[PLEASE READ] Despite also being a Tensura crossover, the only elements I will be adding is the magic, skill, and rank system along with a few of the monsters and races. None of the characters or kingdoms from Tensura will be included. --------- A bored woman wishes to have some spice in her life and you know what they say, be careful what you wish for.
"Hey Selene, you busy tonight?" A brown-haired man in a suit asked the sitting woman. She looked up at him with her clear blue eyes and gave him an apologetic smile, "Sorry Tom, I have a date tonight…"
"Ahaha, no worries, no worries. Uhh, I hope it goes well!" Tom gave her an embarrassed thumbs-up before he left the office, leaving her alone.
"Tch, annoying sack of shit. I've declined him every single time, why can't he get it through his thick fucking skull that I'm not interested?!" Selene slammed her hands against her desk before signing, "I need a drink…"
She walked towards the convenience store and many heads turned at her appearance. Selene wasn't supermodel beautiful but her blonde hair that could be compared to gold and her clear baby-blue eyes made her stand out. Despite that, she was almost entirely average.
"Hey Selene, how was work?" The owner of the 8/12 asked as she walked in. Selene grabbed her case of beer and sighed heavily as she reached the counter, "Same old same old. Tom trying to hit on me for the billionth time, he's so lucky he's my boss, or else I would've cursed him out already…"
The old lady laughed, "Why haven't you reported him to HR yet and it'll be $12.95."
Selene put her card in the machine, "His father is on the board of directors, he's a little fucking nepo baby! Thanks for the beer granny, I'll see you later…"
The old lady waved Selene goodbye. Selene walked to her apartment but didn't go to her room and walked to the roof. The bright lights of the city illuminated the night sky and she cracked open a beer.
After her 3rd beer, she saw what looked like a shooting star in the sky.
"Guess I should make a wish…" Selene laughed to herself before she closed her eyes, "I wish my life had more spice in it! I want to see something new every day!"
Finished with her wish, Selene opened her eyes and looked at the shooting star again. It was getting brighter and brighter.
"Holy fuck…" The shooting star turned out to be a meteor and was descending upon her city. Selene took one last swig of her beer before the meteor hit, wiping her city and everyone with it, off the map.
[Amazon Rainforest, Earth]
"Mmmm, Luna stoppp, I'm trying to sleep," said a woman who was lying on the forest floor. When the licking wouldn't stop, she finally opened her eyes, and instead of seeing her dog, a jaguar was in front of her.
"OH MY GOD!!" The woman yelled and rolled away from the leopard. The jaguar tilted its head in confusion before it pounced on her.
"AHHHHH!!" The woman screamed expecting the jaguar to eat her, but it was on top of her licking her face, like a house cat. The woman was incredibly confused but soon things started to click.
"I died, and now I'm back," The woman tried looking at herself but the jaguar wouldn't stop licking her, "Hey can you stop that?"
"Sorry master…" A voice said in the woman's mind. She immediately connected the dots and realized it was the sad-looking jaguar.
"I'm not dead, I'm in some rainforest, probably the Amazon, and I can speak to animals…Selene Roseris, I wish I could say you've gone insane." Selene sighed and stood up. She noticed her clothing was rather…outdated. She had on a leaf bra and a large leaf skirt…outdated by a long shot.
"Hey, jaguar, can you bring me to the nearest body of water?" The jaguar's ears perked up and it 'smiled', "Of course master!"
Selene and the jaguar walked for a moment until they reached a stream. Selene used the water as a mirror and was shocked again by her appearance.
Her blonde hair could be called golden now and she had eerie yet beautiful golden eyes with a weird black ring around her pupils. Her ears were also elongated which told her she wasn't human in the slightest.
"I'm an elf, an Ascendant Elf," Selene felt a minor headache as new information began to flood into her mind.
Magicules, magic, skills, all of these topics flooded her mind. Selene didn't even need to open her eyes anymore because she could see everything…
"I don't think I can get used to this anytime soon. I guess this is one of the subskills of my ultimate skill Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, but geez is it trippy…" Selene stumbled for a bit trying to get used to her new vision and after a couple of seconds, she got the hang of walking again.
To test her other skill, she simply looked at the jaguar. Soon a transparent interface entered her vision.
[Species: Panthera Onca
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years old
Rank: D-
Skills: N/A]
"That's neat! Another subskill of the unique skill Thoth." Selene then began to appraise everything within reach and soon had enough knowledge on how to make some better clothes.
"Hey j-, I can't keep calling you jaguar… what's your name?" Selene asked and the jaguar tilted her head, "I wasn't born with a name master."
Selene sighed, "Yeah I figured, just wanted to make sure," Selene tapped her chin in thought, "How about Jacqueline? Sounds sorta like jaguar…"
The jaguar nodded rapidly and Selene laughed, "Alright then, your name will be Jacqueline Roseris! I couldn't think of a surname so I gave you mine, sorry."
Immediately after being given a name, the jaguar was encased in a golden cocoon. Selene's eyes widened at what came out of the cocoon. Selene then used Thoth to further examine Jacqueline.
[Name: Jacqueline Roseris
Species: Pantera Aureum
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years old
Rank: B+
Skills: 5]
Jacqueline stood at 6'1 at the shoulder and was 25 feet long. Her fur was golden like her master's hair and her eyes were a deep amber color. Selene could see the magicules radiating off of Jackie's body.
"I didn't think naming you would make you grow to such a degree let alone evolve!" Selene exclaimed as she ran her hands over Jackie's soft fur.
"I clearly have to experiment more with my skills, but I should solve a few issues first. Clothing, shelter, and what time period I'm in. Food is never going to be a problem because I don't have to eat unless I want to," Selene mumbled to herself as she and Jackie walked back into the forest.
Selene then gathered a few leaves that were flexible yet strong and twined them until she had a decently long rope. Rinse and repeat and after an hour, she made a sturdy basket.
"What's that for master?" Jackie tilted her head in question and Selene smiled, "I can't wear leaves 24/7, so we're going to kill a couple of furred animals and hopefully stitch together something better than this..."
"I can help master! I knew where all the yummy animals live!" Jackie exclaimed as she roared in excitement. Her large size made her roar thunderous and their area of the forest was quieter than ever.
Selene laughed and patted Jackie on the head, "Don't worry you will! I just have to make a basket for you too."
Selene then got straight to work. It took her 3 hours to create a basket fitting for Jackie's size and the sun was beginning to set. Despite the darker forest, Selene could still see like it was daytime.
"Okay you go that way," Selene pointed north, "and I'll go this way." she pointed behind her, "Once your basket is full of any furred animals, we will meet back at this spot okay?"
Jackie took the large basket in her mouth and nodded, "Okay master! I'll see you soon!"
Selene watched as Jackie ran off and smiled, "My first day in my new life! Thank you meteor for destroying my entire city! I hope granny was okay, thought I highly doubt it. Maybe she got reincarnated too?"