
That time I got reincarnated as a Dragon Phoenix in Tensura

Shiro in an alternate parallel world where he is not the descendant of Lucifer Morningstar. He avoided being isekai by the almighty truck-kun but was caught in an explosion caused by an idiot guy who lit up a cigarette at a gasoline station.

Valentine_DaoStar · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Dragon Phoenix

The young man just left the café a phone in hand he did not notice a speeding out of control truck running amok on the highway until a crashing sound accompanied by small explosions got his attention due to how close it was.

He quickly shifted his gaze to where the disturbances are coming only to see a speeding battered truck covered in blood only a few meters away from him.

Someone screamed seeing him about to get hit thankfully his body reacted fast as he quickly jumped to the side avoiding the dangerous truck with only a hairs breath.

He let out a sigh of relief, though his attention did not leave the truck wrecking havoc on the front of the school.

He already accounted for more than 20 deaths, limbs and internal organs scattered throughout the road painting the road red and gory, yet strangely enough the young man's complexion didn't show much of a reaction except a sigh of relief, glad that he avoided the head-on collision and a little bit of discomfort.

He then remembered his phone missing he scurry to his pocket and bag but it was nowhere to be seen.

He then remembered that when he exited the café he was busy with his phone the reason why he almost died back there in the first place.

He looked to where he was almost flattened by the truck and there he saw his phone alive and kicking.

However, just as he took a single step forward to pick up his phone.


A loud explosion erupted behind him that caught him off guard.

He could feel the extreme burning sensation slowly but surely melting his skin.

His body was flung midair from the blast.

It was the gasoline station behind him that exploded.

It seems an idiot lit up a cigarette in the gas station and when the truck began its slaughter the idiot was dumbstruck that he accidentally dropped the lit up cigarette.

[Notice. [Fire Resistance] has been acquired.]

His face in a slow motion showed pain never before.

[Notice. [Pain Resistance] has been acquired.]

'Fuck, I'm I going to die? I don't want to die. I haven't finished watching demon slayer season 3.'

[Notice. Extra Skill [Death Manipulation] has been acquired.]

[Notice. Unique Skill [Observer] has been acquired.]

'Damn, that explosion.'

[Notice. Extra Skill [Detonation] has been acquired.]


The young man's body slammed onto the warm pavement where blood from the truck accident is still fresh.

'Damn, why all the blood.'

[Notice. Extra Skill [Blood Manipulation] has been acquired.]

He couldn't help himself from throwing up despite his heavy injuries he sustained.

'Am I going to die?

Nah- I'd rather die than live in this state.'

He looked down at his terrible state.

Twisted limbs, broken bones, punctured wounds, etc.

'I might just die of blood loss.

I wouldn't be able to recover from this.'

[Notice. Extra Skill [Recovery] has been acquired.]

'If I'm going to die anyway I should have let myself get hit by that truck that way my chances for isekai are higher

'Now that I think about it, my thought process remains the same even in the state of near death.

Shouldn't I feel dizzy or something?

Why is my mind clearer than before.'

The young man began to feel sleepy all of a sudden.

'Now, this is what I'm calling dying.

Am I going to heaven or hell?

Ah probably neither, I'm neither good nor bad.

And I'm confident that I haven't done any bad deeds in life.

I shouldn't have received any negative karma, right.

Except masturbating if that was counted as bad.

Ah, darkness is slowly engulfing me whole like an abyss. '

[Notice. Unique Skill [Abyss] has been acquired.]

'In my next life I wanted to be free like a bird- no phoenix- nah a dragon is cooler.

I also want to be free in a literal sense of the word free.

I don't want to be bound by anything.

I want to do what I want.

I don't care about others' opinions or whatnot laws.'

[Notice. Unique Skill [True Freedom] has been acquired.]

[Creating a body based on the user's desire.]




Name: Nameless

Age: 0 (infant)

Gender: Unspecified

Race: Dragon Phoenix (humanoid)

EP: 250,000

Magic: [Dragon Phoenix Magic]

Unique Skills: [Observer] [Abyss] [True Freedom]

Extra Skills: [Death Manipulation] [Detonation] [Blood Manipulation] [Recovery]

Resistance: [Fire Nullification(new)] [Pain Resistance] [Natural Element Resistance(instinct)] [Magic Resistance(instinct)] [Spiritual Attack Resistance(Instinct)]




{ Eh- A child? What is a child doing here? }

The sleeping child heard a voice in his head jolting him awake.

{ Child, what are you doing sleeping in my abode? }

"Dear don't disturb him."

"But we must or he might."

"You're right

The child heard two voices, one that of a gentle woman and that of an authoritative man.

'Where am I?'

Questioned the child in confusion.

{ Eh- you don't know? Don't tell me! Are you a reincarnated soul? }

'Huh- reincarnate what?'

{ I haven't predicted this- is my authority already that low that I didn't see this coming? }

The man began talking to himself.

'Um- excuse me can you enlighten me on what's going on?'

Asked the child snapping back the pondering man back to reality.

At the same time the child's vision is gradually adjusting to the scenery and in front of him is an otherworldly handsome androgynous blue haired man looking down on him due to their height difference.

And beside the androgynous looking man is a pick haired short woman who's on the cuter and adorable side.

{ You have been reincarnated, child. }

Replied the androgynous blue haired man to his question.

'Reincarnated? What?'

The reply just made him more confused.

{ There's no time it will be easier this way. }

The blue haired man pointed his finger at him and a white beam of light entered his head containing information about the world and his current situation.

'I was reincarnated in Tensura and the man before me is the all powerful Veldanava and his wife Lucia, Milim's mother.

And I need to leave asap because Veldanava and Lucia's destined end is about to come.

I need to leave if I don't want to get caught up in the attack.'

{ You can have this- our meeting might be fate. }

[Notice. Extra Skill [Space-Time Manipulation] has been acquired.]

[Notice. Extra Skill [Life Manipulation] has been acquired.]

[Notice. Un-awakened True Dragon Core has been acquired.]

[Notice. Fragment of the great water elemental has been acquired.]

[Notice. Fragment of the great fire elemental has been acquired.]

[Notice. Un-awakened True Dragon Core, Fragment of the great water elemental, Fragment of the great fire elemental has fully integrated with the nameless soul.]

{ From now on your name will be Shiro- Shiro Nava. }

'I felt it deep in my soul- something bloomed and the name Shiro was etched.'

Veldanava then raised his hand sending me elsewhere far from the place they called as abode.




Name: Shiro Nava

Age: 0 (infant)

Gender: Unspecified (male)

Race: Dragon Phoenix (humanoid)

Divine Protection: Creator's Crest

EP: 1,750,000 (A+ Rank)

Magic: [True Dragon Phoenix Magic]

Unique Skills: [Observer] [Abyss] [True Freedom]

Extra Skills: [Life-Death Manipulation(new)] [Detonation] [Blood Manipulation] [Recovery] [Space-Time Manipulation(new)]

Resistance: [Pain Resistance] [Natural Element Resistance(instinct)] [Magic Resistance(instinct)] [Spiritual Attack Resistance(Instinct)]

Instinct Skill: [Ice-Fire Domination(new)] [Haki(new)] [Universal Perception(new)]