
Chapter 2 - Wake up, Web-Head

It was a long night. What went from a small nap, turned into an endless dream, a nightmare, moreso. I kept seeing that spider, seeing its silk threads stringing around the room creating huge spider webs, connecting my thoughts and mind. The dream was a bizarre one for sure, but it eventually came to an end. My alarm clock went off at 7:45, just enough time to get ready and get to school on time at 8:20. I slowly stretched my left arm to the side and rested it on the "alarm clock disable" button. As I pressed the button, I sort of layed there for a second. I was just thinking. Hoping, really, that I would be able to have a more normal day at school. After a minute of thinking, I pulled my hand off the button- well, I tried to. I wasn't gripping the clock, yet somehow the clock, as if held to my hand by some glue, or tape, stuck to my fingertips. I began attempting to pry the clock off of my hand, only getting it stuck to my other hand more. I was totally losing my mind. Suddenly, my phone got a notification. A text, from a random number. While still attached to this alarm clock, I glanced at what it said.

"Hey Pete, it's Gwen. Harry gave me your number yesterday and I just wanted to make sure you made it out alive (haha). I hope you're doing alright."

As I read the text, there was a sudden release in my hand. A physical one, but also a mental one. A sense of calmness came over me. But of course, as all things do, this tranquility I felt swiftly stopped as I heard a loud DING !!! My alarm clock fell and hit the ground. Somehow, it was no longer attached to my hand, but this wasn't so good after all. The loud ding, also made me knock over my phone, not ONLY that, but I sprung up like a cat. I closed my eyes, as I felt something strange. I had jumped up into a sort of flip, which was… unusual but that wasn't the weirdest part. Y'know that rule that "What goes up must come down"? Yeah, apparently I didn't, because suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw that I was STUCK ON MY HANDS AND FEET, UPSIDE DOWN, HANGING FROM THE CEILING!!!

"Philip?" I heard a muffled voice from downstairs yelling. "Are you alright up there?" It was my aunt. My movements must have caused quite the commotion.

"Oh- Uh yeah May! I'm fine! I'll be down in a sec!!" I said in a panicked voice. I scrambled around on the ceiling, trying to unstick myself.

"Phil- what's all that noise? I'm coming up," she said in a worried voice.

SHIT! I need to get DOWN NOW! Why the hell is this happening?!? May cant see me like this, she'll flip! Well, I guess I'm the one who flipped, seeing as I got up here with that sort of flip thing- Philip! Focus!

"H- hold on a second May!" I said quickly trying to think of an excuse. "I- I'm naked- uh- changing- my clothes." I know, not very convincing, but I didn't need to be, because as I was trying to get down, I felt the chunks of the ceiling my fingers were attached to, getting weaker. "Uh oh" Suddenly, chunks of the ceiling paint stuck to my fingertips and fell off with me attached! I fell off the ceiling and landed on my bed.

"What was that?" Aunt May said as she approached my room with Haste. "Philip?!" She said as she opened the door. "What in the world is happening here?" She walked in to see me sitting on my bed with my shirt over my head, my alarm clock broken on the ground, and my phone sitting next to it.

"Uhhh…" I said as I scrambled to put on my shirt. "Would you believe me if I said a Tornado just came through?"

"Oh Philip- You're gonna be late. Are you feeling alright? You seemed so- out of it yesterday." May asked me with a worried look.

"Shi-shoot." I said, making sure not to swear in front of her. "I'm fine but I definitely won't be if I'm late."

"Are you sure you're ok enough for school, Philly?" May asked me. (I hate that nickname)

"May, I'm fine. Please, I want to have a normal day today. I'm not sick. I swear." I said with sincerity.

"Okay fine. Meet me in the car in 10 minutes. There's cereal on the counter." May said as she walked out of my room.

"Thanks May!" I shouted as I scrambled to get ready.

What the hell just happened?!? Why am I so.. Sticky… is this puberty? My bio teacher didn't talk about this when we went through that whole "Birds and the Bees" thing back in junior high… Could it have been… No, that spider… It couldn't have been related… Right?

Manhattan - Oscorp Tower - 8:00 A.M.

The revolving door of the entrance to Oscorp Tower turned, as a man in a business suit walked in. The place was not very busy yet, as most employees arrived around 9 am. The only employees there before 9 were those of high importance, such as higher ups. That, and the janitorial staff as well, making sure the nice shiny marble flooring of the lobby is squeaky clean. The man in the business suit continued his trek across the lobby right up to the reception desk, where one receptionist was behind the counter, as if she was waiting for someone. When she saw the man in the suit, she immediately lit up.

"Mr. Osborn! So glad to see you this morning. What can I do for you?" She said with enthusiasm. Whether her enthused personality was earnest or not was up for debate, but it mattered not to the esteemed CEO of Oscorp Industries, Local businessman and entrepreneur, Norman Osborn.

"Yes, it is quite a fine morning I do say." Norman stated with little emotion, but more than he usually did. "How's the production on the Bio Cable?"

"Well, as far as I am aware, the guys up in Lab C said they would need a little more time to finish the correct formula-" The receptionist said.

"Three days." Norman said, interrupting the receptionist.

"Three days? For what Mr. Os-" The Receptionist responded, confused as ever.

"Three days, is all they get. The meeting yesterday was highly successful, and Westmeyer-Holt Contracting is interested in using the cable for new construction machines. We need- I need it done. Three. Days. Tell them that." Norman said in a strict tone. He wasn't one who cut his losses easily, mostly due to his lack of them. He was a wise businessman, but also a man of science himself. He understood things took time, but he also didn't have the time. His demanding nature was a staple, and many Oscorp employees feared him.

"I- I will relay the message to them immediately, Mr. Osborn. I-is there anything else I can be of assistance with today?" She asked with a shaky composure. A victim of the system, a pawn in Norman's Chess game, she was a mere plaything to him. And she was well aware of it.

"That's what I like to hear." Norman said with a grin. It wasn't a grin of gratitude or happiness, but one of success, a grin of dominance. He knew his place in the grand scheme of this company. As Norman walked away he said one more thing. "Oh yes, one more thing. Harry will be here after his classes today, please see to it that he meets me in my office as soon as he possibly can. I have news for him."

"Y-yes sir. Have a good day, and let me know of any way I can help." The receptionist said. She felt like she was walking on thin ice, and Norman was the shark underneath, waiting for her to step her foot in the wrong spot so she could fall into the dangerous wrath of his shark tooth personality.

"Likewise." Norman said. He walked with poise to the elevator and got inside. He pressed the button for the top floor. He was a shark, and he was on the hunt.

Brooklyn - Brooklyn Visions Academy - 8:13 A.M.

Anxiously, I walked into school. Filled with confusion and stress, I looked at those around me. I felt their beady eyes piercing my soul, I felt like everyone was glaring in my direction. I felt very alone. Well, I did feel alone for a minute, until I saw her blonde hair from across the lobby. Gwen Stacy flagged me down and I slowly but surely made my way through the sea of students.

"Pete!" Gwen said. "Did you get my text?"

That's right! I totally forgot about the text from earlier! Shittttt I never responded to her…. Damnit…. Did I blow it?

"Ah, shit sorry. I meant to respond. I just got… a little distracted is all…. Yeah…" I said, trying not to fumble over my words. I still can't believe I didn't text her back, I mean it makes sense, I was caught up with… things… but… seriously Phil?

"It's alright, it's alright. How are you though? You seemed to be…off… yesterday." Gwen said in a worried manner.

"I'm fine now, just tired. Thanks for checking on me though. I'm hoping I don't randomly become feverish again today." I said in a more calm and collected fashion.

"Well, If you say so. I'm glad you're alright Pete, just know you're welcome in this school and well.. If you were maybe nervous at all yesterday, maybe that was the reason?" She responded.

"N-no, I was pretty alright with everything maybe- maybe it was some science guy mind controlling my brain" I said jokingly.

I hope she knows I'm joking otherwise I look REALLY stupid right now.

"Ha! Yeah, those Oscorp guys sure are nefarious. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they were running some secret experiment with that little exhibition they ran yesterday… Oh well, I shouldn't be making conspiracies against the company I intern for. That's like- Treason or something.." Gwen said. She seemed to be a joker just as much as I am, which is refreshing. A lot of the people here are real sticks in the mud. I told this one kid a joke in period 3 yesterday, and he just… stared at me… His name is Charles or something…

"Hah, well yeah I'm all good. I think so at least-" I said, right as the bell rang "Oh, there's the bell… I better go-"

"Pete, we have the same first period" She said with a giggle

"Oh. Right." I said with an embarrassed look on my face.

"Come on Pete, we have Bio to go to." She said as she winked at me and started towards Bio. Embarrassed, I followed along.

I was only embarrassed for a moment, as my mind soon returned to the elephant in the room. The incident back at home.

Jeez, I- I need a moment to sit alone and think- I haven't had a second to really contemplate my next move. And now, Gwen… She's awesome and all but… I need to be alone. I'll ask Connors to use the restroom when I get to class. Maybe I'll just ditch…

As we walked into class, I sat down at my desk and waited. I'd never wanted class to start so badly. Say "Here" when he calls roll, and then go to use the bathroom. The bell rang and Dr. Connors immediately started talking.

"Ok class! Listen up, because I don't like to repeat myself! We have a pop quiz today- well, more of a diagnostic to see where you all stand on your current understanding of biology as a whole-" Connors said. But I was in a rush, so I raised my hand. "Yes… Mr. Parker?" Connors said with an annoyed expression.

"Can I use the restroom?" I asked with a nervous grin on my face.

"Can it wait, Mr. Parker? You have a diagnostic to take." He answered with a look of annoyance on his face.

"Uh.. I guess it can." I said not wanting to be rude.

"Good! Now, let's begin…"

The grueling bullshit of Bio, and the monotonous arithmetic of Pre Calc, were both calmed by Gwen. She helped me focus, and not freak out. But unfortunately, we only have period 1 and 2 together, and after that, I'm on my own. The 3rd and 4th period were long, long times. Times of sitting and thinking, contemplating the reasoning for everything.

Why, why, WHY is this happening to me?! Why did I stick to the ceiling this morning! Maybe that comment I made to Gwen about this being Oscorp's fault is more true than I thought! That Spider… I need to see that spider… Am I dying?

Soon enough, Period 4 was over. I went to the cafeteria and grabbed a crappy old burger. With my excuse of a burger, I scanned the tables for Gwen and/or Harry. I had done plenty of thinking in period 3 and 4, and I narrowed everything down to 3 possibilities.

I gained the abilities of the spider that bit me

I am dying

I am losing the last bit of sanity I have left

(All 3 could possibly be what's happening)

As I looked for Gwen and Harry, behind me I heard a sudden voice.

"Peter!" Gwen shouted as she playfully pushed me.

"GAH!" I shouted as I (not so gracefully) stumbled forward. "Jesus! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said. I scrunched my face up and did an old man's voice: "I'm gettin old ya hear!"

"Oh shut up Gramps. Cmon, let's find Harry." Gwen said as she walked towards the lunch tables. We found Harry, and lunch went by. I ate my "fart burger" and we all talked. I told stories of Midtown High and my experiences with my old friend Eddie, Gwen and Harry told me their mundane Brooklyn Visions stories, blah blah blah. But in the back of my mind, I kept thinking of that morning. I knew what I had to do. I texted Aunt May during lunch telling her I'd walk home, which usually isn't like me, but I figured it would work. Then, while I would be "walking home", I could test this out. Go try and stick to things. I needed to see if it was a fluke. Lunch ended with the bell as it usually does, and I was set on my plan. Period 5 and 6 weren't too long, but not short enough. When the bell rang at the end of the day I immediately rushed outside. Running down the halls, I felt faster, like I was running with better form and more force, and honestly I was barely trying. I ran out the double doors of the lobby and looked in both directions. I figured an alleyway would be the best place to practice. But right before I could keep going I was cut off (seems to be a common thing for me).

"Hey Peeeeter," Harry said, suddenly standing right in front of me. "What's going on with you? You look like you're in a rush."

"I- I am Harry, I've gotta get home-" I said, trying to think of an excuse. "I- I'm- I've got a lot of homework." Great one Phil! You're sooooo quick on your feet! I should do Improv.

"Oh- Really? A lot of homework already? Damn, the teachers must not have cut you any slack. You got Connors, huh. No wonder." Harry said, slightly confused. "But, I wanted to ask you, what's with everyone calling you Peter?"

"Oh uh, there was a mistake on the roll call sheets, so… one thing led to another, I'm Peter now.. I guess." I said in an embarrassing way of trying to explain.

"Ahhhh, I see. Rebranding, huh? Got tired of getting called Philly Cheesesteak by Flash Thompson all the time? Maybe I should try that. What do ya think of Gary Osborn?!" Harry responded jokingly. I gave it a chuckle, but my mind was elsewhere. I needed to try out this new- sticky thing- the sticky hands and feet on the ceiling thing from this morning.

"Well Harry, It's nice talking but I better go. Aunt May is expecting me." I said attempting to dismiss the conversation.

"Oh, yeah it's cool, I gotta go anyway. My dad said to get to Oscorp quickly after school, I guess he has a surprise for me?" Harry seemed happy. He was always very close with his father, kind of- scarily close, but it never bothered me. "See ya tomorrow, Peter" He said with a wink.

"Catch ya later, Gary" I said with a grin. He laughed and walked away, and I immediately began running down the sidewalk in the opposite direction.

Each stride felt dignified. As I gripped my messenger bag, I ran as fast as an experienced cross country racer. This power I had gained, it was much beyond what I had thought it to be, and now I needed to test it. Looking around the streets of brooklyn, I spotted a good secluded alleyway next to a little sandwich shop called "Delmar's Deli-Grocery". I made my way down the alley, and took out a hoodie from my bag. It took up most of the space in my little messenger bag, so I was relieved to have it out. I put it on so I could be more incognito, and not stand out, but maybe picking a bright red hoodie wasn't the most low profile choice. I began towards a wall and looked up. The height of the building gave me goosebumps as I gazed upwards. Despite it only being a 3 story building, it's not like I was used to climbing buildings whatsoever, so it still freaked me out. I reached out towards the wall like a baby reaching towards its reflection in a mirror, though I'm not sure if the baby would stick to the mirror, I think that's just me. I began putting all four of my limbs onto the wall and crawling in an upward motion and scaling the building. As I climbed, I began to smile. It was a smile of wonder, a smile of excitement, a smile of utter shock and awe.

I am really climbing this wall right now! I am seriously sticking to this wall, and- Holy shit… This is the greatest thing that ever happened to me…

Things were going utterly amazing. I was lost in thought, as I kept climbing and climbing until suddenly I reached the roof. I climbed up onto the top of the roof. It was a normal roof, air vent ducts, bird shit, and a roof access door that led to stairs. I wasn't paying too much attention, but I had never been on a roof like this before so I took it all in. I walked over to a ledge and peered down into the streets below. People below, walking around, cars driving down the street; and I was all the way up here. It was marvelous. Keyword was, because not long after I got a second to breathe I heard a commotion from the alley below. Running over to the ledge I looked down to see a man with a knife cornering a woman. The typical damsel in distress trope that all stories use, but it truly happened. So my mind immediately began rushing around. I had no clue what my next move was, but a little voice began to speak in the back of my head.

"Philip. You have a moral duty. Always do what is right..." The mental voice echoed throughout my head. It was a familiar voice, but I couldn't place my finger on who it was. I thought about it for a moment, and then knew what I had to do.

"Maybe… Maybe I am dying… Oh well…" I said as I began scaling the wall in the reverse direction from which I came. If I'm losing my mind, hearing voices, sticking to things, I might as well just- go for it, right? Help a woman out?

"Listen, lady, you've got until I count to three to drop your purse and scamper off, otherwise I cut ya! And if you tell anyone, I'll track you down, and I'll cut ya! Got that?!" The man said. He was cocky, and felt superior to her I could tell.

"P-please.." Was all that the woman could muster. I don't blame her, I'd be scared too.

"One… Two…" The criminal began counting up to three. I knew something bad would happen if I let him get there so I dropped down behind him. Trying my best to hide my face, I began to speak:

"Three, right? That's what you were gonna say? I find counting up to five to be more fun, because it gives the person more time to think of an escape route." I said. I felt like such a cocky asshole, but he deserved it. Suddenly he turned around and swung at me with his knife, but like I knew it was coming, I ducked and swept out his legs, making him fall on his face.

"Wh- what the-?!" The woman began to yell. "Who are you?!"

"That's not important, what's important is that you get to safety, ok?" I said, acting all calm; but my heart was racing, pounding, and my mind was well, I was confused. How did I do that?! It was pure instinct. I just knew how to do that.

"Uh- I- Ok, ok, I- Thank you sir-" The woman said as she ran off.

I looked down at the criminal who was trying to get up from the ground. "Now listen bucko, I'm gonna let ya loose this once, but if you do this again, just know… It won't be pretty.." It was cheesy, but It was enough for me at the time. I left him there in the alley and made my way home. What a crazy day.

Manhattan - Oscorp Tower - 4:04 P.M.

The lobby of Oscorp Tower was usually bustling this time of day, and it was no different as Harry Osborn walked into his fathers' workplace. He walked across the busy lobby and made his way to the reception desk.

"Hey there Ms. Bennet, I heard my father has requested I be here today, right?" Harry asked the receptionist.

"Oh! Harry! It's so good to see you. Yes your fa- Mr. Osborn asked that you go directly up to his office, so I would do that, yes?" The receptionist responded.

"Right, right. Thanks, Ms. B." Harry said as he started towards the employee elevator. He walked inside and pressed the button for the 98th floor, the floor in which Norman Osborn's office resides. From the lobby to the 100th floor, it's around a 12 minute ride, so that's around the time Harry had before he reached his father's office. On the ride he had plenty of space to think, and to wait anxiously, wondering what it was his father had to show him. Usually, he and his father had no issues, and were actually really close, but nonetheless, Harry had a feeling within him, one of nerve, and uneasiness.

When Harry finally reached the 98th floor, the double doors of the elevator opened up to Norman's office space. It was large, and had many scientific doo dads and trinkets on the walls. The floor was a shiny reflective mineralistic material, and Harry's tennis shoes made a squeaking sound as he trudged along the floor towards his father's desk.

"Harry, please pick up your feet when you walk in here, you'll scuff up the floor." Norman Osborn said as Harry walked towards his desk. Norman was standing at one of the 3 windows in his office that overlooked the city from his high rise enterprise.

"Yes father." Harry said, and the squeaking came to a stop. "You have something to show me?"

"Yes, but first, how was your day? We didn't get a chance to talk yesterday, so I would like to know." Norman said, still looking out the window.

"It was good, just.. Y'know, usual.. School stuff… Oh, you remember Philip?" Harry said, wondering if his father had any memories of his childhood friend.

"Hmm… Philip… Not that Parker kid, right?" Norman said in a somewhat cross tone.

"Y-yeah, Philip Parker! We used to hang out a lot back in elementary school, and a little in junior high." Harry said, waiting for a response for a moment, but continuing with the absence of one. "H-he showed up at school the other day! He transferred from Midtown High, and we're totally like- best friends again."

Norman continued to look out the window for a moment more, as he turned and raised his eyebrows as he walked towards his desk. He pulled out his chair in silence, and sat down to face Harry. "Ah I see… Philip Parker? At Brooklyn Visions Academy? They'll let anyone in nowadays, seemingly. Didn't he used to fail his classes?"

"H-he was a C average student, but he wasn't that bad-" Harry said, being cut off by his father.

"A C, is a failure in my eyes. You son, are not on that level. You are above him, see? I'm very proud of you son, just be careful who you associate with." Norman said butting in.

"I…. Yes father… Now, what is it you have to show me?" Harry asked, begging to know.

"Yes yes, come with me. We must go to the roof." Norman said.

"The roof? I must say, you have me intrigued." Harry said. Harry follows Norman towards the elevator. They both step inside and the double doors close

Brooklyn - Parker Residence - 5:26 P.M.

After taking a roundabout path, I made it back to my apartment and opened the door. I walked inside and looked around. Aunt May was sitting at the dining room table reading a book.

"Hey May, I'm home" I said as I began on the way to my room to set down my stuff.

"Took you long enough. Why are you so late?" Aunt May asked in a strict manner.

"Oh uh, I stayed behind with Harry for a little bit, that's all" I said trying to cover up my tracks of all the building climbing I did.

"Well Philip, text me next time, or call me. Let me know if you're going to be home later than usual." Aunt May said in a forgiving tone.

"Sorry May…" I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"It's ok Philly. How was school? Do you feel better today?" Aunt May asked as she stood up and went into the kitchen.

"Oh, school was… yeah it was good. No nausea or anything." I said. "Oh uh, where's Uncle Ben? Still at work?"

"Yes, unfortunately. They love to overwork that man at the bank. I'm afraid they're gonna work him to death!" Aunt May responded.

"Damn. Well, let me know when he's here. I've got homework in the meantime" I said as I made my way to my room.

"Sure thing." Aunt May said in response. Of course I wasn't actually about to go do homework, but I had some thinking to do. I couldn't get over the feeling left behind in my head after saving that woman. The feeling wasn't fear, or nerve, but- it was a feeling of happiness. Like I had really done something to benefit the world.

Maybe… Maybe I can use this for a good purpose… maybe… maybe this is a sign… or something…

I gazed up at the pieces of paint missing from my ceiling as I thought about the crazy day I had. I thought about the spider, the stickiness, the woman I saved. Suffice to say, I felt powerful. As I layed there, my phone buzzed which sort of caught me off guard since I usually didn't use it all too much. I picked it up, and it was Gwen, which was even more surprising because I barely even knew her, and sort of got the feeling I was annoying or- whatever, she messaged me.

"Hey Pete! It's Gwen, just wanted to text you again cuz you never actually did text me back the first time >:(((( but if you wanna make it up to me, you could buy me some lunch, this weekend maybe? Only if you want to live another week, cause I'll kill you if you don't." Was what the text read. I looked at it with a smile and a realization that I in fact, did NOT respond to her yet. But before I even had the chance she texted again: "By the way, that last part was a joke." Then another "If you want to live another DAY >:)))"

So, I decided to text back. "Well, I actually was planning on dying in the next couple days, but your lunch idea seems fun so, maybe hold off until after we do that?" I know, Corny, but hey, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. Not long after, she texted back.

"I guesssss I could wait. You better make it worth my while. Saturday?"

"Sounds good to me." I responded

"Seeya then, Peter <3" Gwen finally said ending our conversation

Is this.. A date?... No, It can't be… Can it…? Maybe I should clarify- n-no, I'll just let this play out… damn… do I want it to be a date…?

With a lot on my plate, I spent the next couple hours, wondering in the back of my head the true meaning of this little get together. Overthinking, that's what I'm best at. As If I didn't have enough on my mind, I suddenly got a call. It was Harry.

"Hey Philip!" He said with enthusiasm "You'll never guess what my dad just showed me!!!"......