
That One Time the Void Stared Back

Growing up in the Naruto World wasn't as bad as I thought that it was going to be

Faveryy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Plans for the Future


[Ryo Nakamura]

[Age - 19] +/-

[Class - {Wanderer}] - [Increases the rate at which survival and knowledge gathering skills gain experience by 35%]

[Rank - {N/A}]

[Affiliation - {Self}]

[Chakra - {N/A}]

[Natures - {N/A}]

[Plot Points - {15}]

...[Locked Content]...

"So I can only see this much... Still, it's at least something" And it was also something new. I'd never expected something like this would befall me. I'd thought that maybe it was some weird coincidence that I woke up in this body and that I'd be stuck here without any sort of advantage

No, certainly not something like... /this/

"Let's see... Skills"

[Gathering] {Novice} (32,231/100,000)

[Hunting] {Beginner} (3,428/10,000)

[Language - English] {Expert} (134.3m/1b)

[Language - Japanese Dialect (Naruto)] {Adept} (1.2m/10m)

[Bargaining] {Novice} (12,232/100,000)

[Swordsmanship] {Beginner} (1,334/10,000)

[~See More~]

Going through everything listed under the 'See More' option, as well as the skills first shown, I agreed with pretty much everything.


As much as I would have loved to scour everything this thing had to offer, as far as I knew, this was all I could access at the moment

'Still, this is interesting... maybe I ought to head to Konoha? If I get these points by meeting main characters, or like the name suggests, doing things that influence the plot, then Konoha would be a gold mine... but what do these things do? Unlock features?'

Everything was still in the dark for the moment. For now, I was still debating my journey south, towards the Land of Rivers. Maybe I would take a pilgrimage westward, towards the southern regions of Wind country. I couldn't go to Konoha before the Nine-tails attacks, after all. I'd be killed for sure. Even then, there was no guarantee that I would be able to meet anyone related to the plot quickly enough for it to be practical.

'Still, it would be smart if I find a way to learn how to use Chakra soon, otherwise, I might be screwed in the long run...'

My meeting with the Akatsuki Member and this newfound tool at my disposal opened my eyes quite a bit. I couldn't afford to keep wandering around, debating the Pros and the Cons of joining a single Hidden Village. Still, I couldn't make my choice lightly. Pledging your life to a country on the downfall isn't what I would like to do after all

'There were rumors from Iron that further up north, the tribes were coming together and forming something similar to what you would call a hidden village... Though, I don't know how trustworthy that is, considering their nomadic and slightly ritualistic nature...'

'I've heard about a few Kingdoms towards the far west that /might/ be practicing a Shinobi lifestyle, but then again, those people past Suna always tended to shun anything that their Kingdom didn't have, including the Shinobi culture, still, any knowledge regarding Chakra and how to use it is welcome...'

'I could also head to Waterfall... it's close, likely to not reject me right away, and if need be, I can easily walk away from any sort of obligation in the future... Yeah, that sounds good'

With that plan set, I packed up my camping gear before the owner could come outside and yell at me. Kami-knows how many times that's happened to me in the past seven years


If only my trip could be easy...

"...Just give us you'ses cash, and we'll let ya' go on yer' way. No harm to either party. What'dya say?"

If you came to the conclusion that a group of three men were attempting to rob me, keyword attempting, you would be correct

'And I was so close to Waterfall country as well... why the hell are bandits in this area anyway? Are they not afraid of the war?'

"Listen, fellas, I don't particularly have the energy to hold back, so would you kindly fuck off?" In a 'polite' manner, I asked them, to which they started laughing

"Buddy, you don't seem to realize tha' situation you's is in... If you don't pay us the road fee, you. are. going. to. die. Simple as that" The way he annunciated each word at the end made it clear that he was fairly confident in all this

'Whatever, probably just some guys who learned how to access chakra and are now on a power trip. Nobody hurt if I just take a few of them out'

I didn't bother talking any longer as I pulled out the sword on my back. While it wasn't a proper Land of Iron sword, it was still forged by one of their apprentices, making it better than quite a few swords out there

To them, it was only a slight blur as I ran up to a man on the left, gutting him quickly on my blade before moving to another before they could process what was happening, proving my theory that they were just three fools on a power trip.

Even though I did not have free access to my chakra, preventing me from manipulating it, I did not skimp out on training myself physically or mentally these past years. Even when I was back east when I found that village, I was in fantastic shape and now it's only gotten better

"Wait, wait! Please don't kill me!! I can give you anything you want! Money? uh... uh... How about women?" The last one, having realized, finally, what was going down, got down on his knees and started to beg. It actually worked, too, because I remembered something just as I was about to do to him what I did to his two friends

"Question?" I asked him after a moment. He looked up, hopefully, with tears streaming down his face "Do you know the way into the Hidden Waterfall Village by any chance?"

He looked confused for a moment before it clicked and he nodded vigorously "Yes sir! I come from there! I can show you the way! Please, follow me!!"

As I sheathed my sword, he got up - slowly, due to the look I was giving him - and the two of us began walking further up north, silence reigning most of the way

We're going to be in the Main Five Lands + some for quite a while before actually exploring the new nations and lands added by the map that I mentioned before. It might be slightly uninteresting these first few chapters, but like most stories, a lot of the good shit surfaces deep into it. Hopefully it doesn't take that long, but you never know

Still, I'm personally really excited for the new content, honestly. I was browsing through an Imgur gallery of various character art and had a huge epiphany on the path I would take to worldbuild. Hopefully it turns out just as interesting for you guys as it was for me to plan out

Faveryycreators' thoughts