



I know, the girl to whom Nira gave the file is not Ms. Bhansal. She is my other employee. I only asked her to receive the file when Nira comes and asks for Ms. Bhansal.

/"She is not the person to whom I gave the file. There was another girl who said she is Ms. Bhansal and received that file from me./",she said in a shivering tone.

/"What do you mean by another girl? There is only one girl in my office with the surname Bhansal then how come another girl received it/", I shouted. I know the door was open so everyone in the office came to my room when they heard my voice.

/"Paavak please, stop shouting. Everyone is looking at me weirdly. We will sort the problem. You ask all your employees to assemble I will tell you the girl to whom I gave the file/", she said.

This girl is smarter than I thought. If I assemble everyone then she will definitely point out the girl to whom she gave the file. I should think something else.