
Thalias Beast

Thalia is an independent woman living a regular life as a tourist guide in the Philippines. Growing up away from her parent's superstitious beliefs & traditions, She became used to being just the typical and normal person-- or so she thought. Until an incident happened in Monaco which will take her own life. But little did she know that fates has realigned her path the moment she set her foot back to the world of living. Incarnating an ancient demi Goddess, Thalia has risen with a purpose to restore the failing balance of heaven & earth, as well as to rekindle an old impermissible romance from centuries past. Determine to find other answers from all the weird stuff happening around her, Thalia will soon find out how once an old myth binds her fate with her most hated man, Stefano - a man fighting over his beast inside from wanting to devour her.

Amedrianne · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter IV

Outskirts of La Condamine

Monte Carlo, Monaco

This long night will soon be over, I hope so.

My feet stop from running as my heels feel sore. I seated on an empty porch step as I caress my swollen toes. I cried both in pain and in fear for the next short seconds, then immediately wipe it off as I still need to find my way to the hotel where I am staying.

I began walking in barefoot as I couldn't stand wearing my beige platforms anymore. Looking at the streets gives me a weird feeling, simply because I am not familiar with where I am now. That's when I realize I have been brought by my unmindful state to an alley--this kind of appears like a maze to me though. The narrow-pathway is illuminated by a few street lamps in faded incandescent hue except for some which are a bit dim. I notice that the route is made of solid bricks fading from being vintage and even the three-floor Apartel-like buildings standing a few meters apart have the same brick design. I haven't seen this from any part of Monaco's travel folio. Is this place part of the outskirts of Monte Carlo? I'm a bit confused and frightened at the moment. This appears to me like some kind of a hidden alley.

Just how far did I reach running away from Casino De Monte Carlo to be in this secluded place?

Left with no choice, I tried recalling where I came from. There were still a few people walking along the alley. I am on the verge of asking the way out from the passersby but still afraid to do so since I might get fooled again. It's not like I don't trust all of them, but after my recent incident, it feels like I can't bear to easily trust anyone just yet.

I mustered all the remaining courage I have left and just walk along the alley, hoping to find a way towards the main road so I could at least get a cab. When my head could no longer think of any best solution, as I keep going in circles coming in and out of the same route, I decided to trust my instinct again for one last time and choose what appears to me as a shortcut. The last time I trusted my instinct, well, I just accidentally entered a private room filled with high expensive stuff I shouldn't have seen. I even got caught by a man claiming he bought me from a human trafficker.

A realization then hit me if only in the beginning I didn't part ways with my friends perhaps I am not experiencing any of these. Perhaps I'm enjoying my last night in Monaco with them and not being ditched by Gab, and of course, walking this scary street barefoot. I can't blame him, I've done them too much burden during this whole vacation to cause them more. It's even too humiliating to seek help at this state.

Suddenly, while keeping my feet on the track, I noticed that there was no one walking from this path anymore except for me until a sharp gasp came approaching. Shiver and totally alarmed, I dare not look back and just pick up the pace to run forward. I grab my phone from my purse and with much panic, I tried calling the first person from my directory but due to much haste, I could hardly dial my phone.

I notice I have entered another intersection that swiftly halted me for it is completely dark along with it. There is a tinge feeling that tells me I should not go but If I turn back on the opposite side now, I would just end up in circles again. So I lit up the flash on my phone and just hasten my rush to exit the area.

As I am about to reach the end, a hand out of nowhere appeared instantly covering my mouth. The figure drags me at a corner before I could even scream. I hysterically drop my phone while struggling to get off the grip but it did not help, the figure was too strong.

I tried forcing my strength but I felt a sudden pain as the masculine figure slams me into the wall, banging the back of my head too hard on what it seems like a solid brick surface. There came light dizziness in my head from the impact. I can see his silhouette dancing in my visions but I struggle to fight it. He pressed his hand on my mouth while the other grips both my wrist above my head. I feel helpless, I could not fight nor scream for help.

The attacker was high in stature, muscular, and strong man. I could simply distinguish from the silhouette playing on my blurry vision. He has strong alcohol, sweat, and blood smell that irritates me. I struggled to get off but it's no use.

I open my eyes wide in fear. Though still struggling frantically, I then kneed his balls with all the strength I have left. My resistance paved way for me to scape as the man releases me to stroke his aching thing in between his legs.

Trying to gasp for air as I catch my chance to escape this nightmare, my hair swiftly held me back through a strong pull nearly making me feel like it's going to be pulled from its roots. I bounced back to him as he snorts beside my face, "Think you can escape?" his croak drunk voice rattles my ear.

I keep on elbowing him but that didn't even pain him. And instead, I smelled a metal piece nearing my face, it was moments when I felt the coldness of the dagger as he lightly damps the dull side of the blade on my cheek, dragging it down across my throat and all the way down to point it on my chest.

left with no choice, I bit hard on his left hand and when he released me once more, I immediately jog in to move but just when I thought I could finally escape, he instantly got me back again and this time, he stabs his dagger on my right waist.

The sting immediately climbs through me, I could feel the warm flow of blood coming right through it. I knew my eyes were wide from shock and fear, He pulls it out carelessly and just hurried his steps to leave me, taking with him is my purse.

I fell on my knees as I cover my open wound dripping with blood. The bleeding just won't stop no matter how I press my palm to cover it. I'm crying as both the exhaustion and the pain drains the remains of strength I have left.

My whole body collapse and the last thing I felt was my head hitting the fine brick pathway beneath me. My eyes slowly shut as my energy finally leaves me so as my soul. And then, my breathing becomes hard for me to chase.

But then, my pain surprisingly fades. I could no longer feel the warm blood dripping from my wound, and even my wound is gone. I'm completely normal. And then as I open my eyes, astonishingly the whole scenery changed so differently. Am I dreaming? or is this because I'm actually dead?

Is this the afterlife? Why is it so dark and misty here? How come I am riding an empty boat on a silent sea? I couldn't even hear the waves nor the splash of water on the wooden boat. Did I become deaf?

My eyes keep wondering as I tilt around to figure out where I am when I almost fell off the boat as a figure, like a lady but with a blurry face, appeared before me. I scream as loud as I could but I only look like a mute trying hard to make a sound. What surprised me even further is when the figure begins to talk, not through her mouth but through her thoughts, "Get hold of yourself," She delivered. Her innocent voice registered in my head despite not hearing it through my ears, I'm sure her voice rings me yet it only wonders me where.

"Who are you?" I felt amazed at how I eventually responded to her likewise through my thoughts.

"I am one of the many, helping the blessed and the worthy," She raises her palm as if encouraging me an invitation to place mine to hers. I'm hesitant to do such and yet, I still did. I place my palm onto hers and it was too bewitching. Her face evidently becomes clearer, I felt enchanted seeing her hooded green eyes, perfectly fit for her nose and downward-turned lips which at the moment is smiling at me. Her skin is glowing like it's made out of crystallites. Her ebony hair is adorned with crystallite jewels in sort of teardrop shapes.

I am still mesmerized about her appearance when some symbols, that look like a Baybayin alphasyllabary appeared above her head and I deliberately read it out loud, "Pandaki," then she withdraws her hand away from me and everything abruptly vanish. Her face became blurred once again. I felt wowed how did I manage to read the Baybayin scripts when I swore to myself I have never tried learning how to read it even once.

"What are you doing here Pandaki? Where are we?" I ask.

She dips her hand into the water around the boat and it created an amazing luminescence, "I was summoned by the king of the Gods to help you before Magwayen arrives." she answered.

My brows furrowed, "Who is that king of the Gods? and who is this Magwayen?" aiming my questions.

Pandaki continues playing with the beautiful blue luminescence when she reverted, "You don't belong here just yet. Magwayen will take you soon to your final destination and it's not yet your time. You should return to the world of the living, fulfill the fate call prophecy, and prevent the beast from reigning against our will." without even giving me a definite answer to any of my questions. I could only assume this Magwayen she is referring to is some kind of a grim reaper ready to take my soul. After all, I did die. What just curious me, is the king of the Gods she is referring to. I can't believe I'm going to lose my mind even here in the afterlife.

Is this really how things run in the afterlife? Apparently, as to how Pandaki sees it, I'm still at the boundary of life and death. I might still live or not and that'll depend on how things work on with me and Pandaki.

"I have no idea whatever you are talking about." I just told her. Our conversation continues to go on at the deepest part of our head.

Pandaki raises her hand and I was amazed how did she come to be holding a crystal goblet made from the luminescence, "Drink this and you shall be granted a new beginning. But in this beginning, changes will come and you are obliged to fulfill the prophecy or a great consequence awaits." she said, reaching the goblet into my hand.

I am completely clueless whatever Pandaki is talking about, "What prophecy are you talking about? and why me?"

Before Pandaki could even answer, A loud roar of waves is shortly approaching our boat. That's is perhaps the loudest noise I have ever heard since I arrived here. Pandaki hastily lift the goblet into my open mouth and forced me to gulp everything. the Liquid taste bitter-sweet, its grains slowly glide inside my throat leaving a sharp sting, causing me to choke endlessly. I keep rubbing my throat with my two hands to at least ease it but it's useless. The penetration deepens, reaching my chest that I could hardly breathe.

"Open your eyes, Mayari. Find Dalikamata Immediately. Open your eyes!" Pandaki's last words linger in my head before the Tidal waves angrily covered us. Drowning us deeper into this vast sea of silence.


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