
The 48th Experiment

Enyo is the 48th experiment and one of the few that survived. Thanks to the doctors (whom she killed by accident), she's the strongest soldier who worked for the Father, the head of a large underworld group. Enyo has superhuman abilities including regeneration, strength, speed, agility, and all that! She's escaped Father and is trying to live a normal life as a normal teenager. That's kind of hard when making friends means that they're going to get kidnapped and used as bait to lure her to random abandoned buildings... Most of the other experiments want to kill her now. Also, Father wants to study her dead body. And, the only few people who can help her are weak, crippled, or mostly dead. Oh and also most of the fights are very unfair. (2v1 is unfair okay?)

MelonChan1205 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 6

3 years ago

Enyo's hands were bloody. The hallway behind her was littered with blood and bodies of the workers she had just killed. Her knuckles ached but they were already healing. Hemlock stood before her last obstacle. "Move," she whispered, "Enough blood has been spilled today." 

Hemlock snorted, "That's rich, coming from you. Enyo, dad's best soldier, the demon, the monster, the teenage murderer? And today you don't want to kill me?"

Enyo sighed, "I only followed orders."

"Oh?" asked Hemlock, "And you're killing all these people because of orders?"

Enyo nodded, "They came from Dad himself, so move, you don't want to disobey orders do you?"

Hemlock glared at her, "Father would never kill his own employees, they are the workers, they keep the place running!"

"Naive," said Enyo, "He's got plenty of workers, what's wrong with getting rid of a few? He won't have to pay them, grinned Enyo."

"You monster!" shouted Hemlock. A purple gas swirled around him. 

Enyo smirked and pulled out a gas mask, "Your poisons don't work."

Hemlock growled and launched himself at her, needles in his hand. The dripped green and purple, laced with poison. He swung and threw them at her. Enyo disappeared and reappeared behind him. The needles hit the wall and fell to the floor, harmless. 

Hemlock swung around but he was too late. BAM! Enyo whacked him on the back of his head, controlling her strength, and Hemlock fell the the floor, unconscious. 

Hemlock woke up with a start. He shook his head, trying to forget the dream He jumped off his military-style cot and walked over to his chair. His desk was made of mahogany and on it was a computer. 

He pulled up the picture of the boy and began searching. He uploaded it into the database, letting the computer do its work so that he could find an ID, or anything remotely interesting. 

DING! Hemlock looked up, match found, said the computer. 

Hemlock smiled he was on his way to revenge. 

Max Arwin, said the computer, 15 years old. 

Hemlock leaned closer, curious as more results popped up. It included everything from his social security number to the preschool he went to. He scanned it, to make sure it was him. Pictures of Max showed up and Hemlock nodded in delight. He had found his hostage!

Hemlock frowned at an article that popped up. He read the highlighted sections. Max Arwin, was the only unscathed survivor of the 1319 Apartment Fires. The other survivor, Noa Lin has been in a coma for the past three years. That made sense, the article was dated three years ago. The boy was found unconscious in what appeared to be a walk-in meat locker or freezer. There were walk-in freezers in apartments? Weird. Noa Lin was found outside and was hospitalized due to asphyxiation. Ooooh, did she get locked out?

Hemlock grinned, that article was interesting. Knowing more about his future kidnappee would be helpful! He let out an evil villain laugh. "AHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" 

"Shut up!" yelled Anaya. 

She slammed open the door to his room and whacked on the back of the head. "Ow!" yelped Hemlock, "Take a look at this article."

Anaya leaned over and scanned it, "So, some poor kid got stuck in a fire, oh no, Vulcan's always causing those."

"That's not the point," said Hemlock, he pointed to the name, then the picture of Max, "He's our next target!"

"Like father ordered a hit?" asked Anaya, "Or is this related to Enyo."

"Enyo," said Hemlock, "this boy is her friend from Sturt High School."

Anaya frowned, "I never thought she would make friends."

Hemlock nodded in agreement then pulled up the picture he snapped. He put the two images in a split screen and studied them. "I'm pretty sure they're the same person," he said, "We'll nab him… when?"

Anaya shrugged, "I've got duty until next week, then we're both off."

Hemlock nodded, "I'll plot."

Anaya rolled her eyes, "You're playing the part of villain really badly."

Hemlock snorted turned back to his screen and started typing. Max Arwin…

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