
The Genesis

The Big Bang

The Genesis of the Universe where it all began 13.8 billion years ago, the first gas cloud collected together and formed the first galaxy 10 billion years ago. The Sun formed 4.6 billion years ago, and the Earth came by about 4.5 billion years ago.

Compared to the 13.8 billion years of history of the Universe, China's proud 4000-year-old history only covers 0.0029% of that time period and a person who has lived only 21 years … 0.00000015%.

The vast multiverse where infinite possibilities existed was just as old as the Universe. But among the Infinite possibilities of the Multiverse,

"Why did I have to be the cliche white-haired handsome Gojo Satoru?"

A young man named Gojo Satoru sat on one of the rocks surrounding the Koi fishpond in his clan compound as he complained about his life.

"Why couldn't I have been born as a ugly guy, who could have NTR'd everyone." The youth had obviously been reading and watching too much "WTF did I just watch" hentai.

A fold of bandages covered his blue eyes with clouds similar to his kimono which was also blue and had cloud-like patterns.

It had been four-years since he had come to this world. He knew nothing about how, why, when, and what caused his reincarnation but there was one thing that was clear to him.

Reincarnation was bullshit.

It was 1993 and not many exciting things were happening. Life was boring as hell and Pokemon won't even start until 1996.

There is no Playstation. No twitter to spread misinformation. The pixelation of the phones sent him into severe depression which resulted in hospitalization and even further isolation.

In the story of Jujutsu Kaisen it was said that Gojo Satoru was isolated from the outside world and his childhood was strict and very controlled, hence he decided to become a teacher and always protected the students against the higher ups. Yuta and Yuji would be prime examples.

But still, no one would really know the feeling of being isolated from childhood. If staying in quarantine for 6 months with family is hell, even with all forms of entertainment then Gojo Satoru was living in a world below Hell.

No Entertainment because technology sucked and the traditionalists hated technology, no human interaction because all the servants were scared of him, and all he could do was eat, sleep, walk around and practice his rock-skipping skill. He one day aspired to skip a flat woman on the road using his extraordinary rock-skipping technique.

"I guess I will do math now." He knew his own future, which was Gojo Satoru's future and how overpowered he could become but for that he needed a Phd in Mathematics.

Limitless; the innate technique of the Gojo clan that controls the space-time around the user using mathematical calculations and cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level.

Everyone in the Gojo clan has this technique but only those with the Rikugan(Six Eyes); the ocular power of the Gojo clan could use it.

And Gojo Satoru was the first person in more than 400 years to be born with these eyes. The last two were killed by Kenjaku but this time he opted to seal him rather than kill him since only one Six eyes user could exist at a time.

Toji, Kenjaku, Sukuna. Just thinking about all the trouble that would come in the future gave him a headache. Even now as he was sighing in depression, cursed spirits around the world began to grow stronger and Tengen had completely closed off his… no it's her now; her barrier.

All this trouble because he was born. Just like how Siddartha Gautam was born for greatness, so was he. Calling them the same existence might not be a mistake.

Today was supposed to be a boring day but something would soon elevate this boredom.

[Welcome to The Arena of Life.]

[Sugar Daddy has joined the server.]

Satoru stared at the blue screen with a blank expression before looking at the slight mistake on the paper caused by him getting startled. "... FUCK!". He was more concerned by the slight mark than a holographic screen floating in front of him.

[Sugar Daddy: FUCK!]

[Genderbent Wrestler: …]

[Simping Chef: …]

[Ice Queen: …]

[King of Knights: …]

[Genderbent Wrestler: Wow… First time seeing an entrance like that.]

[Simping Chef: Would've preferred if that word came out from a beautiful lady.]

[Ice Queen: Why does everyone here have to be such a brute? Can't they at least learn a bit of manners.]

[King of Knights: …]

[Sugar Daddy: You're the one who lacks manners! Who disturbs a man when he is doing math, huh? Who is the rude one here?]

[Ice Queen: Y-you!... Hump! I have no time to argue with a barbarian like you.]

[Sugar Daddy: And I don't give a fuck about a Tsundere airport.]

[Ice Queen: Y-You!]

[Genderbent Wrestler: Alright both of you, shut it!]

[Sugar Daddy: ....]

[Ice Queen: …]

As if their mother had reprimanded them, both of the bickering individuals went silent.

[Genderbent Wrestler has created a lobby. Would you like to join?]


[Genderbent Wrestler: For now just come in. I will explain everything. You must be confused right? @Sugar Daddy.]

'Well, yes but actually no. The plot is so cliche, I can basically predict the future unlike some idiots.' Of course, he wouldn't say that in the chat.

[Sugar Daddy: Well, yes but actually no. The plot is so cliche, I can basically predict the future unlike some idiots.]

But the chat seemed to input the messages based on his voice and thoughts. It wasn't even the first chapter and he already felt as if he was already going to die.

[Ice Queen: … @King of Knights.]

[King of Knights: Yes, I shall assist you in your endeavors. Proper discipline is a necessary quality for a warrior and arrogance is a sin of its own.]

[Simping Chef has joined the lobby.]

[Ice Queen has joined the lobby.]

[King of Knights has joined the lobby.]

[Sugar Daddy has joined the lobby.]

The moment he pressed the imaginary [Accept] option, he felt his body being torn apart and condensed down to a single string and it didn't stop at that, his body continued to stretch to the point of becoming a single line. Something which would normally never exist.

The colors and vision of a kaleidoscope filled his eyes, and it didn't help that his blindfold had been taken off.

The information he received was abnormal and more than a person who would've received when traveling through such a process.




Inside of the lobby.

Five people were present.

One was a slim, muscular, long-legged man with blond hair which he kept brushed over one side of his face. His eyebrows formed a spiral with gray-blue eyes.

Another was a young woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun. She wore knight-like armor and seemed to carry an invisible sword in her hands.

A pale-skinned young woman with pale blue eyes and long white hair that is often pulled back into an off-center ponytail or braid on the right side and pinned with a silver, icicle-shaped tiara. A scar ran vertically down her left eye.

The woman next to her also had similar long hair that had been let free. She wore a shrine maiden dress that decently exposed her big knockers. Her verdant green eyes had the gentleness of an old sister.

The last one was a little boy who had just passed the age where he could talk clearly. He had messy white hair and bright sky-blue eyes with clouds in them. His eyes looked a bit dazed and dilated and he did not move a muscle.

"Yosh! Everyone is here. Now then let's welcome the intern… Huh? Intern?"

They all turned to the child who seemed to be in a daze, not moving a muscle.

"Hey! Hey! Are you serious!?"

"A child!?"

The blonde man and the white-haired ponytailed girl exclaimed as they looked at Satoru's figure.

"..." The blonde knight said nothing but clutched her sword a bit tightly. Afterall she knew of what was going to happen and the fact that the intern they had received was a child was not a pleasant thing in her mind.

Similar to the blonde knight, the white-haired woman didn't say anything and just put on a thoughtful expression. 'Who is he?' She was trying to find out the identity of the child in front of them until her eyes met his.

"!!!!" Without wasting a moment, she dashed towards his direction before delivering a blow to his chin, knocking him out cold.

"!?" The others were shocked seeing her actions, but they did not stop her. They had concluded that she may have done so for a reason, a good reason and decided to question her.

"This little one's name is Gojo Satoru. The strongest modern Jujutsu Sorcerer and it looks like he got a bit more than he could chew." She said with a sheepish smile.

"That's good and all but shouldn't you heal him first. His head is all wobbly." The blonde man said before lighting a cigarette and taking a puff.

"Oh! Right!" She grabbed his head before her mouth made a chewing motion. A red liquid dripped out of her mouth and then…


She kissed him and let her blood flow down his throat. If this was a seen between two adults it would've been considered romantic, like the scene from Snow White but between a adult and a child…

[Best Little Sister has joined the lobby.]

"Sorry, Onee-sama I was-" A lovely, beautiful girl with long black hair and a slender figure suddenly appeared in the lobby. She had a shy expression on her face as if she had just made a small mistake and was guilty for it, but her shyness was cut short as she saw her so-called big sister kissing a child.

"... Onee… sama…"


At the same time, Satoru woke up.

"*Gasp*… No one kissed me, right?"




A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a bit confusing, it was meant to be anyways. The next will be an explanation and the next few will be in the home world before he goes to another world.

Adios, Amigos.