
The bad news

"Flora, wake up. There is a news about you going viral". Gifty shove her in her sleep. She woke up in a rush to check her phone only to find out that someone has posted a s*x video of her and an unknown man. She was so shocked that she couldn't even find her voice for a long time. "This is not me, it is fake" she was crying loudly while trying to explain to her stepsister. Sighing silently, Gifty sat beside her and tried to comfort her but it was in vain. Flora's phone started ringing nonstop. She was receiving calls from her friends and family members. She decided to pick up her mom's call which is more important. After all she can't hide for long and will surely have to answer her mom. She picked up her mom's call to explain only to hear her mom's angry voice over the phone "Before I get home this evening you must pack your things and leave the house. I don't want a shameless daughter like you in my life". She started crying all over again while trying to explain to her mom. "Please mom, let me explain.I have no idea about the video. Please trust me....." her mom hanged up. Gifty was so happy that her mom was driving her out of the house. She never liked Flora. Gifty and Flora are both 19years old and undergraduates. Flora is smart,hardworking and modest. She is an introvert. Her father died when she was only 14 years old and her mother married Gifty's dad. To be at the mercy of Gifty and her father, Flora's mom always treat. Flora packed her things getting ready to leave the house but she had no money on her. "Gifty, please lend me some money" Flora asked "I don't have any money on me, so sorry for that" "Hmm" Flora sighed and carried her luggage. "When mom come back from work please tell her I left". Gifty just nodded her head and followed Flora to the gate. Flora tried reaching her friends for help but none of them picked up. They all turned their backs on her. She roamed aimlessly in the city looking for shelter but couldn't get one. She became tired and hungry. She begged for money by the roadside to buy food. In the Anderson family; After Flora left Gifty began to rejoice. She was glad that her mom threw her out of the house. She never liked Flora because her father always compare the two of them. He is always praising Flora in front of her. "Honey, are you okay. I am going to cook dinner ". Miss Janet said to Gifty. She just nodded her head and stared back at her phone. When Miss Janet got home, she didn't even ask about her biological daughter. She entered the kitchen and started cooking. There came a car sound outside the house, Mr Philip was back from work. As soon as he entered the Livingroom he asked of the whereabouts of Flora. "Dad, she moved out " Gifty answered not caring about her father's reaction. "Who threw her out" he continued asking. "Mom, off course ". "Where is she" he asked sitting on the sofa to relax. "She is in the kitchen ". He stood up from the sofa and went to the kitchen. "Janet, why will you throw your own daughter out of the house. Did you care about her emotions. At least you should have found out about what exactly is going on. Can you imagine what she will be going through right now" Mr Philip was really angry. "She brought shame into the family, I am sorry for her behavior". Mr Philip did not even want to listen to her rumbling so he left the house to search for Flora. He roamed everywhere and asked the people who knows her but couldn't find her. He went back home with anger. He went straight upstairs to take a shower then went to find something to eat. After dinner, he didn't talk to anyone and to the bedroom to sleep. "Gifty, do you think I was too impulsive" miss Janet asked Gifty. "No, my dad is like this but don't worry he will be fine in no time" Gifty said while getting up to go to her room. Miss Janet cleared the dining room and washed the dishes before heading to the bedroom to sleep. On the street; Flora found closed shop somewhere in town and laid her clothes on the ground to sleep. Immediately she fell asleep, she felt someone removing her dress. She got up in shock.

"Please stop, please don't do this to me, please" she cried and pleaded for mercy but the person did nit mind her.