
Thalias Beast

Thalia is an independent woman living a regular life as a tourist guide in the Philippines. Growing up away from her parent's superstitious beliefs & traditions, She became used to being just the typical and normal person-- or so she thought. Until an incident happened in Monaco which will take her own life. But little did she know that fates has realigned her path the moment she set her foot back to the world of living. Incarnating an ancient demi Goddess, Thalia has risen with a purpose to restore the failing balance of heaven & earth, as well as to rekindle an old impermissible romance from centuries past. Determine to find other answers from all the weird stuff happening around her, Thalia will soon find out how once an old myth binds her fate with her most hated man, Stefano - a man fighting over his beast inside from wanting to devour her.

Amedrianne · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 6


Esguerra Residencia,

San Ildefonso, Philippines

I was scanning through the files and all the documents inside the luggage appeared were confidential proof of assets and properties named after Charlotte Cascioffero. How could I at least contact this person when I can't even understand any of the wordings?

Disappointed, I returned everything inside the luggage and just went downstairs. What made me feel more balked is seeing the rest of them happily laughing at the dining. Great how everyone is here yet here I am in the gloom.

Everyone shut right the moment after I pull out the wooden chair and nestled to sit. I hate how everyone becomes silent as they all look at me like some kind of an intruder in the family. Much more to my dismay, everyone hastily takes turns in serving me food just soon after I pick the spoon and fork.

"You don't have to do this," I sigh. It's just too annoying knowing I can do it on my own.

My mother who is sitting adjacent to me answers, "I hope you don't take this on us, we just miss having you around. We are glad you are back, Thalia."

"It's not like I have a choice either, so yeah, here I am." I mused. I stand once more and took out an empty plate from the cupboard. I placed a few dishes on my plate and more on the vegetables, truthfully, I miss this but no matter how I try, I just couldn't enjoy eating it with these people anymore.

"What are your other plans for the coming months?" My father suddenly chimes.

My eyes move on to him, "I haven't given much thought, I just arrived today. Work, Maybe?" I dreary told him while nibbling on the crisp deep-fried meat they locally call here bagnet.

"You can't just live on with that kind of resources, I was thinking maybe you should consider managing the farmland." My father suggested, his eyes were focused on his plate while mixing the vegetable dish and rice.

"It's quite enough to support myself unless you wanted me to support you all as well? I've already mentioned to you about this property thing before, didn't I? I told you I'm not interested." I look away from him. Before the tension gets even worse, I rose without finishing my meal. "Thanks for the meal." and I quickly went back to my room without looking back at them.

Why do I need to come back to this house? If I could only get an apartment, I had that already. I have both good and bad memories in San Ildefonso, but the bad memories just keep crawling back more than the good ones. I would want to go back to San Ildefonso to prove my self-worth, that I am capable of proving my parents that I can stand on my own feet but heck, all these bad shits ruin my plans.

My option now is to continue the reassignment I have here and at the same time start my perfume business until I could move into my own apartment. I had about countless times of rethinking how would I fix my life until I manage to sleep despite the grieve I am feeling.


La Sobelle Travel and Tours Branch

San Ildefonso, Philippines

It has been two months of non-stop follow up and coordination with the airport in Paris to track down my luggage. I have been receiving claims but whenever asked if they know any Charlotte Cascioffero, none of them ever encountered such name which ends up losing the chance to find my luggage.

In those two months, I'm still employed in La Sobelle yet, I also got my certification from the Department of Tourism as a tour guide in the region. I have begun my perfume business as well, offering it online and to those tourists who only recognize my scent. So far, I will be able to afford moving into my apartment in the next two days. But for now, I am in a total rush for my scheduled bookings from several Spanish tourists. This will be my nth time guiding but it always feels like a first for me.

"Goodness Thalia, you are always late! you will not progress from the damp if you continue being like that!" Gab's greeting was always tormenting.

"I ain't late. I'm fifteen minutes early!" I defended, showing him the from my screen.

Gab just rolled his eyes on me, "Well, you're too early to forget to wear your contact lens. your weird eye is very visible." He commented instead pinpointing my other blue eye.

I immediately faced the glass panel of La Sobelle's office and saw that Gab was right, I did forget to wear my contact lens. How shall I face them now with my look?

A sudden bus horn swerves me away from my post. My jaw sank open seeing the arriving vehicle. My temple began to sweat. I have no more time left, the coaster is here with all my guest.

"Well, good luck girl!" Gab whispered to me as he left to greet them inside the coaster before me.

All the tourists were mostly a group of men, no wonder Gab is so enthusiastic. I hate to admit but these foreign blood have quite the looks indeed. so I tightened up my hair in a bun and immediately followed Gab to greet them as well, Afterall I am their tour guide.

I feel quite insecure seeing them looking down below their nose. I know I'm pretty much of a dwarf with a bit above the five feet high scale and this quite infuriates me most of the time.

"...I will be endorsing your group to Miss Thalia. Enjoy your stay in Ilocos Region." I was patiently waiting for Gab to finish his insignificant speech for me to start my work. This isn't part of La Sobelle's services, it just happens that these people availed the package tour from La Sobelle.

It will be a four-day tour and I'm quite perturbed forgetting my contact lens. I can see they are looking into my eyes. they might not be talking about it but I can guess through their eyes that they are very curious as to how I did have a hybrid looking eyes. We were inside the coaster when we began the head counting. There are about ten people in this group, two females and the rest are males based on my record. I counted them as I walk along the aisle and it surprised me seeing the tenth of them sleeping beside the window. Half his face is covered by his green hoodie while both his hands were tuck inside the front pocket.

I raise an eyebrow before I cleared my throat to approach him, "Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep but the tour is about to begin." lightly tapping his shoulder.

He moans but barely moves a muscle.

I tried nudging him once more but he refuses to move. Out of curiosity, my hand inches to uncover his hood. A moment away from my prospect, his hand swiftly grips on my wrist, startling me.

He seated upright from his sleeping position saying, "you don't have to go that far, I heard you." he said, his voice a bit of croak. with it, I pulled my hand immediately off his grip unfortunately my mouth suddenly loses the trigger to answer back. His attitude instantly made me insecure. He pulled his hood outward and wore off his black eyeglass, revealing his face.

There came a tinge feeling of familiarity when I saw him. I just happen not to recall when did I encounter his face, but I'm sure there is somewhere I've seen him for sure. He is quite tan for a foreigner. His quite swollen from sleep almond eyes glance at me and then he sighs, "I'm all up now, keep counting." he said as his downward-turned lips lifted a side smile.

I turn my back on him soon as I finish my head counting. I can't believe I'll be dealing with a kind of tourist like him. If that kind of attitude goes further, I can already anticipate that this booking will be a hell for me.

I finished the short introduction with my brief but educational facts and as the coaster moves along, I gave them all a short spiel about the attractions we pass through. I gave myself a break soon as we began traversing the highway road.

"You all have about fifteen minutes for picture taking. Then assembly time in exactly eleven o'clock so that we won't be late for lunch at halo-halo de iloko." I reminded my group before letting them out the coaster and see Macho Temple here in San Fernando, La Union.

There are about nine of them who came down the coaster when I counted. As part of the protocol, they should be counted before going down to and every time they leave the destination. I worriedly rush inside the coaster and surprisingly it is empty, I couldn't possibly lose count, there are only ten of them. I carefully check one by one and all the seats are empty.

"Looking for something..." I heard a familiar male voice that cringes my ears. It sounded like I heard this voice and line before. Still startled, I turn around to see him. I didn't realize he was just a distant apart from where I stand when he added, "...Miss?"

My chin's up high as he is taller than I expected. From a closer look, his facial hair is neatly shaved. He leans quite a bit, inching his face closer to me, "Now that I had a closer look, you really have a peculiar eye color." he said in an above the whisper.

I interrupted the momentum to wherever it may lead when I told him, "You are running out of time to take pictures outside." I moistened my drying lips as I step back a little to move my face away from him.

I witness how his eyes glance down my lips and back to my eyes, "I don't need to." he answered moving to pass me to sit back on his corner at the very far end of the coaster as he added, "I have enough sightsee to witness from here anyway." crossing his legs and tucking his arms around his stomach.

I slowly shook my head in disbelief. Is this guy hitting on me?

Don't he just dare to make any further move on me or I'll kick his balls and deport him back to Spain. The momentum didn't last long as I stride my way out the coaster. I can't take another moment longer beside this tourist. It wasn't long when the whole group return inside the coaster for our next stop.

After our lunch at halo-halo de iloko, our coaster drives all the way to Luna, La Union stopping at the house of stone attraction. I shortly took them for a nearly thirty-minute tour and let them take time for picture takings and souvenir haulings.

While I keep observing the whole group, the tall tanned Spanish guy came to me again. He shyly smiles at me handing his camera asking, "Can you take a photo of me?"

I have no guts to refuse even If I want it bad. I'm a tour guide and at the same time a part-time photographer, it's all part of the package.

After taking the camera from him, he stands a few meters away from me and tucks his hands on both his side pocket while angling his gaze towards my direction. I lifted the camera and focused the lens for him. I gulped the lump in my throat before clicking the shutter twice, my hands are quite shaking. This infuriates me. Why am I becoming like this?

I have been guiding too many tourists before but this would be the first time I would experience browbeaten by my curious thoughts. I don't like how I am being lured by his appearance and so I winced and just click on the shutter.

When he noticed that I am taking a bit too long to cue him that I'm done, he walks back to me again and took the camera. "May I see?" he said.

I haven't realized to check on my random shots before handing it back to him. but since It doesn't bother me that much, I turn my face towards the other guest from the group who are still busy.

"Miss Thalia?" he called out to me. But when I faced him, a shutter sound startled me. He just took a photo of me. He face beams while looking at his shot and even boasts, "Now I don't have to buy a souvenir." he said hanging the camera lace on his nape as he moves to pass by me.

I nearly lose my temper, good thing I was able to get hold of myself for the last minute, "Why are you doing this?" I rush to ask him before he could go far. He didn't look back so I continued, "Are you trying--" but that's when he halts me back when he turns around to react, "I am not hitting on you. Don't get the wrong idea." he gave me an empty face.

I couldn't even distinguish whether he is up to something or he is just toying around. He is plain and unreadable.

"Then stop playing with me because this isn't funny Mister," I warn him.

He grins then suddenly walks toward me as he leans to tell me, "You don't need to be afraid of me," then he opens the led screen of his camera and scan for photos as he added saying, "I'm just fascinated by the attraction that I'm seeing." and his eyes were glued back at me once more. At the moment, I could already feel my temperature climbing my face, not with rage but with shame. When was the last time someone showered me with flowery words? I can hardly remember.

All of a sudden, I just realized if what he really meant was what I'm thinking in my head now or the other way around? It's quite hard to determine at this rate, he is pretty hard to read and he seems used at blocking any arguments thrown at him.

"Then don't tease me like that, I'm doing my best to work professionally here." I reminded him traipsing head past from where he stands.

The rest of the itinerary went a bit smoother as he didn't bother me anymore. All the way that I'm standing in front of the coaster and expressing my spiels, I just often observe him looking at the window and nothing else.


Esguerra Residencia,

San Ildefonso, Philippines

The first day of the tour ended up quickly. I went straight home soon after dropping all the guests at the Thunderbird Hotel for their accommodation. I rush quickly to my room to avoid my parents from seeing my eyes.

And While steadily lying on my bed as my eyes were focused on the ceiling, I can't help but recall every bit of familiarity I had observed from the Spanish guy included from the group of tourists I am accommodating for the tour. Part of him and some of his actions a while back made me sense a tinge of familiarity but confusion won over me as I can't even identify when and where did I exactly encountered him or if I ever really met him somewhere before. And I ended up just shrugging from my thoughts.

I rose to walk towards my study table. After turning the lamp, I seated and buried my chin on top of my crossed arms nestled on the table. My eyes wander over the small transparent box containing the two red dice.

Until now, I haven't found the owner of this luggage, moreover my own luggage. It has been weeks when I found this dice inside the luggage, and from then on I always feel somewhat lucky having to glance at it every night after work.

I have been very fortunate in most of the things I do, my tour guiding profession, and my perfume business sideline is doing well too. Not to mention, I'd be moving to my own apartment in two days. I have told the landlady that most of my things will be transferred there by my friends since my tour is still ongoing.

Thanks to Emalia and Divina for doing the work me, I owe them treat when I returned from my booking.

I suddenly felt the urge to sleep as the series of yawn visits me. But when I rose up to move into my bed, my arm unmindfully thumps into the transparent box. My eyes grew wide in terror seeing the glass shatter in pieces as it kisses the floor, leaving the two red dice be exposed along with the broken glass pieces. But what frightens me more is the sudden loud thunder outside. It roared the same time when the glass shattered into pieces. The night sky was too starry and even the moon is at its full when I went home if I could remember, How did a thunder suddenly appear?

Hopeless about the situation, I just tried picking up the pieces of the broken glass and emptying them into my trash bin, and while keeping at it, I recklessly cut myself.

The sting made me suck into it but it is evidently a bit deep that's why the bleeding won't stop. Witnessing my blood drips off from my finger, I immediately took the two dice with my bleeding hand to keep at the table But as they both nestle in my hand an electrifying reaction jolts me, leaving my hand having the burning feeling.

I abruptly throw the two dice away from my clasp.

To my horror, I stared at my hand for any burns but seeing it only made my jaw sank. There were single no burns nor cuts and apparently no bloodstains. I look back at the two red dice and they were now beaming.

My skin's thin hair rose and I could feel the loud thud within my chest as I drew myself towards the two dices.

Another thunder bang the sky and a bolt of swift lightning followed striking what it seems like an electric post, instantly disrupting all the power supplies, leaving even me affected having no light except the beaming red dice.

The beaming red light is not enough to illuminate my room. It is still dark and I could hardly see anything until I heard a sound from my window creaking open, "Mayari..." It whispered in my ears.

I freak out and jumps at the very corner of my room. "Please whoever you are, don't touch me." I plead as tears begin to form at the corner of my eyes.

The Red Dice's Beam abruptly stops and the whole room turns completely dark. That's when I felt someone is close in front of me, inhaling a whiff of air on my left cheek. With too much scare, I strongly push whoever it is but surprisingly, there was no one in front of me but just an empty space.

Then tension rise over me, I couldn't balance fear and rage when I notice the red dice beam once more and that's when I notice a tall silhouette standing before me, his face is unrecognizable as the light couldn't reach it.

"Please whoever evil element you are, don't disturb me. Don't harm me. I order you to leave." I said while my tears flow down my cheek in fear.

I hear him barely chuckle.

My body is nearly frozen from all the horror when I suddenly felt a tinge of courage to fight him. my hand tried to sense for any nearby hard objects to use until I touch on something long and hard. I didn't mind whatever it is, I mustered all my courage and rose up to hit it on him.

He didn't flinch when I swiftly strike it towards him, and instead, he held my wrist to prevent my attack.

I became frozen when he clasped his other hand into my hand, not in fear but in total shock witnessing the appearance of alphasyllabary above his head. I once saw this when I was--dead, nearly dead. It was the time I met Pandaki who helped me return to life.

But this baybayin means different this time. It glows in the dark and I couldn't help but read it out loud, "Bakunawa, so your name is Bakunawa!" I told the dark silhouette in front of me.

"Shit." I heard him whispered before I felt the grip from both my hands gone. Seconds later, the electricity returned and I saw myself alone in the room. No broken glass, since the two dices are back inside the transparent glass again like it was never shattered at all.

I let out a heavy breath as I collapsed on the floor, leaving a torturing question for myself.

Who is that Bakunawa just now?


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