
The 10 days I spent with him

"First comes love then comes tears..." The whole village was envious of Arie when she married every girls dream guy. little do they know there's a story behind those terrifyingly perfect good looks and charm. When delivered to his master Arie has the choice to accept death or die trying to escape. What will it be?

Fortheloveofbooks · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Prologue: the wedding day

The wedding day, the most important day in most women's lives. Why, you may ask? This is because it is the one day a woman or lady or whatever can be the star of the show. For once in her miserable life she can have all eyes on her, only for a few minutes that is. They maybe few but somehow, they manage to hold such great importance to the female gender. Some even go a mile further by starting to plan their wedding when young. Seriously? Your mind is a powerful instrument that can literally do anything but you waste it by imagining yourself walking down an aisle for three minutes. THREE MINUTES!

Don't get me wrong, I love weddings. I love the food and uhm… just the food I guess. Just kidding! I love the mood that weddings bring. There's joy and a new-found happiness. The bride gets this wedding glow that is only reserved for this day. Everything feels perfect even when the weather decides to make it grey. Nonetheless, nothing can compare to the looks on the bride and grooms faces when they are hand in hand. It's in that moment that everyone else disappears and they focus on each other and their love. Such a magical moment is what I love most about weddings. It is on this day that the world sees just how much two people love each other.

Therefore, a wedding shouldn't be about the day or the dress and makeup. Neither should it be about the three minutes that the world finally acknowledges your presence. Instead, a wedding day should be about that moment when you and your true love hold hands and show off your love. Show off how beautiful and colourful your love is without holding back! Show the world how lucky you are! Don't hold back!

"Nataria?" Zilla called out. I was so out of it that I forgot she was even here. "I was asking if you like the make up but it seems that you have better things to think about." She gave me an eye roll before she continued to chew her gum as loudly as ever.

"You've done a wonderful job Zilla, I'm just worried that you might have wasted a good amount of makeup." She gave me another eye roll before she responded.

"You know what, you are right! If it was not for all the money that I was given I would have not have agreed to this. Now everyone hates me and I have lost all my customers because of you."


You were paid ten times more than you charge. You have no right to complain." I grumbled and gave her a much-deserved eye roll and tongue out. Shorty after my room door creaked open and a very excited Amara walked in.

"My best friend looks so beautiful today. I am so jealous and so are all the females around." Amara smiled and gave me a side hug. "I never thought this day would come. I literally thought you would die in my basement." She joked.

"You don't have a basement." I countered causing both of us to laugh while Zilla acted like we did not exist. Amara proceeded to style my hair and place a veil on my head.

"You look beautiful my little kashimbi!" My mom chimed as she walked into the room gazing at me. She looked so happy to see me dressed like this. She gave me a kiss and hug before taking a picture of me with her brand-new smart phone. She took more pictures of me with Amara and some with Zilla too. I couldn't help but feel irritated and mad. Everyone was happy but me and yet it was my day. A knock interrupted us.

"It is starting ladies. Time to go." My father announced from behind my door.

"It is time girls, go get seated." Mom told the girls and shooed them away. She then looked at me and snapped, "I don't care how you feel now or even later. All I'm asking is for you not to embarrass your father and I. Fake smile if you must but don't do anything that will shun our family name. Do we have an agreement?"

"Yes mother." I responded obediently.

"Good. Now smile like the lucky bride you are and marry your prince charming." She then grabbed my hand and forced me to the entrance of the small church. My father was standing there waiting for me. His face had an expression I couldn't quite read which was quite unusual l because he was always an open book. He then took my hand and gave me a small smile.

"I never thought I'd see you in a dress like this." He admitted.

"Did you also think I'll die in Amara's basement?" I joke and my father laughed.

"She is the only person who would let you stay with her in old age." He huffed and looked at me fondly and said, "even when you were young, you were always ready to sacrifice your happiness for others. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I also hope you'll forgive me and your mother." Father caressed my cheek and gave me a small smile before the doors opened and revealed a whole lot of envious faces and fake smiles. "Just ignore them sweetie. Focus on your new future." I knew for a fact that my father was talking about the man that killed any chance of happiness that I'd ever had.

Raven Vyane, the most "handsome" man to ever come to our village stood at the alter waiting for me. He looked very happy unlike me. His smile had all the ladies gawking at him and scorning at me. What was so wonderful about him anyway? And why was it me who had to marry this idiot. I looked around me and saw only two people who seemed to be genuinely happy. My mom, who was getting herself a handsome and rich son in law and my best friend who only ever wished the best for me. Before I even knew it, I was hand in hand with Raven. The moment I had always loved to watch other people experience past me by and I didn't even notice. There was no love to show off. There was no glow. There was no true happiness.

"Congratulations!" a happy Amara exclaimed as she approached me. I was already helping myself to my second glass of viseke. "Even if you don't like your groom, at least you know you will have beautiful babies." I wanted to protest but mom came back with her new smart phone.

"Let us make memories kashimbi. We might never see you again." I choked.

"What did you say?" I howled.

"Right, I forgot to tell you. You and Raven are leaving together." She casually explained. Well that was the last of it. I'm done.

"You're a terrible mother Kwitemwa!" I disrespected my mother by calling her with her first name but I didn't care. I was so angry. "You sell me to a stranger and you allow him to take me away. Don't you even worry about me a little bit? Don't you care?" people were crowding us now and I knew for a fact that my mother did not like it. this was embarrassing but I had to call her out.

"Shut up, you ungrateful child! Don't you see that this will give you the future you've always dreamed of. He can sponsor whatever you want. He is handsome. Every girl at this wedding wants to put their hand on him but you. There are so many pretty girls here but he chose you. Why can't you see how lucky you are and just roll with it?" I was just about to explode when Raven found his way beside me. He gave everyone a huge boyish smile before making a nerve-racking announcement.

"Thank you all for coming to my wedding. Sadly, my wife and I have to leave now. Our car has been waiting and so has the plane." The envious looks appeared on the guests faces again.

"Go sweetie. Go ride a car and plane for the first time." My mom was now indirectly bragging. I wasn't ready to go, not just yet. My entire life was in this village and there was no way I was just going to leave with a stranger. I was just about to object Raven's decision when he whispered into my ear,

"If we don't get out of here in the next 5 minutes, I'll hurt your father." That was all it took for me to hurriedly cling to my best friend and father for the last time. I could see tears glisten in my father's eyes as I let go of him. This was goodbye for good and we both knew it. I'd never see my family again. I'd never see Amara again. I'd never see my my home again.


kashimbi- a general way which Kaonde's refer to females.

viseke - is a traditional drink