


Athena Lemiere

I walked into our building a.k.a The Gold Lifes building to go straight to the meeting room because we have a meeting for our new project to make a resort in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. The project is almost finished and today might be our last meeting before it starts.

It was a crazy 4 hours meeting with my dad and my brothers. I really want to sleep right now but Xander asked me on a date today. It's been 3 days since we've seen each other and I miss him a lot.

He asked me to go to his office and then we can go to dinner and watch a movie maybe.

/"You're going first?/" My dad asked.

/"We're going to have dinner./" Chase said.

/"I will have dinner with Xander./"

/"Starting to forget us./" Caleb said in a sarcastic tone.