
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Arrival of the Destroyer

After my evolution, recruitment of Ramiris, and filling of the newly created Labyrinths, three months had finally passed by. I was a little bit upset with myself since I had wanted to go to the Draconic Mountains and recruit some Dragons to my side before Milim's arrival, but that turned out not to have happened.

I spent most of the time that I wasn't making the perfect little Utopia for my citizens going on mini-dates with my harem and I even finally impregnated Chifuyu. Under normal circumstances, I would be happy, but I nearly bit blood when she wanted to name our child Ichika.

Needless to say that I was released when we were having a girl. Chifuyu wasn't the only one who bore my children as Alice and Lilith both fell pregnant around the same time. It might be because those two, along with Albedo were the most active sexual partners of mine or it might be because Albedo used fertility magic on the women but whose to say.

Either way, three months came and went without any incident. One day, on my way, to check on the new aviaries in the neighboring town of Hive, run by Apito, I felt an incredibly dense magical aura entering the forest.

[Master! It's the pink-haired self-lewding loli!] Akasha yelped.

'I know that, but couldn't you tell me she was coming before she even left, miss 'I'm Omniscient in any world I go to'?'

[Master, so mean!] Akasha said with a pout.

I floated in the air for a moment before dashing towards the incoming 'threat'. My other bodies had already informed everyone of the coming danger, so most were busy seeking shelter. I genuinely wanted to fight Milim one day, but not on this continent, since our clash was likely to destroy the forest we were in.

I may have already backed up everyone's souls in my [Soul Bank], but I didn't want to have to recreate everything all over again, even if it only took a few minutes. I zoomed towards Milim at rocket speeds and we quickly approached each other over the South Eastern Forest, where one of the proposed new Lizardmen Settlements was originally planned to be built. It's a good thing that it was moved to better fit the highway system, or what came next would have killed tens of thousands.

Once we got within range of each other, Milim smirked to herself while increasing speed directly towards me. I shook my head, smirked, and did the same. A streak of blue and pink dashed towards each other in the sky above Jura and once they met, a shine followed by a loud noise was heard.


Our clash resulted in a shockwave that would make Nagasaki look tame, as the impact broke windows in cities throughout the forest and tore up trees for a hundred miles. The massive explosion created a mushroom cloud tens of thousands of kilometers tall while the soundwave generated could be heard around the globe. The earthquake that resulted from our titanic first strike caused volcanos to erupt in the nearby regions and even woke Dino from his ever-famous slumber. Not that he didn't immediately fall asleep again after wrapping his pillow over his head.

Milim slammed down into the ground at a speed so fast that labeling it with Mach 'this or that' couldn't fully explain the raw momentum she was carrying when hitting the ground. It would be easier to say at what percentage the speed of light she was moving at. Of course, once the considerable dust cleared, she was completely fine, though she did appear to have been minorly bruised on the stomach where my super-man punch landed.

"Interesting! Interesting! Your the strongest I've fought since Guy!" Milim exclaimed with glee.

I simply smirked while waving my hands limply back and forth. I may have won the clash, but her resistance was so strong that the impact actually made my fists sting. I didn't break anything, but it definitely wasn't something I was going to replicate any time soon.

'I'm stronger than her physically right now, especially without skills, but if I fought her in her battle mode with [Satanael: King of Wrath] activated, she would surpass me easily in terms of sheer physical power. I need to train my bodies more.' I thought while descending in front of her.

The large amounts of dust in the air made the sky dark. Small bits of lightning jumped from the clouds of dirt and ash in the background. The molten floor we stood on in the mile-deep crater sizzled as the rock bubbled like water on a stove. Intense steam poured off our bodies but we both just stared into each other's eyes and smiled.

I raised my hand and Milim prepared to strike by dropping down into all fours as if to launch at me like a wild animal. I decided anything more than this would be bad for the environment and the lungs of the people in the central region, as the dust would rain down over the humans and give them all silicosis. Interestingly, with the [Regeneration] of my crest, the monsters of Jura would be fine.

"Let's end it here. As much as fighting you gets me excited, I don't want the forest to end up destroyed." I said while putting my hand forward for a handshake.

"AH! Your no fun!" Milim said and became grouchy.

"Hey, it's not my fault. If I want to accomplish my goal of world domination, then there needs to still be a world left to dominate" I said scratching my cheek.

Milim's eye twitched as I stated that and her eyebrows became slightly more serious. "Whatever. I'm still not satisfied!"

"How about I give you something that will make it up to you?" I said.

"Oh? Very well, but if I'm not happy with it, then I'll attack again." Milim said as she held her head up high and her sky blue eyes faintly glowed.

"Not here though. It'll melt," I said, gesturing to the surrounding crater. This caused Milim to immediately blush from embarrassment and nod.

We both floated into the sky a few thousand feet from the epicenter and I turned to her and generated a 'Cookies-and-Cream' Chocolate Bar from a certain brand back on earth. I gave it to Milim who looked at it oddly before licking it.

Golden Stars erupted from her aura as a glint appeared in Milim's eyes. "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!?! IT'S THE BEST THING I'VE EVER EATEN!"

"I know right. It's a cookies-and-cream chocolate bar. The greatest dessert ever created other than pumpkin pie!"

"Oh! What's a pumpkin pie!?!"

"Well I don't mind letting you try the supreme treat, but first I need to fix this" I sai gesturing to the huge dust cloud currently being picked up by the wind.

"Well, ok then. But we better eat the pie when you're done!" She said as she folded her shoulders grumpily and sat on the air.

I simply shook my head and sighed to myself before using [Beelzebuth] to consume it all. It took a minute for me to gather all the dust, dirt, ash, and stone vapor, but I eventually got it. I converted it all into magicules then used those Magicules to create water and fill the crater making a large lake.

Using even more magicules from my reserves, I used [Azura Mazda] and created hundreds of types of fish, aquatic plants, algae, corral, etc. I was crating a nice little ecosystem there for the mermaids I was going to make.

That's right, make. Apparently, of all the fantasy creatures to ever exist in this world, mermaids never existed even for the briefest time. I found this out while hanging out with Gobuta. When I asked him why he didn't have a girlfriend, he said he wanted either an elf, kijin, or mermaid. Akasha burst his bubble though.

I wasn't going to create the mermaids right now, but I wanted to create a lake for them to live in and this would be it. I also created a nice beach so that we could go here during next year's summer. It was already late into the summer and early into the fall, so we probably wouldn't get too many more chances this year.

"Are you done with that?" Milim asked while seemingly lounging on air like it was some kind of sofa.

"Yup, just finished. By the way..."


"Who are you?" I say, gaining ignorance. I got the intended effect though since Milim became flushed and bashful immediately.

"Oh right! Haha!" She said before clearing her through and regaining her bearing.

"Greetings, I am the original Dragonoid and the one known as the Destroyer! The Demon Lord Milim Nava!" She said.

"Nice to meet you too. I am the Celestial, King of Monsters, and the one who will conquer the world. Rimuru Tempest!" I say with equal amounts of enthusiasm.

"Hahaha! Your funny!" Milim said as she giggled to herself.

I nodded before pulling out a Pumpkin pie from my Inventory. It was still fresh and warm even though it was over a month old due to the stasis rune on the pie pan. I was originally running experiments to see how long the rune would last but eventually, I started using it to keep fresh pies on me at all times.

I then materialized some whipped cream and spread it over the top. Milim began to salivate as the smell was too enticing. Afterward, I created two plates and forks and cut the pie, giving her a generous piece.

Milim didn't even wait for me to make a table for us to sit at before she devoured her afternoon snack. She then stood up, walked over to the pie, and started eating it straight from the pan in a ravenous frenzy. I smiled to myself and ate slowly while enjoying the cool afternoon breeze and the smell of water and warm pie.


I forget when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was laying next to a tree while Milim lay beside me, also sleeping peacefully to herself. I stared at the ridiculously free-spirited individual who was still sucking on the fork I gave her even while napping.

'Thanks for moving us Akasha'

[Ah! How did you know it was me?]

'Just a hunch' I thought while Milim also began to stir.

She looked around, fork still in her mouth before rubbing her eyes.

"Morning sleepyhead," I said to her.

Milim blushed as my face was very close to hers before she quickly backed up and began standing like she was royalty. "Ah yes! Thanks for the pie. Yes, it was good. Yes!" She said, still a little flustered.

I raised my eyebrow in an amused smirk while the light from the quickly setting sun shone softly from behind the treeline.

"Well, it's pretty late now. Why don't we go back to my palace. You can stay there for the night." I said as I created a {Gate}.

"Eh? You would let me, the destroyer, into your palace? We just met today." She asked a little confused.

I smirked and pointed to the fork still in her mouth. "We may have just met, but we are two people who share a love for Pumpkin Pie. In my book, that makes us friends." I say while turning away and entering the portal.

"Friends..." Milim said to herself before blushing to herself and giggling. She then ran after me bobbing all the way through the portal.

Who knew 'The Destroyer' would be so cute?


As we exited the {Gate} into the throne room, I was immediately met with a chop to the head by an angry Spirit Queen.

"Idiot! What kind of thing were you doing today!?! You destroyed the T.V. I was using to watch Toradora!" Ramiris yelled.

"Eh? Ramiris?" Milim said as she walked out from behind me.

Ramiris looked at Milim for a moment before looking back at me then she understood.

"Ah. Forget what I said before. My partner is reliable I guess," she said a little embarrassed.

"Ramiris! Your big again! And you've even gotten stronger!" Milim said as she circled around Ramiris while staring at her like some sort of art piece.

"W-well just the benefits of taking on a partner recently," Ramiris stated as she backed away.

As the two female Demon Lords caught up, I turned to Rem, Ram, and Rum and ordered them to prepare a feast. I even gave Grayfia special instructions on making extra deserts today, since Milim liked them so much.

'It's too bad Sebas and Solution were sent to the Kingdom like in canon. They were the best when it came to cooking sweets,' I thought to myself. I had wanted Sebas to meet Tuare on time so I sent them a little early. I also sent Shalltear on her mission and even made sure to have Akasha notify me when she became mind-controlled.

I wanted to see if Ultimate Skills could counteract the White Magic of World Items and this experiment would double as a reality check for the NPCs and my other subordinates who have become far too comfortable in their power, believing that no one could touch them after being named and crested.

They were right, of course, since anyone below A- Rank couldn't even damage any of the combatants and even Lisbeth, who I made purely a smith, was a match for Gazef in terms of stats, though she would probably lose to him in a fight due to lack of experience.

After dinner, Ramiris, Milim, and I sat in my personal study to talk a bit more. The hot springs were being prepped at the moment since the shockwave of Milim's and my clash broke all of the Glass lights and decorations and so the area had to be cleaned before anyone stepped on glass.

This world's rules were really strange. Much like how Luffy in One Piece is immune to physical strikes that aren't made of seastone or haki but can still be hurt by Nami beating him up, it was possible for Ultimate Existances to hurt themselves by stubbing their toes on corners or walking on glass. Not that that actually caused any damage, it just hurt.

Akasha said it was part of the rules of the world that surpassed even the World System called the laws of the 'anime world'. I was going to ask her to remove them but then I remembered that doing so would get rid of the ridiculous hentai logic that made sex so much fun here, so I decided to live with these tiny inconveniences.

I was snapped out of my metaphysical contemplation when Milim asked me a question.

"Hey. Haven't you considered becoming a Demon Lord?"

"Nope. I don't need to become one, nor do I want to." I said.

"HUH?" The background music that Akasha always played in the background for me stopped for a brief moment as if to emphasize her shock.

"Demon Lords are genderless you know," I said shaking my finger.


"So then I couldn't enjoy the beauties aro-" I was immediately smacked in the face by a manga thrown by Ramiris.

"DON'T CORRUPT THAT CHILD!!!" she yelled as Milim looked at our little skit confused.

I peeled the book away from my face before giving Ramiris a glare, which she ignored. I then turned back to Milim. "Plus, I want at least one, maybe two of the current Demon Lords to work under me," I said.

Milim's eyes narrowed briefly before they became playful again. "Eh? Which ones?"

"Carrion and Frey. Mostly Frey, since Carrion would be better as a partner"

"Oh, since when was this decided?" Ramiris asked curiously.

"Those two are not even 'True' Demon Lords. Frey's harpies would be invaluable messengers since not all information can be conveyed via [Though Communication] and they could also make up the core of my Airforce along with the Dragonnewts" I say.

"Eh? You've got Dragonnewts here?" Milim asked while sipping on some juice that 2B-88 had poured for us.

"Yeah, by naming all the Lizardmen, they evolved into Dragonnewts," I said, drinking tea. In my previous two lives, I was a notoriously picky eater, though [Hestia] came with the super-random effect of making me enjoy all the types of food the people I crested enjoyed.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. You definitely have the Magicules for it" Milim said. Her Milim eye came with the analysis ability and even my defenses couldn't protect me completely from it. She probably caught sight of either my infinite magicules or my magicule battery, which had more currently stored than 10 Veldoras combined.

I actively created extra materials and compressed my Magicules into Stardust Energy and stored them in my stomach for future uses. I was currently running an experiment on using my Stardust Energy to create separate Parallel dimensions.

These dimensions would be like a Minecraft super-flat world. The only difference being that each one contained an infinite amount of ore of a single type that regenerated over time. There would be the iron dimension, the gold dimension, the magisteel dimension, etc. This was so we could stop carving up the environment for natural resources. The 'mines' in my kingdom would simply be dimensional gateways to these dimensions where the miners would work.

So far, though, I couldn't get the resources to regenerate over time without my active input, and creating a stable portal to the dimension that didn't rely on my own magicule supply was extremely difficult. I could just use Akasha of course and do it instantly, but I felt like I would become lazy if I overly relied on her for everything. I had an eternity to live here after all, so I needed hobbies.

Back to the conversation, I simply nodded to her before Yue and Shion both walked through the doorway.

"Useless Rabbit has finished replacing all of the normal glass with Crystalline Vibrant Clear Glass, as you have ordered, Rimuru-sama," Yue said while walking over to me.

Crystalline Vibrant Clear Glass was something I stole from a Minecraft mod. The glass would emit light while being just as transparent as normal glass, replacing the need for lightbulbs. The glass was also infused with ground-up magical crystals to make it harder than stone, making it impossible to shatter. I created this new glass after coming home and realizing that, although super cool in anime/manga/comic books, breaking all the glass in a city was awful because the cleanup would've taken weeks if it weren't for my other bodies using [Beelzebuth] to clean it all up.

"Great, it's time for a bath! Milim, Ramiris, I'm going to my private bath today and I think you'll have the women's bath to yourself. I hope you enjoy it!" I say gesturing to Shion and Yue to follow me. Shion had a massive blush on her face, as it would be her first time bathing with me, but Yue just jumped onto my back and began sucking my blood while I walked.

'This shameless vampire!' I thought 'Oh well, I guess it's fine for a little while.'

Life is good.

And now, for your reading pleasure, my new chapter.

I hope you all like the direction this story is going to take for the next few chapters. It's going to be a lot of planning and tackling the real-world challenges of running a country, like the environmental impact of mining and how a neigh-omnipotent being should tackle these problems while not just doing all the work and leaving his people to be lazy.

Oh yeah, it will also have a lot of fluffy slice-of-life stuff since no one except for Guy and Milim could even really challenge one of the MC's bodies right now, let alone him at full power

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts