
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 19 Miracle of Evolution

It was noon by now. Every ogre was awake, ready to rebuild their home. But now they have other things to worry. Shiva and the rest didn't come back last night, they were nowhere to be found. Ogres searched for them in the area around the camp and little further away. The one who was the most worried was no one else but Princess.

She was worried for her brother and the kijin she loves. She hoped that everything is okay and that they will come back safe so that they can rebuild their home together. But with every minute she and the other looked for them her worries grew and grew.

As she walked through the camp she heard a commotion in the center of it. She made her way there and saw a gathering of ogres who were listening to the Ogre Priest. He was standing in front of them with his two bodyguards next to him.

"I told him not to come here! But Young Master new better! He decided to listen to Shiva and bring us here! And now he and few of our greatest ogres are gone! Why is that you may think? It's quite simple! It's Shiva who kidnapped them!"

Young Ogres began to murmur among each other. Even tho many of them thought of Shiva as a nice kijin, many didn't knew him that well. And that is why they could believe what Ogre Priest is saying.

"Yes, he might have helped the Princess! But what if it wall just a play?! We never heard of other ogres in the world but us, and suddenly he shows up! And did you see his ability?! Back during that damned attack I myself saw how he devoured those orcs! Just like they did! What if it was all a play for him to lead us to a trap?! What if he works with the orcs?! What if he IS an orc?! There are wonders of magic that even we don't know!"

Princess's eyes widen as she heard what he was saying. Her fist and teeth clenched in anger and she growled, flashing her fangs. She heard her father and brother talk few times about the Ogre Priest. He is a man that in the times of her grandfather had a lot of influence, as they faced great famine and faith was the only thing keeping ogres in one part.

But when her father took over, he made sure to lower that influence and bring people back to the chief family, not that priest. Ogre Priest was angry and became her father's enemy. And it seems that as opportunity shows itself, he will try to take over the tribe. All ogres in the camp are young and many are afraid.

Even if she would speak up now, she never had any power. Only her brother or maybe even Shiva could stop the Ogre Priest from manipulating those young ogres. She bit her lip trying to think of anything that could help her find them. And then, a memory of last night came to her.

Her eyes widen and she slapped her forehead.

"I am so stupid! The Cave!"

With all strength she had she headed towards The Cave of Seal. This was the only hunch she had and she must check it. After running for some time she arrives at the gates. She breaths heavily as she was not as athletic as other ogres.

"I hope you are all here..."

She takes few step forward, just for her to stop. She watches as the gates open and shadowy figures leave the cave. A wide smile appears on her face. As they leave shadows, sun gleams off from their horns.

"Ah~! Nothing better then some sunshine!"

{Last Night...}

"I will name you all..."

Ogres looked at Shiva shocked, not fully believing what he said. Young Master was first to regain his composure, as he new that evolution was something very serious. He got closer to Shiva and looked him into the eyes.

"Are you sure about it? What if you run out of magicules?"

Shiva smiled as answer to his question.

"Don't worry. I have quite an amount of them. But I can't name all the ogres at once, so for now I will name the best of the best."

"Then why not naming mine sister? She may not be the strongest but she is the most talented with magic from all of us."

"I...I don't want her to fight. If we fail, those who survive need someone to lead them and mend their wounds. Your sister is the only one who can do both."

Young Master nodded understanding Shiva. And so he took few steps back.

"We are ready."

After he said it, ogres formed a line in front of Shiva who had to prepare himself.

"I am naming someone for the first time so I hope it will work."

He took few deep breaths and nodded.

"Okay, let's do this."

First he walked up to Young Master. He looked down at him, taking in his appearance to the fullest.

"Your wild, fiery eyes match to your flames that you conjure. Your sword brings a quick death to your enemies. Your name shall be...Benimaru."

For unknown reason to Shiva, Young Master now named Benimaru, knelt down with his fist over his chest.

"Thank you."

Shiva looked down, confused at him but decided to not ask. He moved to the next ogre, Guard Captain's Son.

"Despite how serious you look you have a big hear down there. A heart of a man who will look after his friends, even from the shadows. Your name shall be...Souei."

Souei mimicked what his best friend did and knelt down, placing fist over his chest. Meanwhile Shiva moved to the Old Ogre.

"You taught me and many other ogres how to fight but also how to march though difficulties. Your swordsmanship will be used by many to clear path for us. Your name shall be...Hakurou."

Old ogre bend down, showing respect and thanking Shiva for his name. But Shiva bowed down back, to show his own respect that he helds for Hakurou. As he straightened up, he felt his head throb in pain. He frowned and placed hand on his head. Hakurou noticed that and looked back up at Shiva.

"Is everything alright?"

Shiva took a deep breath and nodded.

"Y-Yeah. I just didn't though that naming you guys could be so tiring."

Then he moved to another ogre, Blacksmith's son.

"Your craftsmanship is one of the best. Tools made by your hand will allow use to build houses and plant crops. Your weapons will allow us to defend our brethren and children. Your name shall be...Kurobe."

Kurobe knelt down as the others and Shiva could sworn he saw small tears at the corners of Kurobe's eyes. He smiled simply and moved to the last ogre. Ogre Girl stood there all giddy, excited smile on her face.

Notice. A big portion of magicules was used up. If all are used it can end horribly. Do you want to use stored in tattoos magicules?

'No. I still have a lot of magicules.'

Shiva once again took in all over her beauty that was hidden because of her thick horn, it made her skin fold into a permanent scowl that was on her face. Many ogres said that she was an ogre with wild looks, looks that one cannot see attractive. But Shiva looked past that, he looked into her eyes and even deeper. He saw how much she enjoys music and clumsy she is.

He placed hand on her cheek, making her blush.

"Your eyes remind me of a flower. Flower that I remember from the place I was born. That flower was beautiful and had an amazing smell. Now every time I think about that flower, I think of you. Your name shall be...Shion."

Shion smiled widely and gave Shiva a quick kiss making him chuckle. But as he took a step back, he wobbled making other ogres worry.


"It's okay. I just need to sat down."

Shiva walked past Shion and sat down on some boulder. Now really feeling what it's like to have almost all of you magicules leave your body. Suddenly he began to lean down, his breathing harder and harder.

"I think...I used up...too much magicules..."

And so, Shiva passed out on that boulder. Shion's eyes widen as that happen and she run up to him.


But she didn't had enough time to check if everything is alright with Shiva. As she felt pain in the center of her chest, where magicules began to gather. She griped her fur coat in that place, similar like other.

Slowly each of them passed out, light surrounding their bodies.


"We need to leave!"

"Where too?!"

"We will go somewhere else! Away from the forest! To the new lands!"

"What?! We cannot just leave our ancestral lands! That is not what our fathers and mothers would do!"

Ogre Priest bickered back and fourth with some of the young ogres who didn't bought her story. Only few bought it to the fullest, either by being promised influence and power over the tribe in the future or were simply manipulated. Much bigger group, the biggest one, simply didn't knew what to do so for now they bought some of the lies that Ogre Priest sold to them.

But there was also another one. Group that was loyal to both Benimaru and Shiva. They called Ogre Priest a liar.

"How dare you say such things about Shiva?! If not for him even more of us would be dead! Thanks to him and Young Master we have fresh start!"

Ogre Priest clenched his fist in anger and glared at that young ogre.

"Ugh! You fool! You do not understand that it was all just a play?! Shiva tried to-!"

"Yeah, tell me. What did I try to do?"

Ogre Priest's eyes widen and he began to sweat. Ogres turned their heads to the side and smiled as they saw Shiva and Princess standing next to him.


"Yeah...that is me. I still want to know what you wanted to say. But for now I want all ogres to witness new beginning! I know that is was suspicious and many you of you were worried as you could find us!"

Shiva smiled down at pouting Princess who looked back at him and smiled.

"Now look!"

He took a step to the side and mentioned ogres to look towards the forest. Their eyes widen as they saw both their leaders and friends previously ogres, now kijins.

First to walk out was Benimaru. As he became kijin his skin changed from red into lighter tan, his horns became narrower and longer. His red tear shaped markings remained on their place but were thinner.

His body structure didn't changed much, he still had his muscular body from before but Shiva could definitely tell that he grown taller, taller then most ogres by now. but what all ogres could see was that his aura changed, it grew now into size that made them shake.

Benimaru's eyes where hidden by his hair's shadow, but as he looked up at the Ogre Priest everyone saw them. Eyes as made from hellfire, back centers and combination of red and orange made into a beautiful mosaic. Benimaru glared at the Ogre Priest but for now decided to say nothing.

Next was Souei, he similar as Benimaru didn't changed much besides his face, skin and aura. His body structure was the same as before but he grew few centimetres while his horn got also narrower. His skin going from blue to pale and his aura was big, but it was low on the grown like a shadow. But, from comments that Shiva heard, both Souei and Benimaru became even more handsome then they were before.

After Souei was Hakurou, old ogre went back in time and from looking like 90 year old grandpa he now looks like a 60 year old, which is quite an upgrade. And besides his already monstrous aura becoming even bigger nothing changed.

Next was Kurobe who by Shiva's words looks like a normal middle age man. But what Shiva also noticed is how muscular Kurobe became and how taller he is now. As of now Kurobe is the only one who matches Shiva in height.

Last one was Shion, who changed the most. She grew much taller, only three or two centimetres shorter then Shiva. Her muscle mass became bigger, while not overly muscular Shiva noticed outlines of muscles under Shion's coat. Her horn also became narrower and longer, no more making her skin fold.

And by that, she made many male ogres take a breath in. She showed her true beauty, her long lavender hair swung behind her and her eyes which shine even more where perfect match for her astonishing face.

'Am I seeing things or did...her chest also get bigger?'

Shion send a warm smile to the gathering and joined other kijins on Shiva's side. Benimaru took few step forwards and frowned.

"Mine sister told me what happen. How dare you! How dare you believe in such shallow lies about Shiva?! He was the one who almost died fighting for us and you dare to believe in those lies?! Shame on you!"

Many ogres lowered their heads in shame while listening to Benimaru's shouts.

"And you!"

Ogre Priest trembled as he felt Benimaru's fiery glare being aimed at him.

"You are an old ogre without any honor, you ran while other fought! You tried to sway the tribe to your side while I was away. Fortunately mine sister came looking for us as quick as she could. I would punish you but I cannot...for now. You have a last chance that mine father wouldn't want me to give you but I will."

Benimaru walked closer to the ogre priest, priest's bodyguards moving away as they were also afraid of angry kijin.

"As I said. Last chance. If you try to harm anyone in the tribe or try to take over mine family's right to rule. I will punish you. Understood?"

Ogre Priest gaze was looked on Benimaru and after a second he nodded.

"Good. Begone."

Ogre Priest gathered his men and left to the other side of the campsite, away from the other ogres as he knew that Benimaru won this one.

Meanwhile Benimaru stood at in front of gathering of ogres and smiled.

"Everyone! Take tools into your hands! It's time to begin building our new home!"