

They watched movie for a while before heading to bed. 

The next day, early in the morning the door bell rang. Flora woke up to open the door. It was a delivery man.

"Please, your breakfast is here and please sign this" the delivery guy said handed the book to Flora.

Flora didn't think much about it. She thought Bona ordered for it so she signed and took the food.

 She started cleaning up the house.

Around 9am, Bona woke up. 

"Good morning, Flora " she said heading towards the kitchen. 

"Yeah, you got a delivery from someone. I place it on the table " Flora said to Bona. 

"Me, delivery" Bona asked with a confused face. 

Flora thought her facial expression is funny so she laughed. 

"I didn't order for any breakfast " Bona said

Now it is Flora's turn to be confused. 

They both looked at each other in confusion.

" Let's check it" they said in unison.


They walked to the table and when Bona saw the name of the restaurant on the rubber she was shocked.

"Oh My God" 

" what" Flora asked in confusion

" this breakfast is from Medi restaurant " Bona said 

"So " still confused Flora asked

" you know, this restaurant if you don't have the vip card you can't go unless you are invited by the owner. Even many stars and rich people can't go there. Their vip cards are limited "  Bona explained to Flora.

Flora was surprise, she just stood there unable to speak. The moment she found her voice she said " it might be a wrong delivery, let's look at the name card and call them to come and take it, I don't want any trouble " 

" you are right, let's check " Bona said 

They opened the first wrapper and saw a note in it. It said " to Flora, this breakfast is yours. I hope you like it . From J" when they saw the words written on the paper they were dumbstruck. 


" who is J" Bona asked lifting her head to look at Flora.

" I am as confuse as you are. I don't know anyone by that name " Flora said to Bona 


Bona didn't care, she just want to taste this delicious breakfast so she just told her to forget.  They place all the food on the dining table and started to enjoy it.

" whoever brought this to you might take a fancy to you. The person might be a prominent person, girl you are lucky. Even though my family is rich, I haven't tasted this food before" Bona said


" well, I haven't heard of the place before it seems like in this case we are the same "Flora said laughing. Bona also laughed.

They were both happy.

Meanwhile, on top of the J&D company in the CEO's office stood the secretary and Jimin is sitting in his leather chair.

"Did you send her the breakfast " Jimin asked Manuel 

"Yes sir "  Manuel answered 

"Alright, where is the information I asked you to search for me" Jimin asked 

" it is here" Manuel said and place a file on the table.

"Hmmm, alright. You can leave now"

" yes sir " Manuel said and head out of the door not forgetting to close the door behind him.

After he left, Jimin took the file read it. ( Flora Anderson is her name. Father is dead, left with mom and her. She has a stepdad and stepsister. She has been chased from her house due to a scandal circulating on the internet. She is a final year student but has drop out )


(So that's what has happened to her) he thought.  

 After going through all the information he buried himself in work.


He has already decided to make her his woman so during lunch break he called his secretary in . 

" please, I am here" Manuel said 

" I want you to enroll Flora into one of the best high schools in the city" Jimin told his secretary.

"Yes sir, I will go and make the arrangements right away." 

Jimin waved his hand signaling him to leave.

Manuel went and made the arrangements. 

After breakfast. Bona accompanied Flora to the modeling agency. She passed so they hired her. 

After everything was done, Sandra went over to the agency. Kimberly, Bonavencial and Flora were already there.


"Let's go and celebrate at the Emorald club, it's on me today" Kimberly said 

They all cheered happily.

" but first , let's go change and wear something hot " Sandra said 

They all agreed happily and headed to the mall to buy themselves new clothes.

Ladies on the go. They bought dresses not forgetting to buy some for Flora. It was already 4pm when they were done shopping. They were  hungry so they went to a nearby restaurant to eat something. They chatted happily whiles eating the meal.

At 5:30pm they were done. 

They headed to Kimberly's place to do their makeup and wear their clothes because she is a model so he has all the set of makeup