
The truth

They sat down at the dining table and ate. After the food they went to the Livingroom with snacks.  "I have the information about your video. The original video is also here" Sandra said to Flora and Bona. " I am so happy, thank you so much dear. Please can we have a look" Flora said. She showed them the original video. "I know you may know the person I am coming to mention his or her name but don't act irrational" Sandra said to her again making sure things won't be out of hand.  " Hmm, no problem " Flora replied  Sandra took out the information she printed and handed it over to Bona and Flora.  "I had a feeling she will be involve but never she will be the mastermind" Flora said after seeing the information. They all asked her about her relationship with the person. " The information shows that Gifty was the one who did it. She is my stepsister. She always act innocent whenever our parents are around but is not intelligent as me. Her dad always  discipline her because of. He wants her to learn hard but not that he hate her, after all she always get what she wants " Flora told them about Gifty " But it doesn't mean she can do such an awful  thing to you" Kimberly said.  " Some people in this world can take any risk to pull a person down for no reason "Bona answered Flora. "You are right " Kim answered  " So what will you do now" Bona asked    " I won't confront her now, I will just concentrate on becoming someone better. It is wasteful to take revenge or confront someone. I can use that time to write two chapters of stories "  "Sometimes, you need to waste your time to confront those who hurt you. Put them in their place. Let them also know how much suffering you went through" Sandra doesn't want to let go. "Alright, alright, we will talk to her " Bona said " We came to deliver the message. It is getting late so we will leave ok " Sandra said    "See you tomorrow, Flora " Kimberly said  Sandra and Kimberly left. It was late so Flora and Bona did not have a any conversation and went to bed. It was Monday the next day so they woke up early to get ready. After breakfast they took a taxi.   " I have exams in two a week time so wmay not have chances to talk"Bona said  "Okay, Bona dropped her at the office modeling agency and in Kimberly's care. She left immediately after that.  "I have lectures in the afternoon so i will leave you okay, hope you can find your way back home " Kim said to her. "Yes, please " In an hour time the audition started. Everything went on smoothly. The audition came to an end early, they informed everyone to go home. They will call them later. It was still early so Kim went to drop Flora at home before going to school. Flora got something to eat and started writing the stories. She cooked dinner and went out for a walk. Flora was busy listening to music on her phone when someone bumped into her. She raised her head to only see an unfamiliar man. "Excuse me madam, please my boss want to see you" the man said  "For what" she asked  " Please come with me to the car, you will know" the man said  " sorry I don't know you so I won't go. Who knows maybe you are bad guys" Flora insist on not going. "Okay, wait for me here let me tell my boss you don't want to come" he said and ran back to the car. The car was eye catching so passerby's couldn't take their eye of it. It was a black Maybach.  A moment later, the man opened the door of the back seat and a young man in his middle twenties got out. All eyes on him. He was wearing a well iron black suit. He was eye catching. He walked up to Flora with a straight face. "Leave us alone " the man said to his assistant. He obeyed and gave them a privacy.  "My name is  Jimin Danq , the CEO of J&D company. I want to have a chat with you so let's go to any coffee shop around"  " alright" They took the car to a nearby coffee shop. When they entered all the employees bowed their head to them as a sign of respect.   The waitress got them a sit by the window.   "Give me caffè latte" he said and looked at Flora "Please give me cappuccino" she ordered   " I will go straight to the point, I hope you will find a place in your heart to forgive me" he said. " please say it, I know you are a busy person and I am also busy so just" "Okay, if you say so. Four days ago I had a breakdown and went to have drinks with my friends. Someone drugged my wine so I came out of the pub trying to have fresh air thinking I will be okay before my driver arrives but I couldn't. As I was walking I saw something infront of someone's shop , I wanted to know what was that but realized it was a human. I didn't think much when saw that it was a woman and forced myself on her" As he was talking Flora was getting angry. "Please here is your order" the waitress it infront  of them and left. "After I came back to myself, I felt bad and decided to leave. I assigned someone to follow up and give me feedback so I will come and talk to you myself. I couldn't come all this time because I was angry at myself acting like that. I am sorry. I came here to tell you that I will take responsibility for anything that will happen" he said looking at her