
That Time The Demon King Disciplined his Children

After conquering the whole world, the Demon King didn't destroy it, instead, he sired 50 children from women of different nations that surrendered to him. After 30 years. The bored Demon King decided to sleep because of how boring the world turned out to be. When he woke up 30 years later, he found out that his children and their mothers ended his rule but couldn't kill him. Along with a new wife in the form of a Goddess, they're off to discipline both children and their mothers. ---------- Not a serious novel. Well, just tried to write this with an absurd plot that can go anywhere. We'll see where it will lead.

Dyrem · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Checkmate Already. Eh?

Weeks passed and news of the 3 hobgoblins I set loose reached our ears.

"One of them Evolved to a Goblin King. One found an inheritance of the previous Goblin Hero. And last one found an ancient martial arts aimed for Goblin race."

"Sounds good. They became somewhat useful."

"Somewhat useful? What the hell have we created?"

"3 superior Goblins. Now what's the response from my son?"

Seems like enhancing this Chicken Goddess' magic was a great idea. Only 2 weeks and they've grown to that extent.

"Err. He sent an envoy to employ the Goblin King. He awarded the Hero title to the goblin who found the inheritance and lastly, he ordered for a new school to be founded for the 3rd goblin where he can pass on that martial arts."

"Eh? And what happened next."

"They're now your son's subordinates!"

"What the? I sent him a gift instead of a spank."

That's a miscalculation but it's not as if I didn't prepare a countermeasure. Heh.

"Because you had me give them that huge amount of luck. Now their destiny reached their peak."

"Ah. You don't have to worry my Queen. Before they left, they're already under my control. Let's see."

"Eh? You did that? Why didn't I notice?"

"Well, you're sleeping when I put them under my control."

It was right after they were introduced to me. A little bit of magic can put a seal on those 3 youths. And they're young ones who couldn't detect magic from a Demon King yet.

"So what now?"

"We wait. I sent an order to that Goblin King. To kidnap my son's daughter and bring her to me."


"What? Do you think I'm a degenerate to make my granddaughter my woman?"

What the hell? I may look like this but I came from a place called Earth where there's only humans there. I grew up with morals. At least. I wouldn't commit incest. 

"You're a Demon King. You're already a degenerate before all things considered."

"I can't deny that. But I just want to see my cute granddaughter. I don't want her to be implicated when I disciplined that disobedient son of mine. Ah and that unloyal wife."

"You. You're surprisingly human."

"Huh? Make no mistake. I'm the Demon King who conquered this world. I'll take back my rule after disciplining those unfilial children."

Even if this world is this boring. This is still something I conquered for myself. Those idiotic children thought they can wrest it away from me. I planned to live for eternity, you know?

"Right right."

"So, when will you summon my 51st wife?"

"What the fuck? So you're already planning to take her as your new wife."

"Well, I've already tasted all the natives here. Someone from another world will be a new treat."

Someone from Earth will be a treat. There's a lot of beauty in there and of course most of them have knowledge about fantasy worlds like this. Ah. Yeah. I remembered. There are those novels that are so popular concerning it. Was it Isekai? Ah. I was probably Isekai'd too but since it's already a long time ago, I must have forgotten. Err. It was that Goddess who sent me here right? The Goddess who's responsible for summoning heroes that I killed. Eh? I'm supposed to be a hero, right? How did I turn to a Demon King?

"I can't believe this guy. You won't get contented with this perfect body of mine."

"Huh? Do you think I would neglect you after getting that new wife? You're my Queen. Act like it!"

Well, currently, we're now at this merchant city, I forgot the name so let's not bother with it, and are acting as a merchant couple. I bought one merchant group after another using my secret stash, I have this thing called Spatial Dimension. I can't remember what things I've put in there but a casual pull can let me buy a whole Merchant Guild. Now I've built enough connections to cripple this nation's economy. But yeah, that would be boring isn't it?

I need more disturbance.

Let's see. 

Let's set up an auction.

To lure those reclusive masters.

Yeah. They're existing.

They got scared by me though so they kept hiding in their mountains, forests or oceans, whatever suits them.

What treasure should I put out?

Longevity pills? Well, yeah there are those who don't want to die. I'm basically immortal so there's no use for me to use it.

Sacred Artifact? Ah these are national treasures. All nations might come here if I put this out. And they'll find out I'm that Demon King.

Porn Crystals? Ah. Yeah. It's an entertainment product I produced, recording my intimate moments with my wives. I produced more now, the Goddess Series with this Chicken Queen.

"Hey idiotic Demon King? What are you thinking?"

"So your limited-use mind reading skill has expired?"

"No! I don't have that in the first place. Ah. My blood pressure is always high when I'm with you. Thankfully I'm a Goddess that I wouldn't suffer from a heart attack."

"You do have a heart though. You just haven't reached the point to trigger that."

"Fuck you then. Don't try and trigger it."

"You're always uncute when you curse chicken goddess. When will you be obedient to me?"

"But I am already obedient! You won't stop trying to impregnate me. Ah. Fuck this life. I should've married that one God that you killed."

"Huh? Are thinking of betraying me?"

"Idiot. He's already dead and you already shackled me into you. There's no turning back for me now."

"I see. That's great then. I hate NTR stories. I might've killed you already if you ever thought of that again."

"What the fuck is NTR?"

"It's better off if you don't know. Ah. So when will you start summoning my next wife"

"I need more magic crystals."

"What? Just channel my magic. I have lots of excess."

"Ah. Right. You're that absurd. Hold my hand."


"Start channeling your magic."

"Done. Can you feel it?"

"The hell? Only your magic. Not your thoughts! I can see you defiling me in there. What the fuck? And you never once remembered my name!"

"Don't mind the details. Hurry up."

"Tsk. Here goes."

"What? There's no chanting?"

"Quiet! I chant in my head since the words are embarrassing."

"Ah. Go on then."

After a few minutes of silence, a huge magic circle appeared on the floor. Slowly, the lines on it started shining brightly and when it reached the point where it's the brightest, a huge amount of Magic was sucked out of me.

"Eh? Where am I?"

A beautiful girl appeared in the middle of the Magic Circle. In her hands was a book. I don't know what that is but the language written on it was familiar.

"Welcome Hero from another world. You are summoned to this world to become…"

"Eh? Is this true? I got  isekai'd? Yay!"

Ah. Okay. Rejoice for now.

"Shut up and let him finish."

What the hell chicken goddess? You're jealous already? Oh. The magic power of that summoned girl is almost on par with hers. Eh? Was that because of my magic power?

"You will become the Demon King's 51st wife!"

"Huh? Eh? Demon King? N-noo. What is this? Am I in a dream?

"Don't worry. I also came from the same world as you."

"Huh? You're really a Demon King?"

"Yes. To catch you up with the news. The world has already fallen to my hands."

"Eh? Then why am I summoned?"

Why are surprisingly clear-headed right now? Is that part of your cheat? Ah right. There are those types. Where even if they had just been summoned. They already adapted to the world. Such a cheat!

Err. I can't remember the time I first became Demon. I tend to forget things unimportant. That wasn't unimportant? Well, what can I do? 

"Like I said. To be his 51st wife."

"Send me back home please."

"Ah sorry. You have to kill him if you want to go back."

"Demon King battle right off the bat?!"

And then the Hero girl fell unconscious. Ah. Her mind collapsed from the sudden surge of information. And magic. Well, that was what Chicken Goddess said. Most summoned beings were like this, they'll wake up in a day so…

"Demon King, here is your granddaughter."

The Goblin King arrived on time. Or he chose the right timing. Either way. What's this cute little goblin? Is this my granddaughter? Damn it. That son of mine. But I will still discipline him.

I took the little goblin girl from the Goblin King and ordered him to go back to my son's side. She's asleep since it's the middle of the night. Ah. Will she cry if she suddenly wakes up?

"Chicken Queen, take care of this cute little goblin."

"Eh? Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go and greet my idiot son and wife."

"What the hell is wrong with your thought process? I can't catch up."

Really? Me too.


It's not as if I didn't think about the order of things.

But yeah. Theoretically even just my presence already held this nation a hostage. But now I got those 3 ugly goblins at his side that can betray him any moment. And he still doesn't have any idea that I'm awake. Ah. And his nation's economy is now being run by the merchant guilds that I bought.

Eh? Checkmate already?

Well. That's why I have to show myself to him and let him deduce things on his own.

That child. He's part of that intelligence type among my children so yeah. Let's test him if he can figure out what happened by showing myself to him. Well, being a goblin, he's among the lowest ranked group among my children. And this nation of his is one of the smallest. Err. Now I feel pity for him but he already enjoyed his rule for 30 years. Time to lock him up in my basement. And her mother. Ah. What should I do to her?

"I'll be back soon Queen Chicken."

Leaving those words, I teleported myself to his Castle Gates.

This magic is always convenient. Why didn't I use this before? Ah. I'm lazy to chant that long-ass spell.

What should I do now?


I'm just here to greet him.

Let's turn back to my original appearance.