
That time I became a god (Given up)

Urumir was your average guy slave to society and never even had a girlfriend, the omnipotent being of his universe (me) took pity on his awful life and decided to send a nice big truck his way. It crashed into his house and he died, lets see how an average guy reacts to being sent into Tensura. Cover could be considered mine Fun Fact: Urumir is Rimuru backwards

Unsightly · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs


In the last 10 hours, Urumir was figuring out how to get to the Blumund branch of the adventurers guild. Right now Urumir was at what he *Thought* was the adventurers guild.

'Time to register at the guild, Right about to walk in.

In and Out.

I want to register, complete the tests, and become ranked C. Simple' *Nervous Laugh*

Urumir walked right in and went to the "General counter".

AN: The wiki said it was called the "General counter"

He said to the receptionist, "Is here where I rank?

The receptionist answered, "Yes. Are you a new adventurer?

Urumir nodded then said, "How does it work?"


"You have to take a test to see your rank, then that rank decides what tasks you can do."

Urumir thought for a moment, 'I better do my best on this test then.'

The receptionist told Urumir to follow her.


When the receptionist brought Urumir to a large building with a magic circle inside. The tester was waiting inside.

She spoke "Here is where you will be taking your test. What rank are you looking to rank up to? "Rank C."

A look of disdain flashed in the receptionist's eyes, "Okay"

She said to the man "Do all the tests up to rank C"

He nodded and poured magicules into the circle.

A Hunter Hound was summoned.

Already knowing the basics of magic, Urumir was able to swiftly deploy fire magic to burn it to ashes.

Next, a Dark Goblin was summoned

Urumir decided to use his pure strength to break its arms and then pull it apart which earned the surprise of the tester.

Lastly, a Giant Bat was summoned and Urumir decided to freeze it with ice magic, then punch it to kill it.

The receptionist handed Urumir a prepared guild card and told him the test was finished.



'I have grown a lot in the 2 days I have been here.

What happened to the cannon though?'

'Come to think about it the monster here actually seems hostile'

'Is it the butterfly effect?


AN: No It's not I just can't do a cannon copy otherwise this book will go down the drain to 90% of readers


'Well I'm glad I'm a human then, I am sure being reborn as a monster isn't be all its cut out to be'

'Imagine dying then being reborn in a snake *Chuckle* I would kill myself at that point'

This fanfic blew up quickly, my subpar writing attracted this many readers?

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