
Tesla is back

An exciting journey to reach the lost truth. Will Ishaq Muhammad al-Nusayri be able to reach it? This is what we will know soon because the new Tesla has returned.

Ziad_Saber_9806 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6

After Isaac entered the ventilation shaft leading outside the headquarters, Rodgers called him and said to him: Dude, where are you!? Isaac said to him: "Meet me at the exit of the headquarters, Rod, quickly. I think they found out about us, and this is the reason for their attack and deployment." Rodgers said to him: Okay, buddy, see you there. As Isaac was exiting the ventilation shaft, he found the opening leading to the exit closed with a fan. In order to get out, he had to break that fan. He tried to break it with his legs, but failed. He continued this for about half an hour, but suddenly he found someone opening the suddenly closed air vent, and when that person opened it, Isaac was surprised that this person was Max Foster, the man who gave Isaac the ID cards and the FBI uniform. Isaac said in surprise: Who! Max! Max said to him: Did you think I was a traitor for involving you and Rodgers in this impossible mission? Rodgers is waiting for you and me outside. Come quickly before anyone notices what's happening. Isaac and Max had already gone outside and found Rodgers waiting for them. He said to them: Why all this delay, guys? We're not having a picnic here. Isaac said to him: Don't blame us, Mr. Jackie Chan. We were practicing how to fix the ventilation hole when needed. Then they all left the FBI office, and Rodgers said to Isaac: What did you do? Did you get charts? Isaac said to him: "Unfortunately, the guards suddenly entered and I discovered this, so I photographed what came in front of me and ran quickly, but fortunately for me, what I photographed is what I needed. Do you see this drawing? It is an illustration drawn by Tesla of a deadly weapon capable of annihilating anything in sight." His method is called the death ray: This weapon, which Tesla said about in his memoirs, is capable of protecting any country from wars or sudden occupation that it may one day be exposed to. Rodgers said to him: What are you going to do now, buddy? Then Isaac said to him: Let's go to the desert of the Empty Quarter. So he said Rodgers told him: What the hell are we going to do there? Are we going to play in the sand in the middle of the hot sun? And Isaac said to him: Because it is the right place to conduct experiments, and there is my secret laboratory, and I agreed with some of the Bedouins there to conduct these experiments with their permission, and they agreed, so we will rest today, and tomorrow. We have an arduous journey ahead of us in order to make history, which Tesla almost made if it were not for the obstacles he faced, the most important of which was the deceitful and greedy Thomas Edison. It seems that the achievement has only just begun through this crazy journey undertaken by Isaac and his companions, and what is coming is full of scientific excitement.