

Mark McCoy, a half-alien, half-human hybrid, was born into a unique lineage, setting him apart as a distinct species from the Tetronians. Endowed with extraordinary abilities beyond those of his counterparts, Mark becomes a coveted target. Raised under the nurturing guidance of his Tetronian biological mother, known as Tetra from the distant planet Tetron, Mark receives a comprehensive education on honing his powers for the betterment of humanity, poised to avert looming planetary catastrophes. Finally embracing his hybrid heritage, Mark assumes the mantle of Tetraman, the cosmic guardian, destined to safeguard the universe from imminent threats.

richard_rick · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Episode 4: Hello Super Powers - Part 3

Mark and Tetra stepped into the Guardians of Earth headquarters with eager anticipation. Since childhood, Mark had yearned to visit this iconic place. Inside, the atmosphere hummed with purpose, yet the halls felt strangely empty, the absence of most heroes palpable as they were undoubtedly out fulfilling their duty to save the world. Only the assistant androids, creations of Teknight, populated the space. Caught up in his excitement, Mark mistook one of these androids for Teknight himself, a hero he admired deeply. It wasn't until the Tek-droid gently corrected him, informing Mark that Teknight was currently on a mission, that he realized his error.

Several Tek-droids approached Mark, introducing themselves as creations of Teknight. These remarkable AI entities boasted the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, their metallic bodies forged from a blend of formidable materials. Titanium, Uranium, Iridium, Xentorium and Tetrenium melded with Tetrenite formed the resilient alloy, a precautionary measure devised by Teknight himself. This fusion served as a contingency plan, a defense against any potential threat from Tetra, a reminder of past conflicts and the need for preparedness against unforeseen circumstances.

As Tetra engaged in a discussion regarding her son's abilities with another individual, the topic turned to testing and analysis, utilizing the advanced Tetronian technology she had pioneered, later enhanced by Teknight. Meanwhile, Mark received instructions from one of the Tek-droids to step onto a scanning device. As the device worked its magic, the results unveiled something unexpected: Mark's DNA was intertwined with Tetrenite. Shocked by this revelation, Tetra's mind raced back to her son's past accounts, recalling his first realization of his extraordinary abilities. With newfound clarity, she relayed this information to the Tek-droid who had conducted the scan, setting into motion a chain of events that would unravel the mysteries surrounding Mark's unique genetic makeup.

"It's truly remarkable, Tetra," remarked one of the Tek-droids, astounded by the revelation. "Mark's DNA not only bears the hallmarks of his Tetronian lineage but also harbors additional abilities woven into his biology. It's as though he's been gifted with a blend of Tetronian prowess and something entirely new." Contemplating the implications, the Tek-droid suggested, "Perhaps it's time to push the boundaries further and put his physique to the test. Who knows what other hidden potential lies within him, waiting to be unearthed?"

As the discussion unfolded, Mark's excitement got the better of him, triggering his super speed. In a blur of motion, he collided with several Tek-droids, effortlessly shattering them upon impact. "Sorry!" Mark exclaimed, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as Tetra shook her head, a mix of amusement and exasperation evident in her expression. It was clear that Mark's newfound abilities would require some getting used to, and perhaps a touch of restraint.

Shortly after Mark's accidental collision with the Tek-droids, OLX, a familiar face, entered the headquarters, greeted by Tetra with warm pleasantries. "What a surprise to see you here, Tetra. It's not often you grace us with your presence," OLX remarked, his surprise evident as his gaze fell upon Tetra. Spotting Mark among the commotion, OLX was taken aback, but Mark's excitement couldn't be contained as he rushed forward, embracing OLX with genuine enthusiasm. The unexpected reunion filled the room with a sense of camaraderie and anticipation for what lay ahead.

OLX's keen observation didn't go unnoticed as he took in the resemblance between Mark and Tetra. With a subtle nod from Tetra confirming the connection, OLX couldn't help but remark, "He's got your eyes, Tetra." His gaze shifted back to Mark, a hint of admiration in his tone. "I bet he's as strong as you are," OLX added, acknowledging the potential that lay within Mark, a testament to the legacy of strength and determination passed down from mother to son.

Intrigued by OLX's impressive display of super speed tricks, Mark couldn't help but be curious. "Why are you faster than my mom, and are there other special abilities you could unlock with your speed?" he inquired eagerly.

In response, OLX showcased a series of mind-blowing feats, each more astounding than the last. He effortlessly conjured speed clones and mirages, demonstrated the ability to vibrate his hand through solid objects unharmed, and even showcased his prowess in manipulating electrical charges to deactivate and reactivate a Tek-droid at will.

But it was OLX's final demonstration that truly left Mark in awe. Vibrating so fast that he became invisible and intangible to everyone except Mark, he revealed a level of connection and understanding that surpassed anything he had experienced before. Stunned by Mark's unique gift, OLX couldn't help but feel a profound sense of kinship with him, recognizing in him a potential that transcended mere speed.

As the minutes passed, the Guardians of Earth returned from their mission, their uniforms adorned with traces of battle and their expressions a mix of weariness and determination. Among them, Teknight's absence was notable, his presence awaited. Sensing the opportune moment, Tetra took the initiative to introduce her son to the team. The atmosphere crackled with curiosity and anticipation as the Guardians, caught off guard by Tetra's revelation, greeted Mark with warmth and enthusiasm. It was a moment of camaraderie and discovery, as they welcomed Tetra's son into the fold, eager to learn more about the young man who held such promise.

Mark's gaze fixed on Teknight as the hero's arrival commanded attention. Brimming with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, Mark approached Teknight, his words stumbling out in a rush. Before he could properly introduce himself, Teknight's authoritative voice cut through the air, halting Mark in his tracks.

"Mm.. Sir. Mr.," Mark began, his voice laced with nervous energy. But Teknight, ever perceptive, preempted Mark's introduction with a revelation of his own, stunning the young man into silence.

"You're Mark. Son of Tetra and Tony McCoy," Teknight stated, his voice carrying weight and authority. Mark's eyes widened in astonishment as Teknight continued, his words unveiling a truth that Mark had yet to fully comprehend.

"You're a hybrid. Half human, half Tetronian," Teknight declared, his tone serious yet compelling. The realization washed over Mark as he absorbed the revelation, his identity suddenly shifting into focus under Teknight's penetrating gaze.

Meeting Teknight face to face, Mark's excitement bubbled over, his eagerness palpable as he anticipated what lay ahead. Teknight wasted no time, instructing one of his Tekdroids to prepare the training room for Mark's assessment, a chance to put his unique abilities to the test.

Just as the preparations began, Tetra arrived, her presence commanding attention. Catching sight of Mark and Teknight together, she addressed Teknight with a soft yet meaningful utterance.

"Owen," Tetra said, her voice carrying a depth of emotion as she locked eyes with Teknight.

"Tetra," Teknight responded in kind, his voice equally soft but carrying a weight of its own as he returned Tetra's gaze.

Caught off guard by the sudden exchange, Mark interjected with a random question, his curiosity piqued. "Who's Owen?"

Before any answer could be given, a Tekdroid intervened, informing Teknight that the training room was ready, diverting the attention away from the momentary tension between Tetra and Teknight.

With a nod from Teknight, Mark stepped into the training room, his anticipation mounting as he prepared for the test of his unique strength. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Mark couldn't help but question the necessity of such a rigorous assessment.

But Teknight remained silent, his focus unwavering as he activated the machine. Without warning, a weight of ten tons descended from above, hurtling toward Mark. In that split second, realization dawned on Mark as he braced himself for the challenge ahead.

With a surge of determination, Mark reacted instinctively, his muscles straining against the weight as he struggled to catch it. At first, the load seemed overwhelming, testing his limits. But with sheer grit and perseverance, Mark refused to yield, pushing back against the force until finally, he managed to jam the weight in its tracks.

Breathless and exhilarated, Mark stood victorious, the echoes of his accomplishment reverberating through the training room. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to his untapped potential and the resilience that lay within him.

Tetra's anger flared as she realized the true magnitude of the weight Teknight had activated—a staggering two hundred quintillion tons, far beyond what Mark was prepared to handle. She confronted Teknight, her voice tinged with fury and concern, accusing him of recklessness and endangering Mark's life.

Teknight met Tetra's gaze with unwavering confidence, his demeanor calm yet resolute. He countered her accusations, asserting that Mark was indeed ready for the challenge. Pointing out the undeniable evidence, he reminded Tetra of the moment Mark caught the weight, how it instantly jammed from the inside out under Mark's strength, a feat that spoke volumes about his capabilities.

In Teknight's eyes, there was no doubt—Mark had not only demonstrated his ability to handle the immense weight but had done so with effortless ease, a testament to his untapped potential and the resilience that lay within him.

Teknight's words cut through the tension, his insight piercing through Tetra's defenses. "You and I both know that's not the problem, Tetra," he began, his tone steady but firm. "Your greatest fear is not of his inadequacy, but of his potential to surpass you in the heroic world."

He continued, addressing Tetra's underlying concerns head-on. "You worry that the world is too dangerous for him, but I assure you, he possesses the strength and resilience to handle whatever comes his way. I see great potential in that kid," Teknight affirmed, his belief in Mark's abilities unwavering.

Tetra's expression remained calm, though a flicker of concern passed through her eyes as she issued a stern warning to Teknight, cautioning him against repeating such a dangerous stunt in the future.

Meanwhile, the other heroes watched in silence, bearing witness to the exchange between the two formidable figures. As the tension eased, Tetra's voice echoed through the training room, calling out to Mark through the mic, signaling their departure and drawing his attention back to the present moment.

Returning home, Mark couldn't shake the concern etched on his mother's face. Sensing her unease, he gently inquired if something was wrong, his own worry reflecting in his voice.

Tetra mustered a reassuring smile, though the facade was thin, a feeble attempt to shield her son from her own apprehensions.

As Mark retreated to his room, the weight of the day's events still lingering, Tetra followed shortly after. With a sigh, she settled beside him, her determination shining through the facade of calm.

"I've decided to train you personally," Tetra announced, her voice carrying a blend of resolve and tenderness. "I want to ensure that you're ready to face whatever lies ahead."

In that moment, Mark understood the depth of his mother's concern and the unwavering support she offered. With a nod of gratitude, he embraced the opportunity, ready to embark on this new journey under Tetra's guidance.

The next day dawned with a renewed sense of purpose. As the sun rose over the horizon, casting golden hues across the landscape, in the open field, under the vast expanse of the sky, Tetra and Mark stood ready for the next phase of his training. Mark took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead, as his mother issued her instructions.

"Try to punch me as hard as you can," Tetra instructed, her voice firm yet encouraging.

But Mark hesitated, his concern for his mother's well-being evident in his reluctance. "But Mom, what if I hurt you?" he protested, his reluctance to harm her clear in his words.

Tetra couldn't help but smirk at her son's protective instinct, a flicker of pride shining in her eyes. With a knowing glint, she rephrased her instructions, her tone firm as she clarified her expectations.

"Mark, I need you to focus. Try to land a punch on me if you can," Tetra reiterated, her confidence in his abilities unwavering. It was a lesson not just in physical combat, but in trust and determination, as mother and son embarked on this journey together.

"Well, mom, if you put it that way, it's fair enough," Mark conceded, determination burning in his eyes as he charged towards Tetra with a striking blow. To his surprise, his mother effortlessly evaded his attack, swiftly countering with a move that sent him sprawling to the ground with a grunt.

As Tetra approached him, concern etched into her features, Mark shook off the impact, insisting that he wasn't hurt and urging her to continue. But Tetra had other plans. Instead of launching another attack, she chose to focus on evasion, gracefully sidestepping each of her son's subsequent strikes with ease.

With each movement, Tetra demonstrated not just her physical prowess, but her tactical acumen and unwavering control. It was a lesson in humility and strategy, a reminder that true strength lay not just in force, but in agility, precision, and adaptability. And as Mark rose to his feet, he understood that his journey to mastery had only just begun, with his mother by his side every step of the way.

As Mark charged forward once more, his determination fueling his every move, Tetra continued to evade his attacks effortlessly, her movements fluid and precise. Despite his best efforts, Mark found himself unable to land a single blow on his mother, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

Tetra, ever the vigilant teacher, cautioned Mark to exercise patience and foresight in his approach to combat. "Think things through before you attack, Mark," she advised, her voice calm yet commanding. "Always fight with precision, and expect the unexpected from every angle."

Taking heed of his mother's words, Mark stepped back for a moment, allowing her wisdom to sink in. And then, with a newfound sense of focus, he launched himself forward with incredible speed, aiming a punch directly at Tetra's face.

But just as Mark's fist was about to connect, Tetra's hand shot up with lightning-fast reflexes, catching his punch mere inches from her face. In that moment, mother and son stood locked in a silent exchange, a testament to the bond between them and the lessons learned in the heat of battle.

Impressed by her son's progress and determination, Tetra couldn't help but feel a swell of pride despite Mark's inability to land a punch on her yet. She recognized the spark of potential within him, the drive to push himself further, to reach new heights of skill and mastery.

But when Mark requested that she fight him like a true Tetronian would, Tetra hesitated. "I can't, Mark," she replied, her voice tinged with reluctance. "I won't fight you as a Tetronian would. You're my son, and I can't bring myself to treat you as anything less."

Yet Mark's pleading eyes and earnest words tugged at Tetra's heartstrings. He insisted that facing such a challenge would prepare him for whatever dangers lay ahead, that he needed to experience the full extent of his mother's abilities to grow stronger.

Listening to Mark's earnest plea, Tetra took a deep breath, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She knew the truth of what it meant to fight like a true Tetronian—swift, merciless, and deadly. Yet, she also couldn't bear the thought of inflicting harm upon her own flesh and blood.

"Tetronians are fast, Mark," Tetra began, her voice tinged with solemnity. "In battle, they do not hesitate to eliminate their opponents. If I were to fight you as a true Tetronian would, you would be struck down before you even had a chance to blink."

Despite the grim reality of her words, Mark remained resolute, his determination unwavering. He urged his mother to proceed, to test his abilities to their fullest extent.

But Tetra, her maternal instincts overriding her warrior instincts, couldn't bring herself to unleash her full might upon her son. With a heavy heart, she made a silent vow to hold back, to ensure that Mark remained unharmed even as they sparred.

And so, with each strike and parry, Tetra danced on the edge of restraint, her movements precise yet tempered, her love for her son shining through even in the heat of battle. For in that moment, protecting Mark was her utmost priority, even if it meant sacrificing the chance to truly fight like a Tetronian.

"Ready," Tetra declared, her voice a warning shot before the impending clash.

"Ready when you are, Mom," Mark responded, his determination steeling his resolve.

As Tetra charged forward with breathtaking speed, Mark braced himself for the impact, his senses heightened and his reflexes primed. But even with his readiness, he was taken aback by the sheer force of Tetra's strike, the power behind her punch nearly sending him flying in the opposite direction.

Before he could recover, Tetra swiftly seized him by the leg midair, her movements fluid and precise. With a deft maneuver, she slammed him to the ground with a resounding impact, the force reverberating through his body. Then, with a powerful toss, she sent him sprawling across the ground, the earth shaking beneath him as he skidded to a halt.

For a moment, Mark lay stunned, the weight of Tetra's attack pressing down on him. But even as he struggled to regain his bearings, a sense of determination burned within him. With gritted teeth and unwavering resolve, he pushed himself to his feet, ready to rise to the challenge once more.

As Tetra launched herself forward once more, intent on delivering another devastating blow, Mark's instincts kicked in. With lightning speed, he dodged her attack, his movements fluid and precise. Sensing an opening, he seized the opportunity and delivered a swift strike to his mother's face with his knee.

Caught off guard by Mark's unexpected counterattack, Tetra staggered backward, momentarily stunned. But in the blink of an eye, she regained her composure and retaliated with a fierce headbutt, her response swift and decisive.

The impact was jarring, causing Mark to reel backward, blood trickling from his nose. Stunned by the sudden turn of events, Tetra's heart clenched with regret as she witnessed the aftermath of her actions.

Realizing the extent of Mark's injury and the danger of continuing the fight, Tetra halted the battle, her voice firm yet tinged with remorse. Despite Mark's protests and insistence on continuing, Tetra remained steadfast in her decision.

"Mark, I'm sorry," Tetra apologized, her voice heavy with regret as she reached out to tend to his bleeding face. "I can't let this continue. I might hurt you further. I won't risk it."

As Mark's frustration and anger boiled over, his words charged with emotion, his eyes began to glow with an intensity that rivaled the brightness of a thousand burning stars. Tetra watched with growing concern as her son's powers surged out of control, the raw energy swirling around him like a tempest unleashed.

"Mark, calm down," Tetra urged, her voice tinged with urgency as she reached out to her son. But Mark's emotions were too turbulent, his powers too volatile to be contained.

In a moment of panic, Mark inadvertently unleashed the full force of his energy blast from his eyes, the searing light aimed directly at his mother. Tetra, her instincts kicking into overdrive, braced herself for the impact, her resolve steeling her against the onslaught.

With a resolute determination, Tetra summoned all her strength, shielding herself from the blast even as its force pushed her aside. As the energy continued to surge relentlessly, Tetra knew she had to act fast.

"Mark, you have to calm yourself!" Tetra shouted over the roar of the energy blast, her voice cutting through the chaos. "Focus, and ease your mind. You have the power to control this!"

But despite her pleas, Mark struggled to regain control, the energy blast still aimed squarely at his mother. With no other choice left, Tetra took matters into her own hands, summoning every ounce of her own power to counteract the blast and protect herself from harm.

With swift precision, Tetra maneuvered the energy blast, redirecting it away from harm before swiftly moving to intercept her son. With a firm grip, she covered Mark's face with her hand, channeling her own energy to shield him from the blast's full force.

Then, with a heavy heart and a sense of inevitability, Tetra slammed her son to the ground with a forceful impact, knocking him unconscious as the blast dissipated into a minor shockwave that rippled through the area. Tetra's clothes bore the marks of the blast, singed and tattered, but her skin remained unharmed, a testament to her resilience.

"Forgive me, son," Tetra whispered, her voice heavy with sorrow and regret as she looked down at her unconscious child. Gently, she cradled him in her arms, carrying him to safety and laying him down on the bed to rest and recover.

As Tetra watched over her son, her heart heavy with worry and remorse, she vowed to do whatever it took to protect him, even if it meant facing the consequences of her own actions. 

In a distant galaxy, amidst the conquest of yet another planet, the Tetronian leader, Tetramand, received devastating news. Reports of the destruction of their home world, planet Tetron, and the loss of their allies reached him like a thunderbolt, shattering the very foundation of their existence.

With unbridled rage coursing through his veins, Tetramand wasted no time as he surged toward the site of his planet's destruction at breakneck speed. The sheer force of his immense flight upon takeoff unleashed a devastating shockwave, obliterating the very world he had once conquered. As he soared through the debris-filled void, his heart weighed heavy with grief and disbelief, the enormity of the devastation gripping his soul with an iron grip. With each passing moment, his immense flight unleashed a torrential force, obliterating everything in its wake. As he arrived, he was met by the sight of his once-proud home world reduced to nothing more than a smoldering ruin, surrounded by the remnants of his shattered civilization.

Beside him, the surviving Tetronians gathered, their faces etched with sorrow and disbelief as they bore witness to the devastation that had befallen their world. Together, they stood in silent solidarity, united in their grief and determination to seek justice for the destruction wrought upon their home.

For Tetramand and his fellow Tetronians, the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties. But as they gazed upon the remnants of their shattered world, they vowed to rise from the ashes and rebuild, their resilience and determination serving as a beacon of hope in the darkness of despair.

As Tetramand confronted Mother Tetora, their hearts heavy with grief and rage, a cloud of uncertainty hung over them. Questions swirled through their minds, each one more haunting than the last. Who could have orchestrated such a heinous act? What force could have wielded such destructive power against their beloved planet?

Speculations ran rampant among the Tetronians, some whispering of a traitor within their midst, while others feared the return of an ancient enemy. But as they searched for survivors amidst the wreckage, their worst fears were confirmed by a dying Tetronian soldier.

With his last breath, the soldier revealed the unthinkable truth—that the destruction of their home world was not the work of an external threat, but of one of their own. Tetra, once revered as a hero among their people, had betrayed them, unleashing devastation upon her own kind.

Armed with this damning revelation, Tetramand's rage boiled over, he swiftly ended the suffering of the dying Tetronian soldier, his actions a grim testament to the depth of his fury. Turning to his mother, Mother Tetora, with a steely resolve, he shared a look of understanding, their shared grief and anger binding them in solidarity.

As With a sense of grim determination, Mother Tetora stepped forward, her voice ringing out with authority and hatred. Instructing the remaining Tetronians to prepare for war against Earth, she vowed retribution for the betrayal inflicted upon their kind.

"Now that my beloved sister Tetra has betrayed her own kind for the sake of Earth," Tetora declared, her voice laced with venom and authority, "Earth shall face the consequences of her actions."

With those chilling words, the fate of Earth was sealed as the Tetronians prepared to unleash their wrath upon the unsuspecting planet. The echoes of their determination reverberated through the cosmos, signaling the dawn of a new era of conflict and strife.

With a tender gesture, Mother Tetora turned to her son Tetramand, her touch gentle yet filled with an unspoken promise of power and conquest. Placing her hand upon his cheek, she gazed into his eyes with warmth and compassion, a mother's love mingled with the weight of destiny.

"Soon, my son," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of prophecy and ambition, "all will bow before the might of the king of the Tetronians."

In those words lay the seeds of a future forged in fire and blood, a vision of dominance and supremacy that would echo through the annals of history. And as Tetramand stood beside his mother, his heart filled with determination and purpose, he knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices. But with his mother's unwavering support and the promise of power at his side, he was ready to embrace his destiny as the ruler of the Tetronians, leading his people to glory and conquest.

Hello Readers! It's the author here. If you want to know more about the origin of the true Tetronians, please revisit my fun story titled "ULTRA AI" for more information. Thanks.

richard_rickcreators' thoughts