
Chapter 56 - Bloodline, Asset, and Scones.

"Ah... I... No... It's not. In my opinion, it's not a wise move to abort the child in her womb. After all, she is a member of the Qin Empire's royal family, and despite the chances being very slim for the child in her womb, according to the law of the Qin Empire, every bloodline of the royal family is counted in the line of throne succession. Thus, that unborn child in her womb is deemed an asset for the Qin Empire; no one except the Qin Emperor has the right to interfere with her pregnancy," said Rei, who adjusted her disrupted thought almost immediately.

"Hmm... How interesting... That's definitely something new for me. But is that law still applicable to her, who was supposed to be a diplomatic gi... A sign of diplomatic relationship between two countries?" The King asked as he swallowed up the word 'diplomatic gift'.