
Terror Strikes

Year, 2032. After several terror attacks across the Germany and several investigations taking place, detectives are placed all across the country. With the recent one taking place, a detective lacking support is deployed to investigate the situation. Who is doing these heinous acts and will they be stopped?

17rapidz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1: "Sirens"

Introduction: Year, 2032. After several terror attacks across the Germany and several investigations taking place, detectives are placed all across the country. With the recent one taking place, a detective lacking support is deployed to investigate the situation. 

"Deutsch Automated Bahn. Traveling from Hamburg to Munich, always on time." The automated sound would occur in the station that they stopped in.

"Finally, nearly there." He'd say.

He'd scoff.

"Not fast for those autobahn speeds.." He'd think.

"Deutsch Automated Bahn, approaching Cologne in 15 minutes." The automated sound would occur on the train.

He'd look down to his pocket, which was ringing.

He'd now pick his phone out to take the call.

"Detective Volkar Ekkermund, you've been moving towards the City of Cologne. Am I correct?"

"Yes, Detective Inspector." Volkar would reply.

"Continue to Cologne, you will meet with some other police officers to assist you with knowledge of this trip. However, you will not be assisted by any detectives in this mission as we are already lacking with detectives after what has happened in Berlin and Munich." 

"Understood." Volkar would respond.

He would push his phone into his pocket.

"From the people, to the people. Verdanke." The automated sound would play from the inside of the train. He'd exit out of the gray, gloomy doors onto the monotone train station. Volkar would look to both sides before deciding to move to the police station nearby. There he would meet with the two police officers that he was informed of. He'd enter the room with his white tie with a blue shirt and black pants. He walked towards the receptionist to discuss the two police officers he was meant to meet with. 

"Ah, Detective Volkar. You are to meet Lenz Schneider and Freya Bauer." The receptionist would speak.

"Thanks." He'd answer in a polite tone, smiling when saying it.

"Go upstairs, then down on your left the far left officer is where you need to go." The receptionist would direct him.

"Okay." He'd respond.

Volkar would then go to the stairs, moving upwards then to the office that he was told to go to.

Volkar would meet with the two officers.

"I'm Detective Volkar Ekkermund." Volkar would say when entering the room.

He stuck out his hand for a handshake between the both of the two officers.

"I'm Freya Bauer." The female police officer would say.

"And, I'm Lenz Schneider." The male police officer would add onto.

"So, I've been called here to talk about the irregular and suspicious activities here in Cologne that have made citizens feel vulnerable."

"Yes, very much so." Freya would respond to the Detective's question.

"People throughout several cities are feeling nervous and vulnerable, however it seems like we have something on our case. This is a dangerous person who cannot be given no chances. I've interacted before with him. One slip up, and he's gone. Vanished. You won't find him unless you set traps, and even then…he's not that gullible. You would know of the recent Berlin and Munich terror attacks that occurred only . In April, 20th 2032 there was an immense loss of lives because of these attacks." Lenz would say.

"We don't even know, are they some organization? I doubt someone could do this all alone..I mean staging one is remarkably a sign of high intelligence but all of these? It's just too out of the box for me. Reasoning could point to a singular person or a group of followers. Narrowing down our group or person should be our first priority. After that, we will discuss our plan of action, while we do that we must make sure data is properly analysed of victims." Volkar would object to Lenz's point.

"Let's make sure we can first assess the scene. And hear the reports of bystanders.." Freya would say.