
Chp-28 Victory

[A/n. So I had a request. While writing these fight scenes, I was writing it as it went through in my head. I don't know how to feel about it but I feel like I am repeating a lot of things. So to add a bit more variety on the fights, you can suggest wherever you think a change can make it better]


Karyo: "That's where Riku is fighting, if I am correct"

Armin: "Let's go and look. Maybe Riku- san might need our help"



A few minutes before...

In one of the areas where the fighting was going on, Will and Riku were constantly dueling out with little to no idle chats. Both sides were serious in their own beliefs, neither being able to best the other.

With years of experience of using the sword, Will could be said to be a master of his craft.

His techniques and skill were refined to the degree where even the royal knights might find it difficult to handle him on pure techniques alone.

While Will was a master of swordsmanship, Riku was not behind him at all. Although younger and with lesser experience, all these shortcomings were compensated by his [Unique Skill: Hero].

The base ability of this skill is that it grants the user boost in his stats and makes him able to battle much more powerful foes with his pure willpower.

It also has the ability of Magicule channeling, letting him channel Magicules or Mana as Riku likes to refer to, on his swords or any physically contacted objects.

It also grants him Thought Acceleration and Minor Regeneration.

With all these advantages, both side leveled each other out, making the fight reach a stalemate.

A sword strike was made by Will which was swiftly deflected by Riku, not giving a second chance Riku gave a front kick which got avoided by a back jump from Will.

"You are not an easy guy to defeat huh"

Will announced. "I guess so" , Sharply replied Riku. All his focus still on how to tilt the balance in his side, and defeating Will.

"Not much of a Talker huh? Just tryna lighten the mood ya know?", Will made some distance between them and decided to have some 'time-up-talks', given that there is not much of a time up in a real life and death battle.

".....*sigh*...say Will-san, judging by your swordsmanship, you don't look like the run-off the mill bandit. Can you please tell me why you chose to do what you are doing?"

Riku, having reached a roadblock on how to defeat Will decided to talk this out.

Intrigued at Riku's new approach Will said, "Hoh? My life story huh? If you wanna write a biography 'bout me then, give me half the shares alright?"

"*Chuckles* I don't think it would work if you were to die, perhaps you have someone close to you that I may deliver it to them?"

"Close one huh? Unfortunately I don't have one really, all I have are Bilo and Boss."

Thinking for a second on Riku's query, Will answered honestly.

"Eh? What about that other guy? That slanted eyes, "I have devious schemes", "you have fallen for my traps" giving guy?"

Riku asked, confused.

"Hahaha! That's a good way to piece his character really, oh and he goes by Gil by the way. And No, he's not someone I'd say we are close with. He just reeks of ominous aura." Amused by Riku's hilarious gestures explaining Gil's character, Will replied but his tone turned serious in his last sentence.

" Why..is it so, if you don't mind?" Thinking that it was curious why Gil was not liked, Riku decided to dig deeper.

"Suddenly you are asking too much questions boy...but I'll humour you, Gil...he is a dark magic user. And before you think something, I have experienced dark magic users before, even worked with them. But Gil, he's on another level, his usage of magic...it disgusts me. *Tsk* using someone's bowels to tie them up and feeding them their own heart then giving them the very acid in their stomach to drink, that's some of the least revolting acts he's done."

"That's....." Shocked would be a term not suitable for what Riku felt towards the person Will talked about. To think Someone like him existed sent shiver down his spine.

"Yeah, that's exactly the expression I made when I found out. He joined us some months ago saying his village got destroyed by the enemy kingdom and wanted revenge and all. Honestly, i think it's his doing really. We kept him because our numbers were dwindling down with the increase in Knight patrols." Understanding what Riku was feeling, Will talked about his experience.

"I don't know what to say." Speechless and confused at how a simple probing questions turned into a gory topic, Riku spoke.

"I guess so, then boy le- ??" Before Will could answer Riku, he felt a large influx of Dark Magic in one direction.

Looking at the direction where he felt this larger burst of dark magic, he asked Riku while still not even glancing at Him.

"Oi Boy, How strong do you think your Girls is? Can they handle Gil?"

"Eh! They are not mine!..um they are pretty strong themselves." A little flustered at the meaning of the first question, Riku still answered after some thoughts.

"I hope so too, it seems Gil is about to use something very dangerous." Not being able to tear his eyes off of the distance where he felt the raging black magic, Will spoke.

"What do you mean-??!"

Once again, a large influx of magic was felt. But this time this was of the normal affinity, meaning one of the girls had used a high tier magic against Gil.

Which worked, judging by the dissipating dark clouds. "*Sigh* it seems it will be our loss" Understanding the situation, Will sighed and said.

"Don't worry, Will-san. I won't kill you. Although I had resolved myself that I will kill when needed before this battle, it seems it won't be necessary now. You are a good guy Will-san. I believe you can redeem whatever sins you have committed."

"Haha, don't joke around kid. I may not look like it but I have killed many people for my selfish desires." Amused by a seemingly nonsense words of the boy before him he replied.

"*Shakes his head* No, I will show you, why you are wrong." Saying this, Riku held his sword forward with renewed resolve and will power which worked with his Unique Skill, boosting his stats even more.

Sensing the increase in The boy's momentum, Will smirked. "Then, come boy. Show me your true resolve!!." Holding his own sword, Will charged forward with such a fast speed, even air seemed to get cut by his movements.

Gripping his sword tightly Riku narrowed his eyes as his Thought Acceleration worked in overdrive to trace the faint trails of Will's trajectory and lifting his sword to block the incoming strike.

After a successful block, Riku channelled his Mana throughout his body, outputting to the maximum capacity and more that his human body could provide.

A thin layer of dark blue mana formed around Riku's body and Sword. Seeing this Will narrowed his eyes and thought 'such resolve...this boy has clearly exhausted his Mana to the limit. But Those eyes seems to tell a different story. Truly this world is blessed, such a young and promising Hero.'

With a large boom, Riku kicked on the ground below him raising dust and forming cracks around him as he flashed at Will. Riku struck at Will from the side aiming for the head which got block but Riku's assault was just starting, with another jump when he landed he reached Will.

Swinging his sword covered in mana at Will's head and getting blocked but at the same time a punch from the left was directed at Will's abdomen which connected flinging Will 5 meters away.

"Uffgh" *cough!* *Cough* with a hard look, Will looked up at Riku's approaching figure while he was kneeling on the small crater created by his fall.

*Boom* just a few distance before reaching Will, Riku again flashed at Will raising sword for another frontal slash.

Seeing the incoming attack, Will forced himself to stand and used one of his powerful sword art [Sword Cannon Strike].

When both attacks connected a loud explosion was formed.


A large amount of Magicules got displaced due to explosion in battlewill and martial attacks.

A large cloud of dust got created as debris and chunks of rocks was flung on all sides.

From that cloud of dust soon two figures also flung back on opposite direction.

Both combatants were visibly hurt, with deep scratches, cuts and blood flowing, dripping on the ground.

As the dust cloud settled, Riku and Will could be seen panting heavily, both sides now completely exhausted but still holding on with sheer will power.

Gasping a long breath and exhaling, Will asked, "You said you won't kill me..that attack didn't seem to align with your words."

*Inhales* *Exhales* "To fully make you surrender, I have to use overwhelming power. A few injuries can be healed later."

Riku replied.

"Heh, you don't sound much like a Hero right now.." this particular sentence from Will seems to bring back past memories for Riku as his mind went into a semi-flashback mode.

Reality swirled in a whirlpool.


Riku's Earth...

"I'll save all the people of the planet and become their hero!!" A young and enthusiastic boy shouted.

"Haha! You? A hero? No you won't! You will become just like your father! Convicted for murder and violence! You are a Villain!!"

A sharp and disdainfull retort was heard that seemed to echo in all directions.

"Yeah!! You are not much of a Hero really!!"

Another voice was heard, saying the similar phrase which echoed more than the previous one.

The reality again swirled to show a different scene. The young, enthusiastic boy was now a teen now.

Walking down the footpath, looks down on his phone. Suddenly a scream was heard.

Looking up from his phone, he sees a serial killer who was wanted for murdering 15 young girls in a public area holding a young girl hostage, surrounded by policemen pointing their guns at him.

Suddenly, feeling a rush of adrenaline he ran towards the scene. He recognised the hostage, someone he secretly held a crush on. Seeing her in distress he rushed and broke through the encirclement.

"Hey boy!! Get out of there! It's not safe!" One of the policemen shouted noticing him going through the encirclement, but was ignored by the youth.

The youth shouted at the killer, "sir! Please stop this. Human lives are precious and you should not kill innocents people! Please! You can redeem yourself!"

"Hah!? Are'ya Outta mind!? Do you think yourself a hero huh!? Is there a word Stupid written on my face?!" The killer responded seemingly offended by the youth's words. While doing so he aimed his gun at the youth.

Seeing the lapse in the killer's attention and alertness, the policemen seized the opportunity and shot the killer on the gun held hand, and to not let him escape, on the legs.

Disarmed, the killer was caught and the girl was save, she rushed towards her father who was in the crowd. As the killer was escorted limping towards the police car, he passed the youth and whispered a few words, "All of this is because of you! Don't think yourself as a hero. You are not much of a Hero."

As if it was scripted, the killer spoke the same familiar phrase, causing the youth to do a double take on the killer's face and instantly he recognised the killer as the one in his childhood who always spoke the same phrase.

"You!?" Shocked, the youth wanted to speak more but was stuck on what to say.

Seeing his expression, the killer smirked, "Heh, see ya in hell. Riku."

The world again swirled in a watery Whirlpool and reality returned to the present.

With Will on one side breathing heavily and Riku on the other side, his head a bit lowered as shadows covered his face.

Riku started to mutter in a low voice , his voice becoming more clear and he went,

"I am a hero...I'll save anyone who needs help...even if they are beyond help...i believe they can be redeemed...I believe...THEY CAN BE SAVED!" With a shout, Riku's aura swirled even more. A faint touch of while was mixed in his releaseing blue aura.

[Report: Conditions met... Individual Riku has evolved into to Enlightened. Tolerance to high Magicules, and capacity increased]

Riku, with a strong burst in his power charged a powerful attack in his sword.

A few seconds later, the sword glowed a light blue hue radiating immense Magicule.

*Inhales* " Haaaah!!" With a shout, Riku launched his unnamed new sword attack towards Will.

Will, seeing the incoming attack froze in terror of the Magicules being emitted.

He closed his eyes, thinking he is now surely dead.

A few seconds passed but he didn't feel any pain or discomfort he thought would be felt when such an attack hit him.

He slowly opened his eyes, to see a large cannal like dent on the earth a little to his left, looking back you could see the trace of the attack going a few kilometres.

All that left of the attacks path was molted lava and traces of Magicules. Will's eyes looked like they might pop out of their sockets any second.

Looking back at the now lightly panting boy, he dropped his sword and collapsed.

"It is my loss. I surrender." Will said looking down on the ground.

"I-" "Great job Riku san" "huh?" Before Riku could say something, he was interrupted by a voice behind him. Turning around he saw Armin, The Guildmaster and many of the Adventurers whose mouth looked like they might fit Their own heads with eyes widened to the degree that they might fall off.

Smiling at him, Armin approached Riku.

"That burst of Magicules alerted us, so we rushed as soon as we can. Seems like our worry was unnecessary." Armin said, looking at the now defeated Will.

"Uh-yeah..", unsure of what to say, Riku decided to just agree. Suddenly he remembered something and spoke, "What abo-"

"You don't need to worry Riku san. We have won now. " Armin, knowing what Riku was going to ask responded for him.

"Riku -san! Armin -san!!" Looking at the direction of the shouts, Riku saw Misu, Tsuzu and Haku emerging from the forest with Ari following a bit behind them.

Behind them, the remaining Adventurers came out.

Reaching Riku, team Kibou did a group hug which Riku appreciated. Meanwhile Ari returned to Armin's side.

"Armin-san..we have returned." Ari spoke for the first time since... forever.

"yeah, so Ari, did you have fun? I hope you talked a lot right?" Armin asked while smiling as he knew what the answer would be.

"Indeed we had a lot of "fun", and i "talked" a lot too" Ari replied in a monotone voice.

'LIKE HELL YOU TALKED!!' everyone who spent at least a little time with Ari screamed im their mind while forcefully smiling in the outside.
