
The "Best" For Us - A Jenlisa Story

A story of bestfriends, falling in love, but obstacles stopped them. "Sorry if I don't feel the same.." "It's fine, I get it." "Why..!" "She'll always be with us." "Sorry if I realized it too late." "Let's start over."

GTstories03 · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

First Met

[Lisa's POV]

Currently I'm now at a fan signing event for the grand new opening of my studio in Seoul, Korea. It's been years since I've came back here, I'm now successful in my career and achieved my dreams. The Past few years I've been through here were crazy enough, and now getting back here at this land of memories reminds me a lot of it, either good or bad memories. Anyways back to the fan signing. It's all going pretty well at the moment, until.....

"Hi there, your name please?" I asked not looking towards the person.

"Um..uh.. Je...Jennie" she nervously said.

"Hey hey chill there, I'm not gonna bite." I chuckled and said, flipping to the signing page of the photo book. "Umm, but I would like to know your full name please? Cause you know there's plenty of Jennie's out there" I said still not looking at the person. She giggled a little, this giggle sounds familiar to me, I thought in my mind.

"Oh um okay, it's Jennie Ruby Jane Kim." She said it as fast as she could.

I stiffened on my seat, did I just heard that right? Is it really her? Curiosity finally made me look up. I froze more when I saw those cute mandu cheeks, those unique cat eyes. "Jennie..." I mumbled. Gladly, I'm always having my mask on cause I have never shown my identity to the public, so no one knows how I look like. We were just staring at each other for almost 3 minutes drowning in our thoughts and I finally snap back to reality when my manager tapped my shoulder asking me what's wrong. I told him everything is fine and turn back to Jennie.

"Nice name." I said coolly tried to calm myself down as I signed on the photobook.

"It's really you, I'm not wrong, you are alive..." She mumbled but loud enough for me to hear.

I ignored what I heard and smile, "well nice knowing you Jennie, please head to these way and get the special gifts, thank you for coming." I said and gesture the next person to come forward, hope she won't say anything more. Then the question I wanna avoid the most came.

"W-hy..?" She asked hesitantly and her voice trembled a bit. I could feel how hurt she is as I do after what have happened. I gulp hard and bit my lips to avoid my tears, tried to remain calm as I look up again.

I sighed then looked straight into her eyes and said, "I did what's the best for us."


10 Years Ago

[Someone's POV]

"Ughhh, What's taking her so long! She better not forgot today's the day." I groan in frustration as i kept waiting for her at her living room for almost half an hour already.

"Sweetie, why don't you go and check on her, see if she's up. I bet she's still sleeping, that's probably why it took her so long... Sorry for that, you know she's a sleepy head sometimes." Her mom shake her head and chuckled.

"It's okay auntie, I'll just go check on her :)" I said as I went upstairs furiously and go straight to her room. "Aish this monkey, I swear if I saw her still sleeping on bed Imma kick her ass off." I mumbled.

[Lisa's POV]

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a loud BANGGG on my door followed by someone barge in my room shouting.

"HOLY CHICKEN NUGGETS!!! Why are you still sleeping and not prepared Lisa!" She shouted.

I just hummed in response without opening my eyes. Then suddenly a strong force dragged me off my bed to the floor.

"YAH LALISA wake up already, we're late! Just continue your beauty sleep when you're dead cause no one will bother you then!" She said annoyed. I groaned.

"Ouch! My butt. Yah Kim Jisoo what the actual heck?! Late for what?" I asked lazily.

"Really Lisa? How can you forget, it's first day of school you idiot!" She said unbelievably and smacked my head.

"Owww T-T, stop smacking my precious head you chicken!" Then I realized what she said and widened my eyes. "OH MY GOD did you just say its first day of school??? Shit shit shit, I totally forgot! Just go downstairs and wait unnie, I'll get ready, just give me 10 minutes." I quickly said then hurried to bathroom for a shower.

"Yea you better be quick or else I'll leave you and go by myself, I don't wanna get lunch detention with that weird bald sweaty principle." She disgustingly said and slam the door before went out.

"Ugh, my poor door. Can't she just close it nicely for once!".


[Jisoo's POV]

Finally! After Lisa took me to her garage showing off her car collections and thinking which car should she drive but then realized she DOES NOT have her license yet! So there, we ended up riding a bus, bumping for an hour on the road and successfully arrived our new school in Seoul LATE! :)

"Lisa I swear I'll kill you if I ended up eating lunch with that bald sweaty dude." I said annoyed.

"Yea yea like you can pfff." She said sarcastically and laughed.

I just rolled my eyes and walk in front of her so I won't see her annoying face. This school is huge, we walked for 10 minutes already but still can't find our classroom. So I turned around to see if Lisa have any clue about it, but what I saw just made me speechless. She's just standing there and combing her bangs with that tiny comb she brings every time. I went over and smack her head.

"Yah Lisa stop combing it, it's still like that even if you combed it thousand times." I annoyingly said.

[Lisa's POV]

I was following jisoo unnie walking around the school, I thought she's taking me a tour around the school, how nice of she. I was enjoying the nice views of the school garden and just then I wanted to take a selfie but my bangs are messed, so I took out my tiny cute comb to comb my bangs. But then Jisoo came out of nowhere and smack my head again.

"How can you say that unnie! My bangs is the most important thing that made me look this good. You are just jealous of how good looking I am." I wiggled my brows at her and said.

"Yea yea, monkey with bangs, how unique it is. Even fried chicken with bangs looks better than you." She sarcastically replied. "Hey we need to find our classroom now, time to use your good looking face now and go ask someone, we only got 3 more minutes before the second class starts."

"Ugh okok." I feel annoyed of how she said about my cute bangs. As I was wandering around, I finally found a girl who's seems in a hurry, I quickly went up to stop her and ask, "Hey there, sorry for stopping you, but do you know where is class 7-4?"

"Oh um it's okay, oh just go straight and turn left then you'll see, it's just right there in that corner. I have to go now the principle's calling me." She said then left quickly.

I yelled a thank you towards her she just waved her hands. "cute" I mumbled.

"Huh? You said something?" Jisoo asked.

"Oh no nothing, let's go I know where it is now." I said then walk with Jisoo on the hallway to where the classroom is.

As we reached our class, the bell rang. "Yes we made it on time, you won't need to eat with that sweaty dude."

"Yea great timing, it's already the second class" she sarcastically said and rolled her eyes, I just laughed at her silly face.

"Okay class, the two new students are here, kids come up and introduce yourselves." The teacher said.

I walked up to the front and started to introduce my self so as jisoo unnie. "Hello Guys, I'm Lalisa Manoban, Lisa for short, just call me Lisa if you want and um this is Jisoo my best buddy." I said in a cold tone.

As she said already, I'm Kim Jisoo, Jisoo for short, and yea Lisa's best buddy."

"Ok thank you guys, now go seat at the two empty seats back their." The teacher smiled and said.

We bowed before walk up to our seats, I sat at the front of Jisoo and she sat at my back. I was preparing some of the books for these class when I heard someone came in the classroom late and came sit beside me, turns out it's my seatmate, then the person suddenly speak up.

"Hey there, I'm Jennie, what's your name?" She asked.

[Jennie's POV]

I came late to the classroom cause the principle called me for some reason, I bowed and apologize for being to our teacher and went back to my seat, when I saw my seatmate I remembered she's the one on the hallway asking me where the class is before, oof silly me, why didn't I realize she's the same class as me. I sat down and turned to her to ask for her name.

"Oh hey you're the one who helped us earlier right? Thank you again and nice knowing you Jennie. By the way I'm Lisa" She said with her calm tone and extend her hand for a handshake.

I accept the handshake and said, "nice knowing you too, um where are you from?" I asked curiously cause she doesn't look like Korean.

"Oh I'm from Thailand, I just moved here last month with my buddy Jisoo, but she's Korean." She answered coldly but smiled a bit.

She seems kinda cold and hard to understand sometimes, but I gotta say sometimes she really looks like a monkey, she looks quite cute with those bangs though.

[Lisa's POV]

I answered her questions continuously, she seemed really curious about incoming new stuffs. Though I'm really bad at dealing with social contacts, I would just give short replies or just humming or nodding for response, especially to people who I just met, I always feels awkward and tense when someone keeps on asking questions and we are not even close, so I usually just act cold in front of people, therefore I won't need to talk much. But what's weird is I feel comfortable with her, it's just that I don't know what to say since I'm really bad at social contacts. I tried to smile a bit to loosen the awkwardness but I guess it only made it worse. I snap back when she react to my answer.

"Coollll, hope we'll get along with each other." She replied cutely and showed her gummy smile.

Gosh, her gummy smiles! Just by those smile could really melt me. I'd really like to know you more, I have this feeling through our first met, that we will get along. It might take some time the both of us, but we will.

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