hidan and Kakuzu. They fell from the sky, entangled in the dark embrace of the shadows.

"Shadow Imitation Jutsu, Success." Shikamaru said while panting.

Kakashi's voice, a mixture of relief and approval, rang out in the aftermath of the fierce confrontation. "Great job, Shikamaru," he commended, his voice carrying a sense of gratitude for his teammate's quick thinking and strategic execution.

As the tension seemed to momentarily loosen, Kakashi's stance relaxed slightly. He allowed his chakra to dissipate, releasing the lightning blade that had crackled with potential just moments before. Now, with his Sharingan eye focused intently on Kakuzu and Hidan, he posed a question that cut through the air like a blade of its own.

"Why are you heading towards the village?" Kakashi's voice held a mix of curiosity and authority, a reflection of his role as both a leader and a protector of the Hidden Leaf.

Before they could respond, Kakashi continued, probing further with a question that touched upon a looming threat. "Is it for the nine-tails?" he inquired, his tone measured but unmistakably serious.

Hidan's laughter, a twisted sound that seemed to reverberate through the tension, disrupted the momentary calm. "No. It's not yet our turn to hunt for the nine-tails," he responded with a smirk, his words laced with a chilling confidence. It was a response that hinted at a complex web of plans and motivations, leaving those listening to wonder about the bigger picture.

Kakuzu's voice, distinct in its lack of emotion, cut through the exchange. "Shut up, Hidan," he commanded, his tone carrying an undertone of impatience.

In the midst of the tense exchange, a sudden disruption shattered the equilibrium. One of Kakashi's ninja dogs, its senses had caught the faintest trace of Kai's presence. In a swift and unexpected move, the dog lunged forward, teeth sinking into Kai's arm with unexpected force. The attack was abrupt and unexpected, leaving Kai momentarily stunned by the unexpected assault.

Simultaneously, another Kakashi seemed to materialize out of thin air, a lightning blade crackling with energy poised in his hand. It was a split-second transformation from conversation to combat. The blade arced through the air with deadly precision, aimed directly at Kai.

In the blink of an eye, the truth of the situation became clear. The Kakashi who had been interrogating Kakuzu was revealed to be a mere clone, a strategic illusion crafted to maintain the element of surprise. The real Kakashi had exploited this ruse to position himself advantageously, ready to launch an attack that Kai had not anticipated.

Kai's mind raced to catch up with the whirlwind of events. Surprise and shock rippled through his thoughts as he grappled with the sudden turn of events. Once again, Kakashi had outwitted him.

With lightning reflexes, Kai called upon his newfound wind manipulation ability, crafting an armor of razor-sharp wind around his body just in the nick of time. The crackling chidori that Kakashi's blade bore was met with this fierce gale, the bladed wind serving as an impromptu shield that deflected the dangerous attack. The clash of elements created a brief but intense storm of energy, the very air vibrating with the force of their collision.

However, even as Kai attempted to regain his composure, he found himself confronted with a highly agile ninja dog. His retaliatory slash met empty air as the dog effortlessly evaded his attack, its trained instincts and speed making it a formidable opponent.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, Kai's gaze shifted to Hidan and Kakuzu. With a keen understanding of his precarious situation, he proposed an unexpected proposition— "How about a temporary alliance?" The words hung in the air, a surprising twist that Kai hoped could tip the scales in his favour.

Without waiting for a response, Kai harnessed his fire manipulation, conjuring a 'fireball jutsu' that roared forth with blazing intensity. The searing ball of flames hurtled toward Shikamaru, an attempt to disrupt the enemy's formation and create a diversion amidst the chaos.