
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Charming Demon

Hello there I am Alice .. I work night shifts for those sex depressed guys! One day I die and get reincarnated in .. ? THAT TIME I GOT REINCARNATED AS A SLIME ??!! Make sure to not miss my adventure!

ParadexTM · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Demonic Nun Pt1

The room that I was appointed to wasn't that bad. Of course it wasn't anything near the modern era back at Earth. Still at least its better then what I had at my private room in the Demon Realm ... only the bed is not as big as mine.

A few days ago I was summoned to the Material World by a vampire who runs a church. Yep... unique in its own way I would say.

These days Luminous, the vampire I just mentioned, didn't call for me and so I didn't bother to go to her. I was simply roaming around in the depths of this church, so that I would not walk past Humans.

Humans are only allowed to the 2nd stage of the Church. Past this 2nd stage is where Luminous lives as well as the vampires that are serving here just like Roy, Louis, Gunther and several knights.

Humans only can go to the 3rd and last stage of the church, such as when Louis or Roy summoned them here for things like God Ruminas messages for the Humans ... that role was now appointed to Hinata.

I noticed something interesting here in the garden... it looked beautiful with those black roses and other plants filling the garden as well as the pavilion at the end of it. But there are two problems ... the garden can be seen from the 2nd stage at day and there is a barrier that is blocking me from entering it.

"Ara Ara~ Look who we have here my cute Sophie" I could hear Luminous behind me and turned around smiling

"Gained some confidence the last few days hmm~ Lumin-chan?" I said

"Haa really can't you stop calling me like that," Luminous said and then walked past the barrier saying "Follow me."

I was confused at first, did she forget that there is a barrier blocking me from entering? Or is she unaware of it?

"How long do you want to stay there Sophie, come on!" Luminous said

And so I did what she said to my surprise. I could enter without problems and a smile grew on my face... What great barrier magic, I should try and find out later how it is built.

"This garden must be special to you if you even install such a barrier magic to prevent someone who's not allowed to enter this garden" I said following her

"You are right, this garden within the church is called Night Rose or Night Garden. As you noticed Humans can see us here so try to behave correctly," Luminous said and together we sat down in the pavilion.

"Isn't it too dangerous for you to be here ? Not to mention me... and I can even feel this disgusting Holy Magic from over there," I said.

"They think of me as a Heavenly Messenger sent by God Ruminas and I intend to do the same with you Sophie. You would have more freedom in the church, and they wouldn't even think about the fact that you are not a human." Luminous explained to me

"So I'll become some sort of nun huh ? But you don't expect me to wear such idiotic clothes do you ?" I asked her.

"Fufufu of course not if I would do that you were a maid and not a nun! I bet you look absolutely stunning in a maid outfit," Luminous said and I could see her eyes lighten up as she even spoke further. "Let's do this someday okay Sophie! Hoo I can't wait to see you wearing a maid outfit~"

"Ehh.. no way Lumi-chan, I'll never wear that for you" I said and crushed her imaginations in an instant

"That's why I hate woman that can stand strong against me" Luminous said with a pouting face

"Fufufu ... Luminous you are nothing compared to me, you may have a skill from the Lust series but that is all. It would be better for you..." I made a pause and moved my face closer to hers "to accept that you do not have the right to stand above me" I said giving her a kiss.

She was clearly surprised and unable to comprehend what happened as my tongue explored her mouth for several seconds until I parted myself from her leaving a string of saliva between our lips.

"Well then Lumi-chan~ I'll wait for that announcement" I said, leaving her and this garden behind only to be met with someone that I wouldn't have expected here.

I heard a short falling sound following from an "Ouch!" as I looked at none other than Hinata. she had a completely red face and it was obvious that she had observed us.

"Tsk Human, when I would need to name one thing that I despise the most then it is when someone stalks me. Those types of Humans usually don't live a long life did you unders.."

"Yes Sensei! I am sorry!" she said stopping my rant about her behavior

"Uhh? Sensei?" I asked confused

"Actually I am here to ask Sensei to train me" Hinata said kneeling in front of me

Anger raised inside my body... Did that human not listen to me ? Is she eager to die ? How dare she first stalk me and then ask me for my trust to train her ?

"Haha seriously .." I said and wanted to continue but was again stopped by someone. This time it was Luminous who still was a bit red in her face kufufu ... did I turn her on too much ?

"I think it's not that bad of an Idea Sophie. I don't trust those 7 idiots anyways" Luminous said

I looked at her and then back at Hinata who was still kneeling in front of me "Why do you want me as your teacher ?" I asked her

Hinata then looked up at me with determined eyes and answered, "You didn't have to use your full strength against me, and I could see you are somewhat trained with swordsmanship. So I want to grow stronger to be able to overpower someone like you Sensei!"

"Haa.. really I am only a few days in the overworld and I already get such headaches ... little girl do not mistake thousand years of adapting with mastery... I am not right one to teach you" I said

"But.." Hinata wanted to say something but I treated her like everyone is treating me here and didn't let her speak.

"But if Lumi-chan here agrees I could summon a demon that is more suitable to teach you" I said

"Hmm.. as long as that demon behaves and doesn't leave this area I am fine with that," Luminous said.


And so the three of them walked to the throne room. As Hinata entered she remembered what happened here just a few days ago and she was curious what would have happened with her if Luminous had not stopped Sophie.

"Activate [Greater Demon Summoning] and come forth my subordinate! Rex, I order you to answer my call" Sophie said while a purple summoning circle was created under her feet.

Summoning demons by demons is different then by humans and that's why we don't need such a fancy summoning sentence. Not only that but they can try summon someone specific for humans that would be impossible after all they don't have the knowledge about the Demon Realm

A few moments later Rex came forth answering the summoning by his Queen although not in the state that Sophie had awaited.

Rex was missing a limb and was painted with blood. Hinata and Luminous had a blank face seeing this as well as a confused mind.

"Is he really better than you Sophie ?" Luminous asked Sophie but she was ignored. Only a single word left Sophie's mouth

"Fortune ?"

"Yes my Queen , I apologize for the sight you had just seen my Queen" Rex said while he healed himself and washed his blood away

"Will he really be able to teach me ?" Hinata thought loudly and Sophie's reaction was a single nod. In that moment two swords started flying at Hinata with an enorm speed stopping at her throat

"Kufufu, interesting, truly interesting ... you are surprising me over and over again Sophie" Luminous said smiling

"Tsk... did you think I am a normal demon ? Anyways, Rex, your task will be to teach that female knight over there, her name is Hinata Sakaguchi. How long are you able to stay on the overworld on your own ?" Sophie asked.

"Mhh 2 days at least my Queen without a body." Rex answered and the Swords came back into his pouch needless to say it's a special item.

"Lumi-chan~ You don't actually have more of those Vampire bodies do you ?" Sophie asked with a scary smile on her face.


After Rex occupied one Vampire's body I could finally get some rest... at least that's what I thought but after a few days it was pretty boring here. I still am waiting for the announcement that I am one of those special nun's.

What should I do for the next 10 years ? I'll be like a bird in a cage hmmm. Should I build up a secret organization ? Some shit like an information and assassination guild? Well that's some real manga stuff right here but wouldn't it be funny ?

"Lady Sophie, Luminous-sama has send me to pick you up," Gunther said, knocking on my door.

"I'm coming," I answered and threw away my thoughts for now. Then I stood up, opened the door and followed Gunther.

"Gunther do you know for what reason she had called me," I asked him, even when I have one guess.

"Roy will announce my Lady's existence as the 2nd messenger by God Ruminas today," Gunther answered.

"Finally," I answered shortly.

We then entered the private chamber of Luminous, and what I saw surprised me a bit. Hinata was clothed in a maid outfit and Rex simply stood by and watched while Luminous seemed to have a good time.

"Sensei , help me" Hinata said, embarrassed.

But Rex doesn't seem to be bothered at all "Ehem.. I can't help you" he said.

'What an old pervert... no wonder fortune kept him but I don't want to know what Rex's wife would do right now' I thought looking at this situation.

"My Queen, I brought Lady Sophie just as you ordered," Gunther said and bowed.

"Ara Ara~ Hinata you look lovely in that. I would like to see Lumi-chan in the same outfit though" I said.

"Tsk.. really Sophie why don't you put these one" Luminous suddenly had a lust filled gaze and shining eyes as she walked to her garderobe opening it "See I have enouuugh~ of those here"

"Haa really lumi-chan~ is there not a single day you are not horny ?" I asked and walked over her smile, probably thinking that I would try those on but..


"Ow Ow Owww.." Luminous holded her head "You know that everyone besides you were dead right now" she added with a pouting face

"Aww~ Lumi-chan you are so cute when you are pouting like that. Hai Hai... come here," I said and sat down on her bed patting her head.

I could swear that I heard cat noises right now... this vampire is truly one of the Lust series. Changing her attitude from horny to a lovable kitten over to a dominating woman... how troublesome it must be for her to have met me.

"So I heard that you called me for the announcement, do I need to say something or is it enough if Roy says those idiots who I am" I said still caressing her head.

"It's enough that if Roy says everything still you could say some words too. But most importantly is that they see you," Luminous answered.

I smiled happily, after all this was the day I've waited for. I could finally do something even outside of the church ... well probably with a lot of knights protecting me but who cares. Maybe I should charm them mhh?

Hello everyone I did promise more updates and there we are i guess I will update para's stories either every saturday/sunday.

Don't forget about the discord server :

" https://discord.gg/JQ4Ty6NHKu "

Have a good day!!!!

Retro out~~

ParadexTMcreators' thoughts