



Why they are bringing the topic of my marriage now? That too with Eshwar. I mean he is a good guy. He was my senior in school and now one of my good friends. I never saw Eshwar in that way though. I still love Vir. I know he was in a relationship with Sreesha. I stopped seeing him in an admiring way. But still I love him. I haven't moved on. What should I do now?

/"Dhara, come back to earth/", Sis said, then only I came to back from my thoughts. /"Already she started dreaming about her wedding I think Niru/", Shre SIL said. Really? SIL I hate you let me torture you after you get married to Kirush bhai. I will ask her to do all my fav dishes. I won't give her rest at all. OMG! I am thinking like an evil SIL. Sorry Shre SIL.

/"I have asked Eshwar to come with his parents today eve so that we can fix your wedding/", Sis said.