
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Ação
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75 Chs

Getting Stronger

Kai was in his room and decided to try the meditation technique. He drew an upside down stra and drew some other weird symbols the system instructed.

"Ok now it says I need to light it on fire" he got close to the ground. Suddenly his hand catched on fire and it lit the star on fire as well as the symbol.

Kai entered the star without feeling the fire.

<Temperature is pleasant. User body is starting to absorb the Mythic around him>

Is a second his body started to tense up forcing him to kneel and put his hands placing them flat on the ground.





"Wow this is great!" said struggling.

Particles were swirling around him while being attracted to him. He closed his eyes and put himself in a meditation pose.

Ten minutes passed. He then starts controlling his breaths even more energy started to enter the circle but the room started catching on fire. Kai remained with his eyes closed ignoring the flames.

<Temperature has Rise>





<Warning use might not be able to absorb the energy unharmed due to the quantity>

30 minutes had passed by now.

<Temperature Has Rise>




<Warning User may overheat. User's recistances can't be raised by self-infliction. Damage will be taken if temperature continues to rise>

40 minutes



An hour later

The flames started to taint red when the last notification came in. The room was turning black from the smoke. The bed was basically gone and his clothes were starting to burn off as well.



<User Overheating>

Kai's was full of burned marks and his shirt was gone and his long military cargo pants were shorts now.

"Come on a little longer!" Kai screamed

About two hours had passed of intensity. The flames bursted as they were completely red now.



<Forcefully Deactivating Technique>

With that the fire was completely put out. Kai fell to the ground really hurt by his one fire.

[Burning Regeneration]

A burning sensation covered Kai's body but it didn't hurt. Instead it felt great.

<Level Up>

<Level Up>

<Level Up>

<Level Up>

<From level 15 and up, users will now gain 1 stat in every stat after leveling up. Along with 3 free stat points>

[Kai Hellbound]

[Race: Mutt]

[Level 15] (14,130/15000)

[Hp: 150/150]

[Strength: 22] <Skill>

[Stamina: 23] <Class>

[Dexterity: 24] <Class>

[Control: 30%]

[Fatigue: 50%]

[Free Stat Points: 12]

[New Mutt Reward]

<Second Step>

Allows the user to move faster than the speed of sound for a few seconds to escape or run a distance. (Distance Limit: 10 Meter)

<This will be the las reward until user next evolution>

"Well at least I got a lot for the little I did," Kai said, huffing.

<Meditation will also be restricted to 2 minutes a day>

"What?!" This made Kai scream in anger. He finally had something good and the system put a limit on it.


[Reach Level 20]


Unlock new skills on the shop

"Five levels until another evolution well I'll have to work hard for it" Kai saud as he sighs in defeat.

He then saw the hour and decided to go to sleep. It was now he noticed that his room was basically destroyed. He then lay on the ground and slept there like it was the most comfortable place in the world.

A week had passed and Kai had found himself stuck on level 16. Meditating for a whole week had roughly 2,800Xp so he only level up to 16. His stats look like this.

[Kai Hellbound]

[Race: Mutt]

[Level 16] (4,300/15,000)

[Hp: 150/150]

[Strength: 30] <Skill>

[Stamina: 27] <Class>

[Dexterity: 30] <Class>

[Control: 40%]

[Fatigue: 0%]

[Free Stat Points: 0]

He had a couple of fights that proved worthy of giving him Xp. "Damn it" his body lit up in fire. His aura was very powerful, his stats were no joke.

"My resistance are really good too"


Fire 40%

Lightning 25%

Water 45%

Ice 0%

Poison 5%

Piercing 30%

Slashing 35%

"Poison and Ice are my lowest but it's hard to find those types of mythic users here" he said saddened by this.

A female figure approached Kai from the back and hit him in the head. "Concealed your aura stupid, your freaky out the others" Layla said.

She had been trying to become friends with Kai this week but Kai had his guard up since she was from the Black family.

"Who are you calling stupid?" Kai asked as his eyes turned red.

Layla stepped back out of instinct. "Hey, don't glare at me with those eyes," she said angrily.

This snapped Kai out of his anger realizing he glowed his eyes unconsciously. "Sorry about that. Wait, you're not surprised?"

Kai was shocked since this was the first time she saw his eyes. "No, I know about you and your friends. That's why Abel picked a fight with you in the first place" she explained.

Their conversation was interrupted by a scream that came from near the forest. A lot of students rushed towards the scene including Layla and Kai.

A gruesome scene was in front of them blood everywhere and a male student dragging half of the body of his friend.

"Help me please"

The special ops rushed to the scene. Looking at the body it was having a kind of reaction: it was completely red and his veins were black pulsating.

"You get away from that body. Now!" The soldier said, pointing his soul weapon at the boy. But he could see the veins of the boy were also black in color on his back. A huge scratch looked to be made by a creature.

"He's infected. Everyone stay back" the boy who was apparently infected was freaking out. He started to speak, stepping closer to the other students.

"Please just help me. Don't…" was the last thing he said as he stepped closer to the group of students.


A shot was heard the infected student dropped dead and someone came to a special ops soldier that stood out of everyone.

"He is the head of the special ops unit; the only one above him is Father, the head of second year students and the academy's headmaster," Layla explained.

"He's a Major in the military," Layla added. When looking at this man, chills run through Kai's back for the first time in a long time.

[Mythic Eyes]

Looking at him made Kai want to vomit. The aura was wild and massive. But what made Kai want to vomit was the nature of this aura Kai could almost see skulls on it. Although he didn't know what it meant.

<User is too weak to see this opponents stats>

"Wait, I can see people's stats?" Kai asked in his head.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Feel free to leace a comment or review, it would help me out a lot.

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