




/"I can't believe that you actually did that, Paavak. You made her as a servant and then asked a guy to misbehave with her. WOW! Never in the world a husband will do that to her wife. I know all the 50 people who were in the party is not our clients. They are just hired by you. Am I right?/", Kirush voice echoed the whole room.

/"Kirush listen to me once. Yes, I hired those people. They are not our clients. I just wanted to make her as a servant. I gave strict command to all those people to stay away from Nira. I don't know why that guy did that/", Paavak gave his explanation.

/"Bhai, Bro, that guy was not in the list of people I hired. I just now checked the list, the guy who misbehaved with Nira is not here anymore. He escaped. I feel like someone has sent him to do like that/", Aavir said.