
Thalias Beast

Thalia is an independent woman living a regular life as a tourist guide in the Philippines. Growing up away from her parent's superstitious beliefs & traditions, She became used to being just the typical and normal person-- or so she thought. Until an incident happened in Monaco which will take her own life. But little did she know that fates has realigned her path the moment she set her foot back to the world of living. Incarnating an ancient demi Goddess, Thalia has risen with a purpose to restore the failing balance of heaven & earth, as well as to rekindle an old impermissible romance from centuries past. Determine to find other answers from all the weird stuff happening around her, Thalia will soon find out how once an old myth binds her fate with her most hated man, Stefano - a man fighting over his beast inside from wanting to devour her.

Amedrianne · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter VII

Bangui Wind Farm,

Ilocos Norte, Philippines

The sun is already at a high peak nearly burning the surface of my skin. White cumulonimbus and stratus clouds parade across the blue sky. while the green leaves and trees sway from the soft breeze of wind balancing the humidity of the day. I wonder how long this will last all throughout our tour in Ilocos Norte. It's the third day and nearing the last of the itinerary.

I've been waiting here at the coaster wondering about what happened to me the other night. I can't help but look over my finger, from where I got the cut. Surprisingly, there is not even single evidence of scratch on it. Every single detail from last night made it hard for me to connect whoever or what might be the one that barges inside my room. Right after the electric light resumed, I immediately check for my window but it is in closed intact.

Out of my pondering, the tall Spanish man came to me again while the others are busy walking along the shore to get their own picturesque view of the Bangui Windmills. He offers me a local dragonfruit juice to which I immediately refused. He ignores my refusal and pulled out one of my hands to place the juice on my palm. I guess it left me with no other option as he obliged me to clasp on it.

He stood still beside me as he twisted the cap of the other dragonfruit juice left on his hand gradually drinking on it. It was too late when I realize how I was so focused on watching how his throat moves as the juice glides within it. Funny that I became moved just by witnessing it, that I immediately drink mine after successfully dragging my sight away from his direction. The dragonfruit juice isn't so bad, it tasted like cold yogurt milkshake.

I was looking towards the other members of the group when he suddenly asks, "How long have you been in this job?"

With a query look, I answered him, "Just a few months." it's the last thing I could say as my gratitude for the free juice drink.

"I see. What was your profession prior to this?" He seconded his query.

I wasn't able to hold back from looking at him without raising a brow, "Since when did you become so interested in other's professional background?" I questioned.

"Just now." he promptly answered as if he already had anticipated my response.

When I realized he won't possibly retreat even if I refuse to answer, I know I have to respond him back, "I'm a part-time tour guide and full-time employee at La Sobelle travel and tours."

He nods with a bit pouting of lips after hearing my words. "You love traveling a lot?" he asked again.

"It's part of my job, of course, I have to." my eyes are trying to skip away from his direction but I can't help it. Part of me is still curious as the sense of familiarity still hasn't worn out from me. I just hope to pick up the pace to ask him about it without sounding like I'm interested in him.

"Have you ever traveled far from here before?" another question came and that's when I focused my front on him.

I parted my lips and told him, "It's not something you should put your nose on."

He suddenly inhaled a whiff of air as his eyes were scrutinizing mine that I can't even look away. "I like the smell of your scent..." he suddenly mused, slightly bowing at me. then he added, "...it's very rare." shifting his glance to step inside the coaster.

Among the members of this group, he used to get the first one to return back inside the coaster. I don't know anymore if he is still after the tour or if he enjoys the pleasure of simply teasing me. He hasn't done any assault which will be enough reason for me to report him for deportation.


Plaza Salcedo,

Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

It was already past the dusk of dawn when I finish dropping the group at the hotel for their check-in. I took them out for a quick stroll at Calle Crisologo before heading to Cafe Leona for our dinner.

I promised the group that I'll take them to Plaza Salcedo for the dancing fountain event after we eat. That's why after successfully guiding them at the VIP hall for the dancing fountain show, I began recounting them once more. the show is about to start and yet there are still nine of them. Who else could be missing?

None other than Him.

I walk outside the VIP lounge to find where he is. I had to call the coaster driver to check if he could be inside the coaster but the driver confirmed that no one from the tourist is there. Where could he have gone now?

With much frustration, I look for him around the plaza. The fountain show has begun and the water is already splashing alongside the random colorful fountain lights. Yet, I'm still circling around looking for him. I check on every bleacher if he could possibly be sitting among it. But unfortunately, I had passed almost every corner and bleachers and still, there was no sign of him.

I scratch on my moist temple. my hands are beginning to tremble over anxiety. how can he be so stubborn? He was still with the group moments ago, now how can I possibly lose sight of him?

Since people are already looking at me while on rounds from the whole circle, nearly soaked from the splash of the fountain, I decided to go back near the lounge to check on the other members.


Just when I am about to climb back the stairs, I heard my name was called out loud.

"Thalia!" goes another one.

My eyebrow furrows looking from where it is coming from. I tilted my head from left to right trying to find the source of the voice, until I caught sight of him standing on top of the fountain base from the other side, looking drenched from the fountain splash. I slammed my hand right on my face from this humiliation.

What is going on with his dull head now?

He is still, after all, my responsibility. I have no other choice but to come and get him. I can see people are looking at me as I get soaked from the splash of the fountain. I continued my way towards him.

The music stops when I stop right where he stands. his back was facing me as he enjoys drenching from the splash.

"Hey, you!" I called out to him. And just exactly as he turns around to face me, the loud music suddenly blared from the stereos connected from the corners of the plaza, the fountain lights sparks like a ray behind him. It was that moment when I thought I saw a glimpse of a supernatural being. I'm beginning to lose from my head just by looking at him.

Am I seeing things? or a crystallite aura is vibrating over his skin? perhaps it could be the reflection of the fountain light. I shook my head from all the stuff going inside my mind and immediately tried pulling him away from the base.

Apparently, he was too strong than I thought, and instead of pulling him away, I was recklessly dragged back to him which push us both to slip and drown into the fountain. the basin was quite deep than I least expected. He is still holding my hand when I open my eyes underwater, my lungs began to control my breathing holding it much longer than I can.

I tried pushing my way toward the surface but noticed my feet suddenly stuck on something. I crunch over to look whatever it is and to my horror, a creepy hand was trying to pull me to a sinkhole. Petrified, I accidentally open my mouth releasing more air which I'm trying to hold up. I tried struggling with it despite the fear but the grip was too tight for me to be freed.

I was on the verge of losing the remaining breath I have left when he suddenly notices me and pulled me hard towards him. A strong pull released and I felt the sting of release. He held into my back as he lifted me out the water.

I gasp for air soon as we're out. I could feel him rubbing down my back as I pant to catch for more air. The picture came back to me, nearly drowning because of a creepy hand that is trying to sulk me down the sinkhole. I cried as I embraced him and bury my face on his chest. I totally succumb to my fear.

A number of people began to circle us out of curiosity. I could even hear their murmurs telling I was too overacting because the fountain's basin wasn't that deep to easily get drown. I know I won't drown because of its depth, I just nearly happen to be so because of some creepy hand that tries to pull me towards a sinkhole.

After my incident in Monaco, weird things didn't stop hunting me. it's as if it was always following me wherever I go. I'm just perhaps lucky enough to overcome them at the end of the day just like this one.

Moments later, I lightly angled my gaze towards an approaching officer who came to cover me with a clean towel, "What happened here?" she was looking around the people who have completely circled us like some kind of a commotion, "Everyone, get back to your respective bleachers, the fountain show is not yet over. there is nothing to see from here." the office announced which helped to retreat the people surrounding us.

After dispersing the crowd, the officer kneels down to check on me, "Will you be able to stand?" she asks.

She looks at me with genuine worry. I was able to answer after calming myself a bit, "Yes but I have a group of guests left inside the VIP room." I told her.

My guest will always be my priority before my own sake, it's our sworn duty as tour guides to be responsible for our guests no matter what. To put their safety as a priority before us.

"We'll need to have you check for a while, in the meantime the city tourism office will be in charge of your other guest tourists at the VIP lounge." The officer assured.

I asked them to allow me to go and inform my guest at least that I will be temporarily endorsing them to the city tourism officer in guiding them to the hotel as I need to be checked by a general physician at least.

The tall Spanish guy, who was the caused of all these commotions didn't leave my side and he even helped me out until I was checked by a local general physician. his findings show that I was only partially shocked by the accident and that I have nothing fatal to worry about my condition.


Hotel Venetto De Vigan,

Ilocos Sur, Philippines

So many random things bothered me lately including the tinge of familiarity I sense about this tall tanned Spanish guy, whom I despised. I can't help but still wonder about his real motive and now that I'm all alone in my hotel room, my eyes were focused on the decorated ceiling, still thinking about his actions, his words.

The other tourist were guided back here in the hotel earlier than me. I came here assisted by the Spanish guy about thirty minutes shortly after the City tourism office left the group.

I was only disrupted when the telephone rang. Why would the front office call me this quite late?

"Miss Esguerra, someone is requesting for you here at the lobby. He says he has a scheduled appointment with you today." the front desk attendant greeted.

who would ask for an appointment with me this late? Moreover, I don't remember scheduling an appointment. Out of curiosity, I immediately asked the receptionist, "Could you ask what's the name?"

"He's Mr. Del Vecchio." She immediately responded.

"Mr. Del Vecchio?"

"Yes Ma'am,"

I'm still puzzled, "Are you sure it's really me he is looking for? I don't actually know him."

"Ma'am, He wishes to tell you that he is one of your big boss in La Sobelle travel and tours."

"Big boss?" I wonder why would my so-called boss waste time seeing me here when I don't remember having any appointments with them. "Alright, tell him I'll be there in a moment," I said back hanging the line afterward. I have no clue whoever it is so might as well, changed my clothes. I was just thankful enough I am always ready for extra clothing for such cases. I also put on my contact lens since I don't want this boss to see how weird my eyes were.

Afterward, I immediately went downstairs but was curious as there was no one else at the reception hall except for the attendant, "Where is he?" I asked.

The lady pointed out the entrance saying, "He went out just now, he said he'll be waiting downstairs." she answered. I just smiled back at her before I head outside.

The marble staircase leads me to a quarter turn, then down the narrow parking space of the hotel. At the end of the porch stood a man putting half his weight at the edge of the starting newel. I glance at his brown wavy curls as his broad back faces me. I think I've never seen a boss wearing denim polo paired with trousers and white sneakers for appointments. I can't believe I had to put up a casual dress and cardigan for him. I now appear like going out for a date.

The loud stomp of my shoes alerted him to lean back at me and that's when all the disappointment shattered me as it was the Spanish guy all along.

"so you are Mr. Del Vecchio?" I felt my temperature rising saying this line sarcastically. seeing his face once more just forced me to recall every bit of humiliation he has brought me, from the moment the whole tour began up to this day. I can't even stand a few moments more to see him.

I was about to turn my back when he stops me, "Wait. I'm here to make up for everything I've caused you."

But what he said didn't persuade me. I've had enough seeing him nor staying anywhere near him. I made another step and two when he swiftly called me out again, "Thalia, I'll leave for tomorrow."

That stops me from going further. then I heard him stepping on the stairs, moving up closer to me as he added, "I'll fly back to Paris tomorrow evening. I won't be bothering you but--"

he suddenly paused, I turn around and we are of the same level as I am two steps higher than him. I meet his eyes when I asked, "But what?"

"Could we go out for a walk?" he answered.

I'm not sure if I like the idea but regardless if he is telling lies or not, it would be their last day here anyways. "I'm not walking anywhere with you. Go back to your room and get some rest, we have an early travel tomorrow." I fronted him.

"We'll just have coffee." he insisted and even added, "it won't even be that long I swear."

One thing I can guarantee from him is that if I rejected his invitation now, I knew he won't just settle to that. left with the least option, I walk down the staircase and I saw him following with a victorious grin.

Unfortunately, we have to move to Calle brewery since Cafe Uno is already closed. He ordered the strongest beer which has the unique name Bigote ni Antonio, I am supposed to take a hot tea but I don't want to appear like I'm weak in front of him, so I just ordered the next to the lightest beer, Espada ni Lapu-Lapu.

I look at him as I drink into the snifter, He swiftly gulps into the mug like an ordinary drink. I'm speechless he's just nodding as if the strong taste didn't even hit him a bit. He is a hard drinker.

"I'd like to apologize for my misbehavior." He suddenly said after setting the mug back on the table.

I let out a scoff as my hand circles the mouth of the snifter, "Why do you have to do that anyway?"

"I was told that the park was once a place for death executions," he answered as his brows narrowed down toward my direction.

"So? That was history, what does that have to do with you playing over the fountain like a child?"

He paused then lifted his mug to drink. He shortly answered after saying, "I prefer good experiences, not the bitter ones, Thalia."

I shook my head in disbelief as my hand tries to carry the weight of my head. Talking with this man is senseless. I regret the moment I agreed to go out with him tonight.

The brewery is nearing the end of its operating hours. Though there are still about three more people eating across two tables from ours. I could smell the fresh-roasted back ribs they're eating. Good thing the soft mellow music being played by the barista keeps me away from drooling. I look around and saw the other crews were on standby near the barn door, chuckling and talking—it's nearing the end of their shifts as well.

"You think that was fun? You just humiliated me in front of many people. How do you consider that fun?" I reverted as my emotion begins to tense.

He just gave me a composed expression before answering, "That's why I'm here to make up for it," then he took out a card from his chest pocket and slide it towards me, "I told you I'll be leaving for Paris tomorrow night. I won't be joining the last itinerary but I don't like to lose connections with you. I have a business partner who runs an immigration office in Cebu, I'd be glad to take you in should you consider taking a lift away from your current job."

"And now you're a recruiter?" I said back, mocking him. "I'll just keep it so that you won't have to force this on me, but I am not going to leave my job and that's final."

A corner of his lips lifted seeing me taking the card, "take it as something that could help you when the time comes. I saw potential in you that would be an essential asset for our company. Try to consider, Miss Thalia."

I'm not sure about it, I look into the business card and it has an embossed golden imprint of Luxuria Group with some Spanish wordings I can't understand. Below the logo is an email and contact numbers. I slide it inside my wallet and I saw his face drew a smile after I kept the card.

"It's getting quite late for you, I'll walk you back." He suddenly offered.

I head outside the Brewery first as he is still taking care of the bill. The street lights were the only ones that keep the city alive as the night has consumed the whole sky. I stretch out my limbs and inhaled a fresh whiff of air. The beer still burns my throat. I should've taken the lightest color. While waiting, I lifted my head above me and the moon winks met me as it plays a hide and seeks among the night clouds. I've never seen the moon as lovely as tonight.

Precipitously, a hooting sound made me stop gazing at the moon. I look around to locate for the strange sound when it hoots once more, and that's when I saw it resting on top of a street light post. It was an owl, which got me confused as it also appeared like an eagle. I resorted to the idea that it could be a local Philippine eagle-owl.

The owl's yellow eyes are just looking at me as if it was drawing me closer. My feet began to move voluntarily near it and as I stand nearer, the owl glides down the gate post stiffener. As the owl's level is the same as mine, I became started when the owl began sending me word through our thoughts, "Mayari..."

It was just the same back when I encountered that Pandaki before. I can't believe this! I haven't drunk too much beer to hallucinate like this.

"Mayari..." the owl called me once more.

"Why do all of you keep on calling me Mayari? I am thalia not that Mayari, whoever that is!" I respond back, wondrously, through my thoughts as well.

"Look for me, Mayari. Find me. You have to hurry." the owl said back instead.

"Who are you? Why are you all creeping me out?" I tried to move my feet to run away from the owl but much to shock, I couldn't even move a muscle. I'm completely frozen from where I currently stand.

"You must hurr

before he arrives." The owl's thoughts keep filling my head.

"Why me? And who's he? stop playing with me, you devil!" Since struggling is pointless, I'm left with the only choice of closing my eyes. The next I knew, I heard the owl flaps its wings to free away.

When I open my eyes once more, Mr. Del Vecchio is already standing in front of me carrying a long piece of wood. "You okay?" He suddenly asked.

I was only able to nod at him when I could finally move my limbs.

"Okay, let's go back to the hotel."

He walked me until we reach the porch step of Hotel Venetto. "Weren't you also checked in here?" I suddenly asked when we stop near the reception hall.

"Yes, but I had to check out tonight. I have to leave after a while." He answered.

"I see. Goodbye then." I dryly said.

His eyes were glued on me when he suddenly said, "I knew you were wearing contacts. You should not feel ashamed of it, it's unique."

I suddenly felt the need to look away as I can't stand him looking straight at me for too long, "It doesn't concern you, Mr. Del Vecchio." I said back.

He lightly chuckles saying, "Stefano..."

"What?" I raise a brow.

"Hope to meet you again, Thalia." He answered as he steps down and left on a car waiting for him outside the gate leaving me blank about Stefano, could that be his name?

I immediately took out the business card he gave me from my wallet and look at each side. That's when I confirmed that his name is Stefano Del Vecchio.



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