
The 5th Hokage And Me - Tsunade Senju x Female reader gxg

"I will be waiting for your return, my love" had been said by the 5th Hokage for the past 10 years with a sad tone. "Ah, I'm finally back to Konoha," Said a happy and carefree voice by an unknown female with black and red clothing. This is a short story of Tsunade and her female lover who suddenly disappeared 10 years ago, as If she never existed. How will Tsunade react if she is to meet the woman of her life again? _____________ A/N: This is a draft story.

Kuh_Sian · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


For a split second my vision was blurry until I was able to see the bustling town market, with common things being bought in the open with unusual things right next to them or at least that's what the humans would have called them, I looked around as I felt Birdie drifting away towards one of the unusual tables.

She was looking at the various human baby skull flower pots with excitement and bright eyes, I might have freaked out in the past about it but you have to force yourself to get used to this reality as there is no way out of it.

I asked the table owner how much he is selling them for, the owner himself was wearing a dark coat with no organization symbol and a mask obviously trying to hide his identity. With no words, he signed out 30 bronze spirit stones, as they restricted their hand I did notice it to be very feminine.

I gave the amount and let Birdie chose her pot baby, taking the one that took her fancy we walked away as I slightly glanced at the covered women noticing her looking towards us too. 'Weird', I thought to myself, Birdie and I walked out of the market and started our long walk to the outskirts of the town towards our residence.

Walking for a few hours as had finally arrived and we get inside the 4-floor house, Birdie ran past me and towards her room with excitement while holding her pot baby. sighing with a smile I started walking towards the open kitchen floor right next to the living room, removing my black and red robe, only wearing my grey underrobe, and putting on the apron.

Seeing that all the ingredients needed for the dinner were there but that the spices were running very low, making a mental note of it to remember to go to the market tomorrow after our visit with Tsunade, I started to cook as I went over the plans for tomorrow.

Cooking dinner for an hour or so I was finally done, I called for birdie as she had been on the 3rd-floor training grounds. while she was cleaning up the things she used for training I put out the seafood ramen for her and beef ramen for me with extra toppings for both to use.

Birdie came downstairs and walked to the table, seeing the seafood ramen which is her favorite made her happy but before she sat she walked to the sink and poured herself a glass of water. Once we both sat down we started to eat and had small talk, I told her that we need to go to the market again tomorrow as we are running low on the spices and that we will be visiting Tsunade.

She agreed to go with me as long as I was going to train with her, we made a deal and kept on eating, once we were done eating we cleaned the dishes and shared the chores between us. Once done with the cleaning we separated and are doing our own things.

I was in my room reading about the political situation between the organizations, knowing that I was and still am banned from my own organization. Not that I missed them, in particular, it's just that if a war broke out again Birdie and I have to get involved with the intent of getting rid of my former organization.



This is a draft story.