
That summer holiday

A normal summer holiday, or maybe not.. Kimberly thought she was just a normal girl from a rich family, but there's more to what she knows about her family, and their connection to the underworld.

DestinyHB · Urbano
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3 Chs


Meanwhile in the house, when Alfred was done with his phone call, he woke the sleeping Anais and told her to go back to the room and freshen up.

Then he went to Kimberly's room to check on her, but didn't see her when he got there. He called out to her in front of her bathroom door, but they was no answer, he opened the door and didn't see her in the bathroom.

He checked everywhere in the large house, and didn't find her, so he rushed to his room and woke Anais "I can't find Kimberly, I'm going to search for her." He said while seating profusely and Anais replied " It's not like Kimberly to leave without permission. They couldn't have taken her right? I'm scared Alfred." She started crying and Alfred hugged her and stroke her hair "It's alright honey, I'm sure she's safe." 


  However, while my parents were looking for me, I was lost in her own thoughts about a cute guy I just met. " uhm, I think it's late for you to be outside." He said  and I nodded in agreement, and I bid good bye to him, but he didn't reply. "What a rude fellow!" I said to myself.

  When I got to my house, hoping my parents were asleep, I  looked closely from afar and saw many cars, and a group of men in black and  some people, like neighbours or something. I hadn't understood what was happening, and I walked closely to where they were, and my parents came out of the house through the front door with a woman in her early 50's who looked like an older version of my mother.

  My mother yelled my name and ran to me, she hugged me tightly, which really surprised me, because I don't really remember the last time my mom hugged me. "Where were you?" She asked. I didn't know what to reply, I was afraid of what she would do, but I told her anyway "I... I J...Just left d the house to get some fresh air, so I met this guy." I paused for a second "We walked and we talked for a while." My mother was so furious "Are you done mumbling? Because I didn't get what you just said, what would I have told the Bran family if something happened to you. You were out late with a man you don't even know, and you say it so casually." She said. My eyes became watery, tears flowed down from my cheeks to my neck.

I almost thought my mother had a little compassion for me when she hugged me and cried, but I should have known, she never cares for anyone except herself. "Why do you hate me so much mom? I don't know who the Bran family is, or how they are connected to my life, but I know you are using me for something, and I know your mother is related to it. I'm sure she wants to use me like you always do. I know you don't love me, but you can still fake it, never been there in my life."

  When I said this, my so called grandma walked up to me and said " My dear Kim, I'm not using you, I'm just securing your future. All you have to do is to obedient, and know when to speak, and remember not to speak until you're spoken to." 

"I don't know her, but I know she's evil." I said in my mind while looking at her turquoise eyes, which looked like mine.

Thank you for getting this far

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