
That Time I Reincarnated with Multiverse Chat Group

This is story about Zero Vermilion a rich second-generation young master who is a big delusion boy or also known as chunnibyo and one of the hero who save his world and get reincarnated to another world as phoenix with a chat system when he was about die (I only update when I want and to tell you guys this is my first time writing story after my first novel have problem before I can update it.English is not my main language and you can comment about my mistake but please don't toxic and use abusive word here)

ZERO_Liner · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 1

(Zero pov)

I now was staring at this floating notification or we call it chat group if I not mistaken..


Lucky Pervert:What is this a scammer?Somebody can explain to me😕😕😕

Phoenix Wannabe:I also don't know what happened?Is this not Vegapunk new project?and a good name you have there 😂😂😂.

Shorty Hashira:Are you sure it's not your demons plan👿👿 @Phoenix Wannabe



Shinomiya Doll:for now can you guys calm down.Group Admin do you know something?

Chunnibyo Hero:To answer you*coughing blood* questions I also don't know.

Lucky Pervert:Great first we have a phoenix,second we have a kid,third we have a doll or puppet person and lastly we have chuuni guy.What is this chat group a circus group?

Shinomiya Doll:At least we are not pervert.A human trash like you don't have right to mocked us.

Lucky Pervert:Hey do you know that this nickname cannot be changed

Shinomiya Doll:If you know that don't complain even I don't like my nickname.

Chunnibyo Hero:for now *cough blood* let's introduce ourselves.

Chunnibyo Hero:My name is Zero *cough blood* Vermilion

Lucky Pervert:😁my name is Yuuki Rito

Phoenix Wannabe: Second Division Captain of Whitebeard Pirate,Marco😎

Shorty Hashira:Mushi Hashira,Kocho Shinobu

Shinomiya Doll:Shinomiya Kaguya


why this guys named like a anime character.Is they like me or everyone here is anime charac*cough blood*ter from multiverse.For now let's just asked their pictures for confirmation.


Lucky Pervert: Hey it's not just me that think that Marco is a character from One Piece right?🤔

Phoenix Wannabe:What anime🧐 and what do you mean from one piece? Don't tell me you know what it is?

Shinomiya Doll:I think he mean you from another dimension or universe but that things is so absurd that only stupid people think like that.

Chunnibyo Hero:No he not crazy or stupid *cough blood*I mean please send your picture here for me to prove something.

Phoenix Wannabe:So how do we take pictures using this?

Lucky Pervert:How can you guys use emoji and send message if you don't know how to take picture.

Shorty Hashira: Don't ask me this things just write itself what I going to say like it can read my mind.

Shinomiya Doll:Are you sure your not joking?

Chunnibyo Hero:Just tap at 📷 and point at face.*cough blood*

Phoenix Wannabe:Okay let me try.Here

[Phoenix Wannabe send a picture]

a man with pineapple head and blonde hair show in the picture with a blue flame in his index finger.

Poison Hashira:How can demon like you not turn into ash even you standing facing sunlight?

Phoenix Wannabe:Like I said I Am Not A Demon!

Shinomiya Doll:A normal human cannot produce flame from his index finger.

Phoenix Wannabe:I ate a zoan devil fruit tori-tori no mi model:phoenix.Si I have a similari power to phoenix.

Poison Hashira:Devil fruit 🤨 what that?

Chunnibyo Hero:So that how you *cough blood* got that nickname.For you information,devil fruit is a fruit that give anyone who eat it get power of that fruit *cough blood* but in return eater cannot swim anymore.

Shinomiya Doll:Like I thought in this world there no free food and everything have a price to pay.

Lucky Pervert:Is that one piece story description of devil fruit?

Chunnibyo Hero:So with this we can prove otherworld is real hahaha*cough blood*Hahahahahaha

Lucky Pervert:Hey don't tell me you thinking the same thing as me.

Shinomiya Doll:This is so illogical.How can you guys reach this conclusion.

Lucky Pervert:Just accept the reality.In this world there something that out of logic.Now is my turn right.

[Lucky Pervert send a picture]

A picture of orange haired high school boy with normal face show in there.

Shinomiya Doll:For pervert you look very normal like they said don't judge book by it cover.

Poison Hashira:I agree with her even a powerful demon look like a normal human.

Lucky Pervert:Can you guys not critize my appearance and I know I look normal and lastly I Am Not A Pervert.Have you see a pervert tell anyone he is?

Shorty Hashira:😒

Shinomiya Doll:+1

Phoenix Wannabe:Hey don't be sad in my world there also many weird people here you can be friends with them if you want.

Lucky Pervert:Hey you just tell me that I am weird right though indirectly.

Shorty Hashira:Just ignore him.Let me send next.

[Shorty Hashira sent a picture]

A picture of petite girl with black coat wearing a butterfly hairpin and pink haori that look like butterfly

Phoenix Wannabe:You are too short.You look like a kid.How old are you again shorty?

Shorty Hashira: Don't call me shorty.

Lucky Pervert:Is that traditional clothes why are wearing it at home?You house too look old fashioned and you street like a backward places.By the way what was date in your place?

Shinomiya Doll:From what I can see from background it look like she from past timeline around samurai era but to be more accurate we must check the surrounding area.

Chuunibyou Hero:That thing is not important now and look closely you can see *cough blood* many museum thing laying around and a old uniform guard only using katana as weapon *cough blood* for that you know they from past.Next person @Shinomiya Doll

Shinomiya Doll:I don't know why I sent my picture to you guys but here.

[Shinomiya Doll sent a picture]

a picture of cute teenager with long black hair and doll face who don't show any emotions and expression complete neural face.

Lucky Pervert:Are you sure your not a ghost?

Phoenix Wannabe:Hey shorty she is not relative right?Why you two have a similar face?Is she your descendants from the future?

Shorty Hashira:Like I said do not call me shorty again and I don't know her or have any memory about her.But if I can say surely her face look a bit lost.

Chuunibyou Hero:Life is hard girl but don't give up hope. *cough blood*

Lucky Pervert:CAN YOU SAID THAT TO YOURSELF? FUTHERMORE WHY CAN YOU STOP THAT *cough blood* OF YOU.ARE ABOUT TO DIE OR WHAT?Please see nurse and don't blame us if you died while chatting..

Phoenix Wannabe:Wow😮 That's harsh.

Shinomiya Doll:Look like he very annoyed about that to say this.

Shorty Hashira:Now it's time for you to give us your picture @Chuunibyou Hero.

Lucky Pervert:Why that man not answering?Don't tell me that he😰😰

[Chuunibyou Hero (Admin) have died in battle to save the world from destruction because of evolution virus that continue spreading to earth made by Crazy Psychopath Dr Lee Yoon Seng a stupid man who dreamed to be immortal]

Lucky Pervert:Hey guys this announcement just a joking right?

Shinomiya Doll:I don't know but it look like a real things from what I can speculate when he chat with us.He don't look very surprised.

Shorty Hashira:Ialready know your are a pervert but to be a murderer.You want me to arrest you for you to repent yourself?

Phoenix Wannabe: Don't worry kid my offer still stand😁😁.You still can enjoy your life with your new friends.

Lucky Pervert:Let me guess this my so called new friends is weird criminal right?

Phoenix Wannabe: Don't worry at least your not alone 👍


Shinomiya Doll:+1

Shorty Hashira:I don't know what it mean but +1

Lucky Pervert: WHO ARE YOU?Wait a minute,Zero you not die yet?😇

Zero:What do you mean?😕


(Thank for support 🤗🤗🤗 and as I say I only write this when I free but everyday I only got Homework📗📘📓📕📔 for every subject so I don't have enough time to write here)