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what would u do if u were sent to a world other than your own and you were told that to go home you had to save a world that you were just brought to against your will. you'd think it was a dream or some kind of joke well for the main character and his friend it's all to real.

diamos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

chapter 6

Asuil and Isuki were coming close to the spring where they could find the Special water for Hima.

"I think we're here but I hear something." said Asiul.

"Yeah it sounds like people let's be careful, we don't know who they might be,'' Isuki said.

"Yeah true, hey look there's a boosh let's use it to get a better look to see what we're dealing with over there" said Asiul.

"What are those bandits? Why didn't Hima tell us that before we left to come here?" said Isuki.

"I wonder if he's... hmmm" said Asiul.

"If he's what, do you know why he didn't tell us." said Isuki

"Maybe…. But it isn't important at this point we still have a job to do and we're going to do it. We'll worry about why later." said Asiul

"Your right we need to focus on the job so let's take a look around and figure out what we're dealing with." said Isuki

"I say we head for that cliff to get a better view but be stealthy." said Asiul

Asiul and Isuki carefully headed to the cliff to get a better view of the bandits and to find the water that Hima sent them for. They finally got them to the top of the cliff and hid in a bush on the edge.

"I see 8 of them but there might be more so let's not make any moves yet." said Asiul.

"We need to make a distraction to get them all in one spot to know for sure plus we don't even know where the omian water is. It could be anywhere so lets stay here for now and avoid making a scene before we know." said Asiul

"Your right but how do we distract them without giving ourselves away." said Isuki

"I think I have an idea for that but to do it I need you to find me a good size stick with a good arch to it." said Asiul

"Ok I think I saw a small tree on our way up here that might have what you need. I'll be right back." said Isuki

"Ok just be careful don't draw any attention to yourself." said Asiul

Isuki then proceeded to climb back down the way they came to go find the tree that he saw. After about 20 minutes Isuki finally returned to Asiul.

"Asiul I found one" said Isuki

"It's good enough now for this to work I need to get the right angle" said Asiul

Asiul then backed off the edge and threw the stick like it was a boomerang and got it to fly back and hit a tree and within minutes all the bandits were swarming the tree and looking around to see what happened.

" looks like theres only 8 of them with the right strategy we can get right under their radar and get the omian water." said Asiul

"Asiul! Look I think I see the water over there behind that brush." said Isuki

"I think that's fake brush they must be trying to hide it from people," said Asiul

"Now we just need a plan" said Isuki

"So if we can make the right distraction we can sneak right behind them and get the water hopefully without being seen." said Asiul

"Ok but what if we get seen wall we're getting the water?" said Isuki

"We run really really fast and hope for the best." said Asiul

Isuki looks at Asiul with a dumb founded expression

"What do you mean we run, that's not a good backup plan. I thought you were the smart one between us, that backup plan could get us killed." said Isuki

"Well considering we don't know anything beside the fact that there are 8 of them we can't really make good plans especially since we don't know what they can do." said Asiul

With a sad expression Isuki looks down and sighs

"Your right we really don't know enough." said Isuki

Then with a look of shock Isuki looks up at Asiul.

"Um Asiul…"

"What?" said Asiul with a confused expression

"You do know How much water do we need to get right?" said Isuki

Then the light bulb clicked For Asiul.

"Uh now that you mention it I don't think Hima actually told us how much water we needed." said Asiul


"Isuki shhh your gonna get us caught be …." but before Asiul could finish they heard a bandit running towards them.

Asiul stood up and charged the bandit knocking him to the ground.

"Well so much for my stealth plan I guess, we'll need to work fast." said Asiul

"Ok but how do we get down there fast? I mean we could try jumping but that could get us seriously hurt." said Isuki

"Luckily this bandit has some rope on him my guess we was going to use it to tie us up but now it'll help us steal some of that water." said Asiul

"Nice thinking we can use this small tree as a tie off to repel down ward." said Isuki

"Right, now let's hurry we don't have much time." said Asiul

"I'll go first make sure the rope doesn't come undone wall I'm going down the cliff." said Asiul

"Alright I got it get going." said Isuki