
Th Emperess

Following the dismissal of their co-incidental relationship, fomer lovers end up marrying different partners . Marquis married Rodriguez , Roberto's father while Roberto marries Laila the daughter of a tycoon and Marquis uncle.

Gwen_stace · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3

"okay, just go straight" The lady said and continued what she was doing.I walked to the ending but there was no room 402. " Please sir do you know office 402" I asked asked a young lad walking with his group of friends.He steered at me for some while and said. "Look up"I looked up and I saw the numbering of the office and I followed it but the numbering ended at 401 and the next was blank. "Common sense"I heard the person standing beside me say as he opened the door. "Oh maybe this is the room 402" I thought to myself. "Come in" he said .It was the same lad who had directed me to the office. " Have a sit" he told he told me but I didn't hear the first time then I looked at the chiarand wondered why he wasn't sitted then I looked behind the chair glancing from his toes to his face but he didn't move,he just stood looking at me from head to toe. " Have a sit" he told me again and I sat down. "Come tomorrow for counseling" he handed me a paper. "Sir no need I have already applied for the job"I told him. "So?"