



Nira was stunned to see that news in newspaper. Exactly at that time, Paavak and Swagatika entered. /"Nira I swear I don't know how did this happen. I slept after drinking the cool drink after that I just found myself with Swagatika. I really don't know how did this happen/", Paavak went to Nira and started pleading.

/"Paav, you are pleading to her. What about my life? My life got spoiled because of you now. My dignity will be questioned if you didn't marry me now/", Swagatika fake cried.

/"As if you had dignity before, so stop acting. I know that it is all your plan to separate Jiju and Nira/", Shreya said.

/"Paavak, my son, please marry my daughter for my sake at least/", Paavak's aunt came in.

/"I saw the newspaper, If you didn't marry my daughter then our familywill have to do suicide. That is the only option/", His aunt cried creating a scene.